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Sunday 11 February 2024




         (ARMY WING) SENIOR WING Max. Marks:375



    DRILL (30 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks:- (20 Marks)

i) Aim of the drill is to including sence of discipline and improve  bearing  

ii) Line  tor means temp break in the parade.

iii) The length of pace in slow march is 70

iv) President of India and governor are authorized to take Rashtriya Salute

v) “Squardtham”   is  given when Right foot  passes the left.

VI) The angle between your feet when you stand in savdhan position is 30 Degree.

VII) In khule line chal distance between forward file and rear file is 03steps.

VIII) Distance between heel to heel in vishram position will be 12”

IX) Proper execution of any command depends on the Toneand Pitchof voice.

X) In sizing and forming the tallest cadet stands at the Extreme Right.

2. TRUE or FALSE (5Marks)

(a) (a) Word of Command ‘Line Tor’ ‘ means end of Parade (False)

(b). The Samne Salute is completed in three motion (True )

 (c). In Khuli line chal you take one and a half step forward (True)

(d). Rastriya Salute is given to all other VIPs (False)

(e). In Arms drill while marching the rifle should be in ‘Bagalshastra’ position ( True )

3.While marching on which foot the following wordsof command are given? (05 Marks)

(a). Tham - When the left foot reaches the ground 

(b). Baye Mur - When the right foot reachers the ground 

(c). Dahinemur - When the left foot reaches the ground 

(d). Pichemur - When the left foot reches the ground 

(e). DahineDhek - When the left foorreches the ground 


3. Fill in the blanks:-                         (5MARKS)

  1. The assembling of the rifle is always done in the  reverse order   

  2. The efficiency of rifle  depend on twofactors   

  3. No  Charger is provided for deluxe rifle.

  4. Only    .22 ammunition will be used on miniature  ranges.

  5. The central point of impact is the Mean point of impact of the group.  

 4. State True (T) or False(F):  (20MARKS)

  1. The sitting position is the most comfortable position for firing           (F)

  2. For correct position the rifle, right leg and target must be in one line  (F)

  3. In group firing all the bullets pass through the same hole (F)

  4. While making the correct position two triangle are formed (T)

  5. 1x1 target is used for grouping firing (T)

  6. Only .22 ammunition will be used on miniature range (T)

  7. The size of the group decreases with increase in the range (F)

  8. No charger is provided for deluxe .22 rifles   (T)

  9. 7.62 MM SLR is the basic weapon of an infranty soldier   (T)

  10. The capacity of 7.62 MM SLR magazine is 20 rounds.   (T)

5 Write any 10 parts of 7.62 MM SLR? (10Marks)

Ans :-1.Flash hider 2. Body cover 3.Firing pin 4. Hammer 5.Safty sear  

6.Piston7. Bridge block  8. Piston Head  9.Trigger  10. Gas plug .

PART III  NCC          (05Marks)

6. Fill in the blanks:- (3Marks)

a) The National cadets Corps (NCC ) has its genisis in the University Corps

b) In which year was the existing tricolour flag introduced  1954

c) The Motto of NCC UNITY &DISCIPLINE adopted in the year on 23 Dec 1957

7. Expand of the following and mention location of it:- (5Marks)

1.WTLO - Whole Time Lady Officer 

2. ANO   - Associate Ncc Officer


08 Fill in the blanks: (20Marks)

  1. The capital of Madhya Pradesh is Bhopal

  2. The number of union territories of india is seven.

c.        The famous dance of Punjab is Bhangra.

dMinister of Information and Broad casting M Venkaiah Naidu

eThe Qutubminar is built by Qutub Din Aibak

fGovernor of  RBI  Urjith Patel

gVedhvyas wrote the Mahabharatha.

hDiscovery of India is written by Nehru.

I           SardarVallahBhai Patel wa called the iron man India. 

