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Monday 5 February 2024




Part I

1Fill In the Blanks:-

  1. To make up an alignment correctly is known as ____________ (Dressing)

  2. Closing of the parade is known as ____________ (Visarjan)

  3. The basic movement of drill is _______________ (Savdhan)

  4. InVishram position the distance from heel to heel is ___________ (12 inches)

  5. While in ___________ arms are not to be swung. (DheereChal)

  6. Angle of right or left turn is _____ degree (90)

2 Short Answers

  1. How will you deliver an executive word of command?

Distinctly and sharply

  1. What is the aim of drill

(i) To inculcate Discipline, Self confidence and a Sense of pride among the troops.

(ii) To raise the moral and to develop the spirit of unity of the troop.

Part II

 3 Fill In the Blanks:-

  1. The caliber of No.2 mark IV rifle is ____________ (.22)

  2. The length of .2 MK IV rifle is ____________(44.5 inches)

  3. The inner circle of the target is called ________ (Bull)

  4. The position ‘S’ in the safety catch indicates ___________(Safety)

  5. System of operation in 7.62mm SLR is ____________(Gas Operation)

  6. Full form of MPI ___________(Mean Point of Impact)

  7. Before handling the eapon it must be _________(Proved)

  8. Full Form of DBBL _____________(Double Barrel Breach Loading)

Part III

4 Fill In the Blanks:-

  1. The _____________has formally divided the legislative, administrative and financial powers between the center and the state. (Parliament)

  2. The festival Bihu is celebrated in __________ (Assam)

  3. JallianWalaBagh, Where a massacre took place in 1919 is located in ________ (Punjab)

  4. The non-coperation Movement began in the year ______(1919)

  5. ________brought the Abolition of Sati System.(Raja Ram Mohan Roy)

  6. __________ wrote ‘Gita Govinda’ in Sanskrit (Jayadeva)

  7. Capital of Goa is __________(Panaji)

  8. The Jewish Synagogue is located in ____________(Kochi)

  9. ____________ is an important festival of Buddhism (Buddha Pournima)

  10. The epic ‘Ramayana is written by _____________ (Valmiki)

5 Short Answers

  1. Write down any two factors likely to enhance National Integration.

  1. Culture as a unifying factor

  2. Circulation row of politics

  3. National Language

  4. Organization of Indian States

  1. Write down three Important hoy places of Hindus?

  1. Kashi

  2. Haridwar

  3. Vaishno Devi

  4. Mathura

  5. Ayodhdya

  6. Tirupati

        6 Fill In the Blanks:-

(i)Behavior according to essential rule and norms which is self-imposed is called _________ (Discipline)

(ii) Most important leadership trait is ________ & ___________(Endurance & Tactics)

(iii) The Duties of a good citizen is to look after the_____________(right of the other citizen.)

(iv)Display of sincere interest and zeal in performance of duties and work is ______(Enthusiasm)

(v)__________ is defined as the true, faith full to duty, love or obligation to person/institution, faithful in allegiance to the nation or mother country. (Loyalty)

(vi) The mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain,fatigue,stress and the ability to stick to ajob and see it through is called ___________(Endurance)

(vii)The process of understanding a message by the listener is called ________ (Decoding).

(viii)__________ is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group towards the achievements of ascertain goal.(Leadership)

  1. Define the following:-

  1. Respect - A feeling of Administration for someone because of their  qualities.

  2. Support -To give help, encouragement and approval.

  1. What are the elements of good talking

  1. Voice clarity

  2. Talking Style

  3. Word choice adaptation

  1. Fill in the Blanks:-

  1. Tidal wave is a natural disaster related to __________(Wind)

  2. Develop NCC emergency preparedness plan is ___________(Community Development)

  3. ______________ is the head of civil defense organization in India.(District Magistrate)

  4. CTC carbon dioxide & dry chemical extinguisher are used for _________ fire (Electric & gas)

  5. The measures taken immediately after the raid is called ________ (Control Measures)

  6. Full form of NSS is _____________(National Service Scheme)

  7. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a __________reformer. (Social)

  8. Break in continuity of theskin or muscles membrane is called ________(Wound)

  9. Who stands for _______________ (World Health Organization)

  10. _____________is discontinuity or break in a bone (Fracture)

  11. Displacement of one or more bones at a joint is ___________ (Dislocation)

  12. ____________ of the body gives shape and firmness to the body (Bone)

  13. ____________ carries Oxygen from lungs to different tissues.(Hemoglobin)

  14. Powered flying is done with the help of ___________(glider)

  15. A significant proportion of worlds __________ population migrates every winter to Indian coastal waters, for nesting mainly at eastern coast in Orissa (Turtle)

  16. ________& ________ wastes cannot be decomposed by bacteria to form compost.(Plastic & Polythene bags)

  17. Emission of chlorofluro carbon in the atmosphere has led to reduction of protective layer of theatmosphere called __________ (Ozone)

  1. Define the following:-

  1. Flood - A flood is defined as a body of water rising and overflowing in land areas. In general, floods are classified as either regular or flash floods.

