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Monday 5 February 2024

NCC B-Certificate Exam model test -3 (2022-23)

 NCC B-Certificate Exam model test -3

Name: ____________________________ Reg. No.______________________

Part-I Drill (10m)

1. What are the main parts of word command? (02m)

2. When is the command of ‘’Line Thod’’ is given? (03m)

3. Fill in the blanks (5m)

a) Word of command is given is _______________ position.

b) Command of halt is given on ____________ foot

c) In TEZ CHAL the length of the step is _________ inches

d) An angle of ________ degrees is formed in Piche Mud

e) General salute given to officers of the rank of ____________________and above .

Part-II Weapon Training (35m)

4. Write down the full forms of the following.(4m)


5. What are the principles of firing (5m)

6. Fill in the blanks (5m)

a) Weight of 0.22 rifle is____________

b) Effective range of 7.62 SLR is ____________

c) Grouping target size is ____________

d) Full form of old 0.22 rifle is ____________

e) Principles of firing are _________________ and _____________________

7. What are the positions of firing (5m)

8. Name any 10 parts of 0.22 rifle (5 m)

9. Name any 5 cleaning materials used for cleaning 0.22 rifle?(5m)

10 What is the sequence of action while firing a shot? (6m)

Part-III Miscellaneous NCC (20m)

11. Fill in the blanks:

a) The strength for Guard of honour for president is _______rank and file.

b) There are total of ______________ NCC directorates

c) Man standing side by side in a straight line is called ________

d) The additional Director of NCC of AP & TS directorate is _________________

e) The NCC song is written by____________________

National Integration (30m)

12. Name any five online activities performed by NCC cadets during covid -19 pandemic? (5m)

13. What is the role of cadets in Nation Building? (5m)

14. Fill in the blanks: (10m)

a) Supreme commander of armed forces is _________

b) Ratio of length and breadth of National Flag is ___________

c) Quit India movement was started y Gandhiji in _____year

d) Holy book of Hindu Religion is ___________________

e) The percentage of religions in India:  Hindu_____% ,Muslim ______% ,Christian _____%

f) C M of Maharashtra is _________

g) The office of Directorate of AP and TS is located at ____________

h) National symbol of India _____________

i) Give me blood, I shall give you freedom is a statement by _____________

J) ___________________ is known as missile man of India.

15. What forces hamper the growth of national integration? Name any five (5m)

16. Explain the relevance of NCC in Unifying India?

Personality Development and Leadership (65m)

17. As a senior NCC cadet what essential features of Management will you follow? (10m)

18. Define Integrity and explain briefly? (02m)

19. Enumerate the leadership traits which a leader should possess that help him to earn respect, confidence, willing obedience and loyal cooperation of the subordinates? (10m)

20. Write the stress management techniques? (3m)

21. What are the determinants of personality and character development (10m)

22. What are the duties of good citizen? (15)

23. a)What are the measures to develop the personality? (10m)

       b) What are barriers of communication?(5m)

Disaster management (15m)

24.  What are the types of disasters? Give two examples of each (5m)

25. What are the occasions when the NCC organization i.e., the cadets of NCC can render useful assistance to civil authorities (10m)

Social Awareness and Community Dev (30m)

26. Name any 5 banned Chinese app? (5m)

27. Name five factors that hamper social development? (5m)

28. Write short note on Swatch Bharat Abhiyan (5m)

29. What are the objectives of social service? (5m)

30. Explain the various ways by which a youth can contribute towards social welfare (5m)

31. What is the role of NCC cadets in anti dowry drive?(3m)

Health and Hygiene (25m)

32. Write the First aid treatment in case of snake bite? (5m)

33. Match the following (5m)

a) Vitamin- A Goitre 

b) Vitamin- B scurvy

c) Vitamin- C Night Blindness

d) Iodine Berry Berry Disease

e) Vitamin- K Blood Clotting does not solidify

34. Fill in the blanks (5m)

a) _______________bones are in human body

b) NCPCR stands for ___________

c) DDT stands for ___________________

d) _________________is given to injured person before arrival of doctor

e) Deficiency of red blood corpuscles causes_________________

35. What are waterborne diseases? give 2 examples . How can they be prevented (5m)

36. Write then any 10 asana in Yoga? (5m)

Adventure Training (15m)

37.  What are aims of adventure training (10m)

38. Name any five adventure activities conducted in NCC? (05m)

Environment awareness and conservation (10m)

39. What are the main causes of water pollution?

40. True/False:

a) Tree plantation is responsibility of forest department only  (          )

b) Lead free petrol helps in controlling air pollution (          )

c) More plants helps in more rain (          )

d) Sound pollution increases chances of hearing disability (          )

e) Forests near the rivers can be saved by preventing soil erosion (          )

f) Smoke from factories is the main cause of air pollution (          )

Obstacle training (05m)

41.  What are the types of obstacles? (5m)

PART_IV Special Subject (105 Marks)

Armed Forces (15m)

42.  Write a short note on Gallantry awards (4m)

43. Name the present CDS/ (1m)

44. Write full form of the following (2m)





45. Name the supporting arms which provide necessary support in Battle?(4m)

46. Write the ranks in Indian Army? (4m)

Map reading (25m)

47.   a)What are the easting and northing lines (5m)

b)The back bearing of 24 degrees is _____; and forward bearing of 185 degrees is ___degrees.

48. Write the types of North? (4m)

49. Name five parts of Prismatic Compass (5m)

50 Draw the conventional signs as following (6m)

Grave Yard, Mandir, Edgah, International Border, Post office, Light house

51. What are the methods of finding North? (5m)

FCBC (25m)

52. What are the types of grounds? (4m)

53 Write the factors which make things visible? (5m)

54. What are various section formations? (4m)

55. What are the methods of judging distance? (4m)

56 a)What is GRIT?(3m)

b) What is camouflage and concealment?

Introduction to infantry weapons (15m)

57. What are the weapons held by an infantry section (5m)

58. Name any ten parts of 5.56 mm INSAS rifle (10m)

Military history (15m)

59. What are the major operations or war fought in defence of our border? (5m)

60. Name any 5 recipients of PVC? 

61. Fill in the blanks (5m)

a) First world war was between ___________ and ____________

b) Kargil war was referred to as ________________operation

c)  Macmohan line is between _________ and ____________

d) Army service corps and college located at_______________

e) The first person to receive PVC ___________________

Communication (10m)

62. What are the types of communication? (5m)

63 State TRUE or FALSE (5m)

a) Sky wave is used for HF range up to 30MHz ( )

b) Cellular radio network was first introduced in 1980 ( )

c) Line communication is relatively secure. ( )

d) Radio cannot work while moving ( )

e) Wave guide type cannot be used below 2Ghz as the size becomes too large ( )

All the best

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