J           Name the first capital of Andhra Pradesh Kurnool


a. Dal lake         - Assam (b)

b. Rhino - New Delhi (d)

c. HouraMahal - Jaipur (c)

d. Indian Gate - Mumbai (e)

e. Gate way of India - Sri Nagar (a)

10. Write the names of Countries whose boundaries touch India?(5Marks)

China , Pakistan , Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal , Afganistan , Burma , Srilanka. 


11. Fill in the blanks: (10Marks)

(a) Discipline welds together for other qualities of courage, endurance, alertness and commandership.

(b) To obey Goods order as delivered of independence of the country is Duty.

(c) Patriotism means preservation of independence of the country.

(d) Leaders task is to motivate subordinate for better performance.

(e) By birth person born in India are Indian citizen.

12. True (T) or False (F):- (20Marks)

(a) Courage is a physical state (F)

(b) A Citizen should have a low quality (F)

(c) Discipline teaches self-control and correct behaviour at all times (T)

(d) By birth person born in India are Indian Citizen (T)

(e Integrity is the quality of being impartial (F)

(f) Discipline teachsself control and correct behaviour at all times (T)

(g)      To obey gods order as delivered by rightful authority is duty       (F)

(h) A citizen should have a high characte   (T)

(i)        A partial citizen owes no allegiance to the state & has no political right   (F)

(j)        To obey gods order as delivered by conscience is discipline    (F)

13. What are the duties of good citizen? (10Marks)

(a) Loyality (b) Patriotism (c) Service before self

(d) Sense of duty (e) Good Character

(f) Care and protection of Govt property.

14. What are the qualities of a good leader? (10Marks)

Ans :

(a). Alertness( b). Bearing (c).  Courage (d).Decisiveness

(e).Dependability (f). Endurance (g) Enthusiasm

(h) Integrity (j) Initiative (k) Justice (l) Knowledge

(m) Loyalty (n) Senses of Humor (o) Tact fulness    (p) Unselfishness .

15. What are the various styles of the leadership? (15Marks)

Ans :- (a) Auto cratic (b) Democratic (c) Laissez Faire .  


16.Fill in the blanks:- (10Marks)

(a) Fire is a flame of Combustion.

(b) Starvation means Choking

(c) Conduction is the transfer of heat by the intermediating material.

(d) Smothering means removal of fuel from fire.

(e) A rescue party will consist of eight persons.

17.Match the following: (05Marks)

  1. Head Quarter service-     Link between the public & authority(b)

  2. Warden service       -          responsible for communication (e)

(c)Fire fighting service - works under controller of CD (a)

(d)Casuality service - Detect small fires and put out (c)

(e)Communication service -   Rendering first aid on the spot (d)

18.Name any five essential services? (05Marks)

Ans : (a) Postal. Telegraphs  services  (b)  Railways  road and sea services. (c) Medical services (d) Prevision of work .electricity services (e) Production and supply (f) Communication.


19.State True (T) or False(F)     (10 Marks)

(a) School should also educate the villagers on moral values, hygiene, first aid, family planning etc (T)

(b) Dowry system is one of the social problem facing  by India (T)

(c) Aim of tree plantation is each one teach one. (F)

(d) NGO means National Green Merchants Org (F)

(e) Nehru had rightly said that develop village and under privileged

people and country will be developed automatically (F)

20. Match the following: (10Marks)

  1. All member of a group - deforestation (b)

  2. Cutting down trees - community     (a)

  3. Place where organic matter used to garbage - literacy            (d)

  4. An important tool for communication - compost pit     (c)

  5. Public awareness drive - Street plays    (e)

21. What are the basic social problem in our country? (5Marks)

Ans  (a) Social Inequality (b) Caste system (c) Inequality between men and women (d) Illiteracy     and ignorance (e) Communalism .     

22. What is social inter dependence? (5Marks)

Ans :- Social inter dependence means that every members of the society depends on other members for the fulfillment of their needs and necessities.  


