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Wednesday 7 February 2024

Question paper- C certificate exam- 2023


Question paper- C certificate exam- 2023


WEAPON TRG (10 Marks)

Q-4. Fill in the Blanks (05 Marks)

(a) The types of fires fired in short and long ranges are and .

(b) is caused on pressing the trigger when the bolt lever is not 

fully down or when the safety catch is not fully forward.

(c) MPI means

(d) Charger is used for filling rounds in the

(e) A is displayed by the butt party indicates no firing to take place

Q-5. What are the golden rules for Good Firing? (03 Marks)

Q-6. What do you understand by ‘Sight Picture’? (02 Marks)



Q-7. State True or False 1X5= (5)

(a) An individual’s personality is the mixture of his mental characteristics. [T/F]

(b) Dictatorship is also a type of Leadership. [T/F]

(c) Sense of Humor is not an important leadership trait. [T/F]

(d) Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is like for another person. [T/F]

(e) Socializing affects Time Management. [T/F]

Q-8. Fill in the blanks 1X5= (5)

(a) The amount of closeness between two individuals in a relationship refers to ______________________.

  1. Communicating using a language in writing and speech is known as _____________ skill.

  2. Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve common objectives is called _________.

(d) There are ________ types of motivation.

(e) Right to _____________ has been given to Indian citizens through Articles 14 to 18 of Indian Constitution.

Q-9. What are the ways of communication based on traffic flow? (02 Marks)

Q-10. Write down the three styles of communication? (02 Marks)

Q-11. Give two examples of cultural skill. (02 Marks)

Q-12. What is sports skill? (02 Marks)

Q-13. Define Self Realization. (02 Marks)

Q-14. Write the duties of a good Citizen. (02 Marks)

Q-15. Define Values. (02 Marks)

Q-16. What is the advantage of time management? (02 Marks)

Q-17. List the factors encompassing creativity. (02 Marks)

Q-18. List any four traits of leadership. (04 Marks)

Q-19. Define Self Confidence. (03 Marks)

Q-20. Define personality. (03 Marks)

Q-21. Write a note on “Interview”. (03 Marks)

Q-22. Write any four objectives of NCC. (04 Marks)

Q-23. What is sense of humour? (03 Marks)

Q-24. What are the major time-wasters? (05 Marks)

Q-25. Write six types of Etiquettes. (06 Marks)

Q-26. What are the measures to develop personality? (05 Marks)

Q-27. What are the determinants of personality? (05 Marks)

Q-28. What are the different types of attitudes? (06 Marks)

LEADERSHIP   (10 Marks)

Q-29. Describe any two types of leadership Styles. (05 Marks)

Q-30. What is a team? Explain types of teams? (05 Marks)


Q-31. Fill in the blanks (05 Marks)

(a) _____________ controls Disaster Management at district level.

(b) Landslides is ________________ type of disaster.

(c) Richter magnitude scale is used to measure _________

(d) Cyclone Amphan struck West Bengal in the year ________

(e) There are _________ types of Disaster.

Q-32. What are the major effects of natural calamities? (03 Marks)

Q-33. What are the essential Services? (05 Marks)

Q-34. What NCC Cadets can do in disaster Management? (05 Marks)

Q-35. Write down the full form of NDRF. (02 Marks)


Q-36. Fill in the blanks. (03 Marks)

(a) ___________ helps someone to see the world again.

(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a _____________ reformer.

(c) Casteism fans ___________ amongst people.

Q-37. State True/False. (03 Marks)

(a) Girls literacy is unnecessary for the progress of the nation.

(b) Child labour is one among the major social problem.

(c) Blood donation is not a part of social work.

Q-38. What are the fundamental duties of an Indian as provided in Article 51A of the constitution? Give any five? (05 Marks)

Q-39. List the major problems prevailing in India. (05 Marks)

Q-40. The NCC Cadets can play a significant role in making people at rural areas 

Aware of the following national programs. List out them. (05 Marks)

Q-41. Social Service activities undertaken by NCC Cadets (05 Marks)

Q-42. What are the major social problems faced by our country? Mention any five?

(05 Marks)

Q-43. What are the four basic factors which are responsible for low literacy figure in India? (04 Marks)


Q-44. State True/False (6X1=6 Marks)

(a) Bleaching powder is used in water to kill germs (True/False)

(b) Malaria is a insect borne disease (True/False)

(c) Disease like Cholera, Typhoid are caused by evil spirits  (True/False)

(d) Cutting of hair and combing is not helpful in personal hygiene (True/False)

(e) Animal and plant waste can be made useful if converted into compost. (True/False)

(f) Good physical health is required for good mental health   (True/False)

Q-45. What are the preventive measures for communicable diseases?    (05 Marks)

Q-46. Name two disease caused by the following insects: - (05 Marks)

(a) Mosquito - (b) Lice -

(c) Flies - (d) Flea -

(e) Ticks -

Q-47. What are the Water borne diseases? How do they spread and how they can be prevented? (05 Marks)

Q-48. What are the methods of purification of water? (04 Marks)

Q-49. What are the elements of good health? (05 Marks)

Q-50. What are the causes of fracture? (05 Marks)


Q-51. Fill in the blanks (05 Marks)

(a) Gir Forest is in ____________ State.

(b) Sound pollution increases chances of ______ disability.

(c) Bhakra Dam is in ___________ State.

(d) Jim Corbett National Park is located in ________ state.