  2. Earth Quake - It means that the earth’s crust cracks like porcelain. They generally occur in the so called platy boundaries, where moving plates are pulled apart.

  3. Tsunami - Tsunami are waves generated by Earth quakes, volcanic eruptions or under water landslides and can reach 15 meters or more in heights devasting coastal communities. The term ‘Tsu’ means ‘Harbour’ and ‘nami’ means waves in Japanese.

  1. Short Answers

  1. What are the methods classified in social service?

  1. Social case work

  2. Social group work

  3. Community organization

  1. Give the names of social service organizations?

Lions club, rotary club, red cross society, VASAVI club.

(iii)List any four social service rendered by NGOs in India

  1. Flood relief

  2. Cyclone relief

  3. Adult literacy

  4. Tribal up liftment

  5. Primary health

  6. Orphanages and old age homes

(iv) What is meant by sanitation

Sanitation is the art of keeping our self and surrounding neat and clean.

  1. What is hygiene?

Hygiene is the science which deals with the principles of promoting health, personal and public.

  1. What is meant by personal hygiene?

Cleanliness of hair, nail, teeth, body and clothes of a person is called personal hygiene.

  1. What are the methods of purification of drinking water?

Sedimentation, Filtration,  Sterilization and boiling

  1. Write the aim of Adventure Training?

To develop self confidence


Determination and qualities of leadership among cadets.

  1. Write any four equipment needed for a cycle expedition

Cycle pump

Drinking water

Puncture kit

Route map

First aid kit

  1. What is ecology?

Ecology is a branch of science concerned with the relationship between organism and environment.

  1. Write the types of pollution

Air pollution

Water pollution

Sound pollution

Land pollution

  1. Write five Obstacle Training

6 feet wall


Straight Balance

Double Ditch

Right hand vault

Left hand vault

Clear jump


(xii) What is effectivecommunication

(a) Verbal Communication. 

(b) Non-Verbal Communication. 

(c) Listening..

(xiii) How would we know if someone is not listening to us:-

(a) Looks away.

  1. Interrupts.

  2. Looks at the watch.

  3. Gets up to do something and returns.

  4. Gives advice.

(f) Talks to someone else.

(g) Answers the phone.

(h) Begins to do some work.

(j) Does not stop doing work.

(k) Says that she/he will be back in a minute and does not return.

(l) Looks bored.

(xiv) what are the Components of Communication:-

Source Message Receiver



(xv) List out the following

  1. Listening Barriers

  2. Barriers While Speaking

  3. The Other Barriers Include

(a)Listening Barriers.

(a) Interrupting the speaker.

(b) Not maintaining eye contact with the speaker.

(c) Rushing the speaker to complete what he has to say.

(d) Making the speaker feel as though he is wasting the listener’s time.

(e) Being distracted by something that is not part of the ongoing communication.

(f) Getting ahead of the speaker and completing his thoughts.

(g) Ignoring the speaker’s requests.

(h) Topping the speaker’s story with one’s own set of examples.

(j) Forgetting what is being discussed.

(b)Barriers While Speaking.

(a) Unclear message.

(b) Lack of consistency in the communication process.

(c) Incomplete sentences andmumbling words and sentences.

(d) Not understanding the receiver.

(e) Poor eye contact.

(C)The Other Barriers Include.

(a) Assumptions, for instance assuming others see a situation same as you or have same feelings as yours.

(b) Patterns/reverting to type.

(c) Language- different level of meaning.

(d) Erroneous transition, value judgment.

(f) Use of negative words.

(g) Perceptions- depending on mood

(xvi) write short note on MS Dhoni

MS Dhoni is a man who is loved and respected, not just for his game, but for his personality and persona on and off the pitch. Dhoni has the title of “Captain Cool” for his ability to handle with cool tense situations. He fought against all odds and made his way to becoming the most successful Captain of the Indian cricket team.

Some of the leadership qualities exhibited by MS Dhoniare:-

  • Patience.

  • Commitment.