23.TRUE AND FALSE (10Marks)

(a). The long bone is ulna (F)

(b). 9-10 hrs sleep is a must to maintain good health (F)

(c). Harm sling bandage does not give  support to the broken bone    (F)

(d). Water to be sprinkled on burn injury immediately (T)

(e). The chemical method of sterilising water is to add nicotin to the water (F)

24.Fill in the blanks:- (10 Marks)

(a) Aorta is the biggest artery.

(b) Jaw bone is and irregular bone

(c) Lungs are respiratory organs

(d) Hemorrage means bleeding

(e) Bones of the body gives shape and firmness to the body..

(f) The largest bone is the Femur.

(g) A group of organs performing similar functions forms the Structure.

(h) Sleep means the periodical rest of body and mind.

(j) A process of breathing in and breathing out of air is called as    Respiration.

(k) The diet which controls all components of food in proper proportion Balance diet.

25.How are communicable diseases classified? (5Marks)

(a) . Excremental diseases 

(b). Droplet infection 

(c). Contact diseases 

(d). Insect borne diseases 

(e) Water borne diseases

(f). Animal borne diseases     


26 What is the aim of adventure training? (5Marks)

Ans  (a) To develop special qualities of courage’s among the cadets  (b)  Develop leadership qualities (c)   Develop and the spirit adventure sports shep among the cadets (d) Develop sprit of comradeship team work confidential among the cadets  (e)  make a cadets confidential and discipline physically  and mently  strong .  

27. Write any two adventure activities under the following heads? (2Marks)

Ans a.  (Land based) Mountaineering, Treking.Cycleing, rock climbing

b.  (Air based) Para sailing para Jumping,  Slithering    

c.. Water based ; Sailing Kicking Scuba drying, Surfing .   

Environment  Awareness and Conservation  (10 Marks)


  1. The term ecology is desired from greek word ‘oikos’ meaning home.

  2. Biosphere is that part of the earth which is inhabited by  living organism.

  3. Four millions of years the earth was merely a barren planet without any lifeon it.

  4. Corbett nation park located in  Uttarakhand

  5. Kaziranga National Park located in Assam

  6. Gir National Park located in  Gujarat

  7.   The surroundings in which a life exists is termed as an  Environment.

  8.   The moving air from its area of higher pressure to that of low pressure is called  Wind

  9.  The main source of energy is  Sun.

  10.  Earthis the only planet having life.

Obstacle Training (5Marks)

Write Down the Benefits of Obstacle Course?

  1. Ensure Physical Fitness.

  2. Ensures agility.

  3. Ensures mental Robustness.

  4. Improve Risk taking ability.

  5. Evaluating Problem Solving Skills.

  6. Overall Team Spirit.


(ARMED FORCES)  - 20 Marks

1.Fill in the blanks (5 Marks)

  1. Head quarters of central  command is Lucknow

  2. The Army Head Quarters is located in  New Delhi.

  3. Indian Naval Academy is located at  Kochin

  4. Chief of  Army ____________________

  5. General  in Army is equivalent to Air Chief Marshal  in Air Force.

2.Expand  the following? (10Marks)

(a). AEC - Army Education corps.

. (b) RVC - Remount and Veterinary Corps.

(c). AMC - Army Medical Corps.

(d). EME - Electical  and Mechanical Engineers.

(e). AOC - Army Ordinance Corps.

3.Give equivalent commissioned ranks in Armed Forces.


  1. General Admiral Air Chief Marshal

  2. Brigadier Commodore Air Commodore

  3. Colonel Captain Group Captain

iv) Major Lt. Commander Squadron Leader

MAP READING (25 Marks)


(a). 1 inch on the map represent 1 mile on the ground.

(b). The difference between true North & Magnetic North is magnetic variation.

(c). Knoll is an isolated hill.

(d).   Bearing is always measured clockwise.

(e) Back bearing is the bearing taken from the observation point back on to the original position.

(f). The size between successive contour lives is known as vertical interval.

