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Tuesday 6 February 2024




1. The study of diseases is called ___________. 

(a) Nephrology (b) Radiology 

(c) Pathology ( ) (d) Urology 

2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus causes the disease called ______. 

(a) AIDS ( ) (b) Viral Hepatitis 

(c) Dengue (d) Measles 

3. Night Blindness is caused due to deficiency of ___________. 

(a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin A (

(c) Calcium (d) Vitamin C 

4. Myocardial Infarction is commonly referred to as ____________. 

(a) Blood Cancer (b) Night Blindness 

(c) Chicken Pox (d) Heart Attack (

5. Which one of the following diseases is NOT infectious? 

(a) Malaria (b) Cancer (

(c) Tuberculosis (d) Common Cold 

6. Living organisms that can transmit pathogens from one host to another are called  __________. 

(a) Transponders (b) Travellers  

(c) Transmitters (d) Vectors (

7. ___________ is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that impairs motor  skills, cognitive processes, and other functions. 

(a) Down’s Syndrome (b) COVD-19 

(c) Parkinson’s Disease ( ) (d) Dyslexia 

8. Scurvy, rickets, beriberi and anemia are example of __________ diseases. (a) Hereditary (b) Hormonal 

(c) Infectious (d) Dietary Deficiency (

9. Neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the identification and treatment of diseases  associates with the _____________. 

(a) Respiratory System (b) Nervous System (

(c) Digestive System (d) Endocrine System 

10. The body part(s) that is affected by the disease Rickets is ___________. (a) Bones ( ) (b) Gums 

(c) Eye (d) Skin 

11. Anaemia is a disease caused by the deficiency of __________. 

(a) Iron ( ) (b) Protein 

(c) Calcium (d) Iodine


12. Malaria is a disease caused by ___________ mosquito. 

(a) Culex (b) Anopheles (

(c) Aedes (d) Southern House 

13. Liver is affected by the disease called ___________. 

(a) Measles (b) Eczema 

(c) Jaundice ( ) (d) Arthritis 

14. Medicines used tp cure bacterial infections in the body are called ___________. (a) Diuretics (b) Laxatives 

(c) Anti-spasmodic (d) Antibiotics (

15. ___________ disease is caused due to the deficiency of Iodine in the body. (a) Osteoporosis (b) Rickets 

(c) Goitre ( ) (d) Scurvy 

16. ___________ medicine is commonly used for treatment of fever and as a painkiller. (a) Cetirizine (b) Paracetamol (

(c) Chloroquine (d) Cushing’s Syndrome 

17. _________ is form of dementia characterised by loss of memory, thinking, and changes in  behaviour. 

(a) Alzheimer’s Disease ( ) (b) Diabetes Mellitus 

(c) Addison’s Disease (d) Swine Flu 

18. Influenza Type H1N1 causes the disease ____________. 

(a) Bird Flu (b) Beats 

(c) Hits (d) Compressions (

19. Pulse rate, also known as heart rate, refers to the number of times the heart beats in one  minute. It is expressed as _________ per minute. 

(a) Strokes (b) Beats (

(c) Hits (d) Compressions 

20. Ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in the identification and treatment of  diseases associated with the __________.  

(a) Ears (b) Eyes (

(c) Heart (d) Liver 

21. _________ is a medicine used to treat cold and allergy symptoms of sneezing, itching,  watery eyes, or runny nose. 

(a) Dolo (b) Erythromycin 

(c) Cetirizine ( ) (d) Diclofenac 

22. COVID-19 is a disease affecting the __________. 

(a) Nervous System (b) Respiratory System (

(c) Digestive System (d) Endocrine System


23. _________ represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts and pumps  blood into the circulation. It is the peak pressure during each heartbeat. (a) Mean Arterial Pressure (b) Diastolic Pressure 

(c) Systolic Pressure ( ) (d) Central Venous Pressure 

24. Cancer is treated by a specialist doctor who is called _________. 

(a) Oncologist ( ) (b) Dermatologist 

(c) Cardiologist (d) Obstetrician 

25. A perfect eye sight is usually expressed as _________ vision. 

(a) 4/4 (b) 7/7 

(c) 10/10 (d) 6/6 ( )

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