  • Decisiveness.

  • Maintenance of aim.

  • Motivation.

  • Physical fitness.

Part IV

  1. Write about the supporting services 

(a) Army Service Corps.

(b) Army Medical Corps.

(c)   Army Ordnance  Corps.

(d) Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers.

(e) Remount and Veterinary Corps

(f) Army Education Corps.

(g) The Intelligence Corps.

(h) The Corps of Military Police.

(j) Judge Advocate General  Branch.

(k) Army Physical Training Corps.

(l) The Pioneer Corps.

(m) Defense Security Corps

(ii)Write any five Non –Gallantry Awards

  (a)   Bharat Ratna

  (b)    Padma Vibhushan

            (c)    Padma Bhushan

  (d)   SarvottamYudhSeva Medal

  (e)   ParamVishishtSeva Medal

(f)     PadamShri

  (g)    SarvottamJeevanRakashaPadak

(h)   UttamYudhSeva Medal

(iii) What are the methods of Finding own position on Map

(a) By resection method or Compass method

(b) By resection method without Compass

(c) By Inspection method.

(iv) what are the Types of Ground :

(a)  Broken Ground.     It is uneven and is generally interspersed with  nullahs, bumps  and fields in the ground.  It is suitable for move of infantry and hinders observation of activities.

(b) Flat and Open Ground.     It is even ground with little cover e.g. bushes,  hedges and similar foliage.  It is not suitable for move of Infantry by day.

(c) High Ground.     Ground far above the general level of the area e.g. hill.  It facilitates domination of area around it by observation or fire or both.

(d) Dead Ground.   Ground that is hidden from an observer’s  view.  It cannot be covered by flat trajectory weapons.

(v)What are the Type of Ammunition

  1. Ball  Round.

  2. Tracer Round.

  3. Blank  Round.

  4. HD Cartridge

(vi)What are the organization capabilities of infantry battalion

(a) Self Reliance.  

(b) Ability to Hold Ground.   

(c) Adaptability.

(d) Mobility. 

(e) Vulnerability

(vii)Write short note on Battle of Dograi

TorelievepressureatChamb–JaurianSectorinJ&K,15InfantryDivisionlaunchedoffensiveinLahoresector.3JATof54InfantryBrigadecrossedIchogilcanal andcapturedthetownshipofDograiandwasjust13milesfromLahoreon23September 1965.On23September1965ceasefirewasannounced.Adecisiontoreturnbacktopre-war positionswastakenfollowingtheTashkentDeclaration.

(viii) Advantages and Disadvantages of Line communication


(a) Reliable and practically free from electrical interference.

(b) Relatively secure. 

(c) Number of circuits and message carrying capacity is more but limited only  by availability of material and manpower.


  1. Vulnerable to physical interference and enemy interception along the entire length of the route.

(b) Takes time to construct.

(c) Inflexible once it is laid

(d) Expensive in men and material.


(a) It is portable and light in weight.

(b) Can be operated easily.

(c) It can be operated in VHF/UHF and 2 way simplex mode.

(d) 128 channel  of  this  radio  set  can  be  preset  into  8  zone.

(e) 16 channels can be preset into single zone.

(f) Frequency  of  this  radio  set  can  be  programmed  in  25  KHz  channel spacing  with  the  range  of  12.5  to  20  KHz.

(g) Option of selective call facilities available.

(h) Call alert can be given to receiver station.

(j) Can select required zone.

(k) Start/stop facilities of scan operation available.

(l) Add/Delete from scan list facilities available

(x) What are the Type of Satellite. 

(a) Weather Satellite. 

(b) Scientific Satellite.

(c) Communication Satellite.

(d) Navigational Satellite

(e) Military Satellite. 

(xi)write down the characteristics of 7.62mm SLR

1. Calibre - 7.62


(a) With short butt - 1126.50mm (44.35in).

(b) With normal butt - 1139.20mm (44.85in).

(c ) With long butt - 1151.90mm(45.35in).

(d) Length of rifle with bayonet - 1397.00mm (55in).


(a) Rifle only - 4.4kg.

(b) Rifle with full mag - 5.1kg.

(c) Rifle with full mag and bayonet -5.392kg.

(d) Bayonet - 0.283kg.

(e) Empty Mag - 0.255kg.

(f) Full mag - 0.709kg.


(a) Effective range - 275m (300yds).

(b) Sight range - 200 yds to 600yds.

Sight Radius - 533.40mm (21.77in).

No of Grooves - 06 (Six)

Ammunition Carts SA Ball 7.62mm

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