(g). A map is covered with a network of purple lines these lines are known as “ grid lines”.

(h). Gradientis the slope of a hill expressed as a fraction.

(i). The angular difference between grid and true north is called the “Angle of    convergenceor the grid convergence.

(j)Official maps are prepared by Survey of India.

5. What are the uses of a compass? (5Marks)

(a)To take the bearing of an object.

(b)To find the North and set the map.

(c)To find own position on the map.

(d)To march on a particular bearing to reach a fixed point.


6. FILL IN THE BLANKS (10 Marks)

  1. Visual training includes observation and Concealment.

  2. Camouflageis the art of making use of article aids to achieve Concealment.

  3. Unit of measure chosen under Unit of Measure method is 100 Yards.

  4. There are two ambush namely opportunity and Deliberate.

  5. FC means Field Craft

  6. The light is bed, distance are over- estimated.

  7. Bracketing is a method of  Judging distance

  8. Scoutsare the eyes and ears of the section.

  9. Judging distance at night will depend upon the visibility 

  10. A Land mark can be used as a reference point.

I. Write the Sequences to indicate the target? (5Marks) 

 G – Group

R – Range

A – Aid

D – Description

  1. What are the types of Judging Distance? (5Marks)

  1. Appearance Method 

  2. Section Average Method

  3. Key Range Method

  4. Bracketing Method

  5. Halving

  6. Unit of Measure Method

Write any five types of section formation in an ibfrantry battalion? (5Marks)

Ans. (a) Single fire formation (b) Fire formation (c) Diamond head formation

(d) Arrow head formation (e) Speiror head formation (f) Extended line formation

Introduction to Infantry Weapons & Equipment (15 Marks)

Fill in the Blanks (10 Marks)

  1. Killing Area of  GrenadeNo 36 HE  8m(9Yards).

  2. 84mm RL stands for 84mmRocket Launcher Carl Gustav.

  3. Rifleis the Basic weapon of an Infantry Soldier.

  4.  7.62mm AK Rifle full length 870mm

  5. Weigt of 7.62mmSLR with Rifle only 4.4kg

Write down the materials use for cleaning the 7.62 mm SLR? (5Marks)

  1. Pull Through

  2. Oil Bottle 

  3. Combimnation Tool

  4. Gas Regulator/ Key Screw Driver 

  5. Cylinder /Chamber Cleaning Brush

  6. Rifle cleaning Brush


13. FILL IN THE BLANKS:- (5Marks)

(a). ChatarPatishivaji was born on 1627 

(b). In the Battle of Kashmir, India fought against Pakistan.

(c). Humayun was the son of Babar

(d). Jiyabai was the mother of Shivaji.

(e). First World War was in 1914-1918

I. Match the following :- (5Marks)

a) MangalPandey - Jhansi d

b) Tantya Tope - Delhi c

c) Akbar - Indian Army e

d) Lakshmi Bai - Meerut a

e) Field Marshal Manekshaw - Maharashtra b

14. TRUE OR FALSE:- (5Marks)

(a). First Emperor of Mughal dynasty Akbar the great (F)

(b). Third battle of Panipat was fought in the year 1761 (T)

(c). Birbal was Akbar’s Chief advisor (F)

(d). Battle of PAnipat (I) was fought in 1526 (T)

(e). First Chief of the Army Staff fen KM Kariappa (F).


Q9. Fill in the blanks :- 

  1. The invention of telephone byGraham bell revolutionized  the world of communication as individual were able to speak directly to each other .

b.  Marconiinvented  the wireless and discovered that sound could be transmitted by sound waves through space.The  oldestfrom of expression was the Sign language 

c.  Voice  is a very powerful means of communication.

d Communication can be done by transmission and by use ofDigital Technology 

Q10   Mention the various forms of communication? (10Marks)

(a) Sign Language   

(b)  Voice 

(c)  Written Script 

(d)  Radio Waves

(e)  Space waves 

(f)  Highly complex digital communication .

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