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Tuesday 6 February 2024




1. Choose your trekking shoes that are a half-size _____________ than you regular shoes. (a) Bigger ( ) (c) Smaller 

(b) Bigger or smaller (d) None of these 

2. While cycling, select a bike that permits you to put both feet on the ground while standing  over the ______________. 

(a) Seat (c) Front Wheel 

(b) Top Tube ( ) (d) Rear Wheel 

3. In Rock Climbing, Climbing between opposing rock faces, with the back and hands against one  face, and the feet against the other face is known as _____________. 

(a) Compusing (c) Chimneying (

(b) Bridging (d) Crimping 

4. _____________ are designed to absorb the energy of a falling climber. 

(a) Dynamic Ropes ( ) (c) Jumping Ropes  

(b) Climbing Ropes (d) Static Ropes 

5. __________ is a long, adventurous journey undertaken on foot, in areas where common  means of transport are generally not available. 

(a) Strolling (c) Trekking (

(b) Plogging (d) Jogging 

6. In Rock Climbing, grabbing on to a hold with the fingertips alone is known as ___________. (a) Crimping ( ) (c) Campusing 

(b) Bridging (d) Chimneying 

7. In ____________, cyclists carry everything they need, including food, cooking equipment, and  a tent for camping. 

(a) Lightweight touring (c) Untralight touring 

(b) Day touring (d) Fully loaded touring (

8. Ascenders are mechanical devices for ascending on a rope. They are also called ___________. (a) Mittons (c) Carabiners 

(b) Jumars ( ) (d) Quickdraws 

9. While the helicopter is deploying the troops it is a sitting duck, a situation which led to the  famous “Black Hawk Down” encounter in Somalia in which helicopters deploying _________  troops were shot down. 

(a) Indian Para Commandos (c) Russia Marines 

(b) Israeli Special Force (d) US Special Forces (

10. Mixed Terrain Cycle touring is also called ____________. 

(a) Rough Riding ( ) (c) Fully loaded touring 

(b) Expedition touring (d) Cross-country touring 

11. In Rock Climbing ‘Webbing’ can be used as _______________. 

(a) A makeshift harness (c) A carrying equipment 

(b) An anchor around a tree or rock (d) All of these ( )


12. In Rock Climbing, climbing a corner with the legs apart, one against each face, with the feet  relying on friction or very small hold’s is known as ____________. 

(a) Campusing (c) Bridging (

(b) Crimping (d) Chimneying 

13. Low elongation ropes are also called __________, which stretch much less, and are usually  used in anchoring systems. 

(a) Belaying Ropes (c) Climbing Ropes 

(b) Skipping Ropes (d) Static Ropes (

14. _____________ are metal loops with spring-loaded gates (openings), used during rock  climbing, as connectors and they are primarily made from steel. 

(a) Carabiners ( ) (c) Mittons 

(b) Descenders (d) Quickdraws 

15. While slithering the recommended gap between successive person is approximately  _______meters. 

(a) Two (c) Six 

(b) Five (d) Three (

16. In Slithering, the rope is attached to the person with a descender. 

(a) TRUE (b) FALSE (

17. __________ is useful for deploying troops from a helicopter in places where the helicopter  itself cannot touch down. 

(a) Parasailing (c) Trekking 

(b) Slithering ( ) (d) Bungee jumping 

18. Parasailing at an altitude of more than __________ feet is discouraged. (a) 600 ( ) (c) 300 

(b) 150 (d) 1000 

19. Parasailing can be performed on water, but this requires very good sailing/yachting skills for  the same. 

(a) TRUE (b) FALSE (

20. Parasailing is not recommended for individuals under the age of __________. (a) 12 (c) 18 

(b) 16 ( ) (d) 21 

21. You should avoid parasailing in high wind conditions, what is the recommended wing speed  beyond which one must avoid Parasailing? 

(a) 15 knots ( ) (c) 5 knots 

(b) 25 knots (d) 32 knots 

22. In Parasailing, the ____________ attaches the person to the parasail, which is connected to  the vehicle through the tow rope. 

(a) Carabiner (c) Motor 

(b) Winch (d) Harness ( )


23. In India, mainly three type of Parasailing are the most popular ones. Which one out of the  following is not part of those three? 

(a) Winch boat Parasailing (c) Aeroplane Parasailing ( ) (b) Platform Parasailing (d) Beach Parasailing 

24. Parasailing is same as Paragliding. 

(a) TRUE (b) FALSE (

25. One can buy/wear ____________ and other clothing that are appropriate for parasailing. (a) Dive Suits (c) Drive Suits 

(b) Jump Suits ( ) (d) Swim Suits 

26. Parasailing can be done with the help of a ________________. 

(a) Jeep / Car (c) Truck 

(b) Boat (d) All of these (

27. _____________ is same as Parasailing. 

(a) Microlighting (c) Parakiting (

(b) Gliding (d) Windsurfing 

28. Which of the below are some of the land-based Adventures activities done in NCC? (a) Scuba Diving (c) Roller Skating 

(b) Street Biking (d) Trekking (

29. Which one of the following is NOT the aim of trekking expeditio? 

(a) To develop leadership Qualities to the cadets. 

(b) To develop courage. 

(c) To reach the summit of a mountain (

(d) To develop self-Confidence. 

30. Slithering is also known as ____________. 

(a) Fast Roping ( ) (c) Speed Descending 

(b) Gliding (d) Rope Sliding 

31. _________________ is the main instrument for gauging the ascent and the descent of the pilot  during Para Sailing. 

(a) Altimeter (c) Variometer (

(b) Height Gauze (d) Speedometer 

32. The aim of adventure training in NCC is to ______________. 

(a) Develop leadership qualities. 

(b) Select cadets for National Championships. 

(c) Make the cadet confident and disciplined. 

(d) Develop team spirit and co-operation. (

33. Which of the following activities is NOT an Adventure activity in NCC? 

(a) Para Sailing (c) Trekking 

(b) Motocross ( ) (d) Rock Climbing.

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