(e) World Environment Day is celebrated on ____________

Q-52. Name the factors which lead to de-forestation? (05 Marks)

Q-53. What are the importance of forests? (05 Marks)

Q-54. What is soil erosion? (05 Marks)


Q-55. Fill in the blanks: (03 Marks)

(a) In High wall obstacle training, height of wall is _______

(b) Length of Ramp is ______ ft long.

(c) The Zig zag structure is a wooden beam of _____ in length

Q-56. What are the benefits of Obstacle training? (05 Marks)

Q-57. Write any one advantage of Obstacle Training. (02 Marks)

Q-58. How many obstacles are used in TSC Competition? (05 Marks)


Q-59. Multiple Choice Question? (10 Marks)

(a) India signed agreement for procurement of 6 lakh AK-203 rifles from 

Which country?

[A] Israel [B] Russia

[C] France [D] USA

(b) Amrut Mahotsav, which was seen in the news recently, is the 

Celebration of which event?

[A] 125th birth anniversary of Netaji [B] 75th year of India’s Independence

[C] 50th year of 1971 War [D] 50th year of Kargil War

(c) In which among the following states/UT is located the Banihal Pass?

[A] Jammu & Kashmir [B] Himachal Pradesh

[C] Uttrakhand [D] Sikkim

(d) ‘Gram UJALA programme’ is the flagship schemes of which Union 


[A] Ministry of Rural Development [B] Ministry of Power

[C] Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

[D] Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

(e) Which Indian state hosts the famous ‘Khajuraho Dance Festival’?

[A] Odisha [B] West Bengal

[C] Madhya Pradesh [D] Chhattisgarh

(f) Bandipur National Park is located in which of the following states?

[A] Karnataka [B] Odisha

[C] Jharkhand [D] Tamil Nadu

(g) Which city was awarded ‘cleanest city’ in the ‘SwachhSurvekshan 

Wards for the fifth time’?

[A] Mysure [B] Chennai

[C] Cochin [D] Indore

(h) Which country won the T20 World Cup trophy in 2022?

[A] New Zealand [B] England

[C] South Africa [D] Australia

(i) Kushinagar, where Lord Buddha attained Mahaperinirvana after his 

` death, is located in which State/UT?

[A] Bihar [B] Madhya Pradesh

[C] Assam [D] Uttar Pradesh

(j) What is the name of India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC)?

[A] Arjun [B] Vikrant

[C] Kattabomman [D] Bharati

Q-60. Write five neighbouring countries of India (05 Marks)


Q-01. Fill in the blanks. (05 Marks)

(a) Name of Chief of the Army Staff is ________

(b) Headquarters of the Indian Army is situated at _______

(c) IMA is situated at __________

(d) Name of our Defence Minister is ___________

(e) Name of the Chief of Defence Staff is ________

Q-02. Expand the following: - (05 Marks)

(a) MVC : (b) PVC :

(c) AVSM : (d) PVSM :

(e) VSM :


Q-03. Fill in the blanks. (05 Marks)

(a) Bearings are always measured in ___________

(b) Official maps are prepared by ____________

(c) GPS means ________________

(d) The _______ is used for plotting and measuring bearings on the map.

(e) Blue colour on a map depicts _________ bodies.

Q-04. List any 10 parts of a Prismatic Compass? (05 Marks)

Q-05. Draw Symbols (05 Marks)

(a) Village

(b) Bridge

(c) Contour Line

(d) Temple

(e) Lined Well

Q-06. How do you calculate back bearing? (05 Marks)

Q-07. Define the following terms:-

(a) Defile ____________________

(b) Dead Ground ________________

(c) True North _________________

(d) Grid North __________________

(e) Grid Line __________________


Q-08. Fill in the blanks: - (04 Marks)

(a) A sec is org into Rifle & --------------- gps.

(b) ---------------- is adopted in open country.

(c) Right arm extended to full extent above head is a signal of -------------

(d) --------------- knot is used to join two ropes of equal thickness.

Q-09. What are the different Section Formations? (05 Marks)

Q-10. Why are Objects seen? (05 Marks)

Q-11. Write types3e of Fire Control orders? (05 Marks)

Q-12. Write down various methods of Judging Distance? (05 Marks)

Q-13. What is Patrolling and what are the types of Patrols? (05 Marks)


Q-14. State true or false: - (05 Marks)

(a) Range of 7.62 mm LMG is 1300m. (True/False)

(b) Cyclic rate of fire of 7.62 mm Med Machine Gun is 100 rds per min.


(c) 84mm Rocket Launcher fires 4 kinds of ammunition. (True/False)

(d) 84mm Rocket Launcher is a battalion support weapon.  (True/False)

(e) Cyclic rate of fire of INSAS Rif is 600 to 650 rounds per min.  


Q-15. What tools are required for cleaning a rifle? (05 Marks)

Q-16. Why is Red flag used in the firing Range? (05 Marks)


Q-17. Fill in the blanks. (05 Marks)

(a) The highest gallantry award during the war is ___________

(b) Army day is celebrated on ____________

(c) The first Indian Army Chief was ____________

(d) Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on ___________

(e) The highest gallantry award giving during peace is _________

Q-18. After Independence which are the major wars that were fought by India and with whom? (05 Marks)

Q-19. Given Names of any five Recipients of Param Vir Chakra? (05 Marks)

Q-20. Write a short note on Battle of Tololing. (05 Marks)


Q-21. What are the Principles of RT procedure? (03 Marks)

Q-22. What are the Methods of Communication? (02 Marks)

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