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Tuesday 6 February 2024




1. Deforestation does not ______________. 

(a) Disturb the balance of gases in the atmosphere 

(b) Cause global warming 

(c) Reduce rainfall 

(d) Prevent soil erosion (

2. The following is an example of habitat creation for protection of wild life. 

(a) National Parks (c) Zoological Parks 

(b) Botanical Gardens (d) All the above (

3. Ozone layer is a beneficial and protective layer in stratosphere. It filters ultraviolet rays  radiating from sun. The ultraviolet rays are one of main causes of _____________. (a) Corona (c) Cancer (

(b) Influenza (d) Viral Fever 

4. Which of the following measure can be taken for the environmental conseravation? (a) Keeping air, land, rivers, and water bodies clean and natural. (

(b) Use of all natural resources. 

(c) Consumption of non-renewable resources. 

(d) All of the above. 

5. The global warming due to carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases will have following effects. (a) Fall in level of sea thereby submerging small island and coastal areas. 

(b) Reduction in yield of food crops. (

(c) Predictable rainfall 

(d) All of the above. 

6. Which of the NCC activity is related to environment? 

(a) Tree Plantation (c) Community Work 

(b) Both A and B ( ) (d) Blood Donation 

7. Environment consciousness amongst common people can be developed through __________. (a) Public and media campaigns (c) All of these (

(b) Posters and hoardings (d) Classroom instructions 

8. Acid Rain causes ______________. 

(a) Exfoliation of marble and limestone buildings. 

(b) Kills fresh water fish, invertebrates and most plants. 

(c) Reduces nutrients of soil such as calcium and magnesium. 

(d) All of these. (

9. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) increase the risk of skin cancer and eye damage in humans due to  _____________. 

(a) Sound Pollution (c) Land Pollution 

(b) Air Pollution ( ) (d) Water Pollution


10. Like deforestation and environmental damage, reckless hunting by humans is also a threat to  ____________. 

(a) Wild Life ( ) (c) Global warming 

(b) Acid Rains (d) Water Resources 

11. __________ is a measure taken towards the conservation of India wildlife. (a) Wildlife Projects (c) Jungle Lodges 

(b) Nature Camps (d) All of these (

12. The Rainwater Harvesting method which is most suited for towns and cities is _________. (a) Ground Catchment System (c) Sub-surface Dyke 

(b) Roof Catchment System ( ) (d) Surface Run-off System 

13. Late activist and Parma Vibhushan awardee Sunder Lal Bahuguna was associated to which of  the following movements ____________. 

(a) Chipko Movement ( ) (c) Jungle Bachao Andolan 

(b) Anna Andolan (d) Himalayan Movement 

14. The Vedic Gods such as Agni (Fire), Surya (Sun), Pawan (Wind), Bhumi (Earth), Varuna (Water)  and Indra (Thunder & Rain) together represent ____________. 

(a) Atmosphere (c) Energy 

(b) Sunlight (d) All of these (

15. Energy conservation is the management of processes and policies, designed ____________. (a) To reduce energy usage ( ) (c) Both (a) and (b) 

(b) To generate means of energy (d) None of these 

16. How can Energy conservation be achieved? 

(a) By reducing consumption of energy. 

(b) By preventing wasteful use of energy. 

(c) By using energy efficient products. 

(d) All of these. (

17. The three categories for saving water ie Field practices, Management strategies and System  modifications are meant to save water for _____________. 

(a) Domestic Purposes (c) Irrigation Purposes (

(b) Industrial Purposes (d) Commercial Purposes 

18. Rainwater harvesting is extremely essential for which of the following reasons? (a) It helps to create large quantity of pollution free potable water that can be stored in huge  tanks or ponds for use later on. 

(b) It ensures ready supply of water on the land surface thereby reducing dependence on the  groundwater. 

(c) It helps to recharge sub soil and groundwater thus increasing the level of the water table. (d) All the above. (

19. The increase in average temperature of earth due to increase in carbon dioxide and  greenhouse gases is called _______________. 

(a) Hot Earth (c) Global Warming (

(b) Ozone Hole (d) Carbon Heating


20. Method which is only considered in areas, where rainwater is very scarce and other sources of  water are not available and are more suited to small communities than individual families is  ___________________. 

(a) Roof Catchment System (c) Surface Run-off System 

(b) Ground Catchment System ( ) (d) Sub-surface Dyke 

21. Which factor is/are responsible for increased energy consumption? 

(a) Increased migration of people from rural areas to urban areas 

(b) All of these (

(c) Increased infrastructure of National Highways 

(d) Increased per capita income. 

22. Water recycling systems like ‘Cooling Water Recirculation’ and ‘Wash Water Recycling’ are the  most widely used water recycling practices for _________________. 

(a) Industrial and Commercial purpose ( ) (c) Domestic purpose 

(b) Irrigation Purpose (d) All of these 

23. Pollution of air, water, noise, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, sea level  rise, toxic wastes and nuclear accidents are forms of ____________ related Man-made  Disasters. 

(a) Industrial Mishaps (c) Ecological (

(b) Contamination / Poisoning (d) Warfare 

24. Resource deterioration is also known as ______________. 

(a) Depletion (c) Pollution 

(b) Degradation ( ) (d) Decline 

25. Much of the world’s fresh water is consumed by the _____________. 

(a) Agricultural Sector (c) Industrial sector 

(b) Domestic Sector (d) All of these (

26. CFCs used in air conditioners are responsible for a phenomenon called _____________. (a) Ozone Hole ( ) (c) Acid Rain 

(b) Global Warming (d) Radiation 

27. A phenomenon caused by emissions of harmful chemicals such as sulfare __________dioxide  and nitrogen oxide is __________________. 

(a) Ozone Depletion (c) Acid Rains (

(b) Soil Erosion (d) Global Warming 

28. Ultra-violet rays radiation from the Sun are filtered by _____________ present in the  stratosphere. 

(a) UV Filter (c) Carbon Layer 

(b) Ozone Layer ( ) (d) Nitrogen Layer 

29. Which sources of energy are under severe strain and in extreme short supply? (a) Solar Energy (c) Tidal Energy 

(b) Fossil Fuel (d) Hydroelectricity & Fossil Fuel. ( ✔ )

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