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Tuesday 6 February 2024




1. __________ are very useful in tacking minor tactical problems. 

(a) Field Signals (c) Battle Drills (

(b) Field Crafts (d) Section Formations 

2. There are methods of judging Distance. 

(a) Six ( ) (c) Four 

(b) Ten (d) Three 

3. The art of using the ground and the weapon to the best of one’s own advantages is called  ___________. 

(a) Camouflage (c) Field Signal 

(b) Field Craft ( ) (d) Battle Craft 

4. In the ___________, you judge the distance with the help of the blade of the foresight of you  weapon.  

(a) Rifle Method (c) Foresight Method 

(b) Blade Method (d) Appearance Method (

5. In the ___________ method, the known distance of an object is used to estimate the distances  of other objects. 

(a) Key Range ( ) (c) Estimation 

(b) Judging (d) Appearance 

6. ‘Unit of Measure’ method is also called’ ________ yards method’ 

(a) 25 (c) 150 

(b) 50 (d) 100 (

7. The full form of FC & BC is Fire Craft and Battle Craft. 

(a) True (b) False (

8. An object, which is important on the ground and which is used in verbal orders to explain the  ground is front is called ____________. 

(a) Landmark ( ) (c) Reference Point 

(b) Objective (d) Conventional Sign 

9. Which of these does NOT fall under the Field Craft? 

(a) Section Formations ( ) (c) Visual Training 

(b) Judging Distance (d) Fire Control 

10. Dead Ground does not offer protection from _________ weapons. 

(a) Artillery ( ) (c) Flat Trajectory 

(b) Small arms (d) Company Support 

11. A set of drills which are essential for conduct of successful operations in the battle field is  called ______________. 

(a) Concealment (c) Field Craft 

(b) Tactics (d) Battle Craft (

12. Ground up to 300 yards from the observer is called ___________. 

(a) Middle Distance (c) Short Distance 

(b) Fore Ground ( ) (d) Middle Ground


13. Ground far above the general level of the area, which facilitates control of area around it by  observation and fire is called a ____________. 

(a) Elevation (c) High Ground (

(b) Knoll (d) Raised Ground 

14. An object, having tactical significance which is indicated with a view to bring down fire on it is  called a _____________. 

(a) Landmark (c) Objective 

(b) Target ( ) (d) Ground of Tactical Importance 15. While indicating landmarks, if the ground all around is to be described, we must start from the  _____________, go around to the right and finish at the GLD. 

(a) Left (c) Farthest 

(b) Closest (d) GLD (

16. In the ‘Unit of Measure’ method, the distance of an object will be a multiple of the imaginary  unit, as placed between the observer and the __________. 

(a) Object ( ) (c) Flag 

(b) Enemy (d) Target 

17. In order to camouflage a rifle, it’s wooden/plastic parts should be wrapped around with  ____________ of suitable colour. 

(a) Plastic Sheet (c) Garnish (

(b) Tape (d) Paint 

18. While judging distances, if the sun is in the observer’s eye, he tends to ___________ the  distance. 

(a) Under-estimate (c) No effect 

(b) Any of these (d) Over-estimate (

19. Ground that is hidden from an observer’s view, and also it cannot be covered by flat trajectory  weapons is called a __________. 

(a) Dead Ground ( ) (c) No Man’s Land 

(b) High Fire Zone (d) No Fire Zone 

20. In the __________ method, the maximum and minimum possible distances are worked out,  and their average is accepted as the distance of the object. 

(a) Estimation (c) Company Averaging 

(b) Bracketing ( ) (d) Section Average 

21. Field Signals are alternate means of giving orders and to control troops when __________  control is not possible. 

(a) Tactical (c) Voice (

(b) Military (d) Line of Sight 

22. A __________ is the smallest sub unit of an infantry Battalion and is capable of undertaking  independent tasks. 

(a) Section ( ) (c) Company 

(b) Group (d) Platoon


23. In the Section Average method, the mean of the distance estimated by each section of the  Rifle company is accepted as the distance. 

(a) True (b) False (

24. The process of keeping one element on the ground to give covering fire, while the other  element is on move, is called ____________. 

(a) Covering Fire (c) One Hand on Ground 

(b) Grounding Oneself (d) Fire and Move (

25. An even ground with little or no cover, which is not suitable for move of infantry by day is  called _____________. 

(a) Open Ground ( ) (c) Middle Ground 

(b) Dead Ground (d) Useless Ground 

26. A Section consists of ___________ persons who are organized in to a Rifle Group and a  Support Group. 

(a) 36 (c) 50 

(b) 10 ( ) (d) 16 

27. Ground from 300 yards to 500 yards from the observer is called ______________. (a) Far Distance (c) Middle Ground 

(b) Beyond Firing Range (d) Middle Distance (

28. An uneven ground, generally scattered with nullahs, bumps and field, which is suitable for  move of infantry is called a ___________. 

(a) Broken Ground ( ) (c) Useful Gruond 

(b) Dead Ground (d) Undulation Ground 

29. Unless otherwise stated, all directions are taken to be with reference to the ___________. (a) Front (c) Observer’s position 

(b) General Line of Direction ( ) (d) North 

30. ___________ are the eyes and ears of the section. 

(a) Weapons (c) Sentries 

(b) Commanders (d) Scouts (

31. Where there is no requirement of developing the maximum fire quickly, the following Section  Formation should NOT be used. 

(a) Extended Line Formation ( ) (c) Spear Head 

(b) File (d) Single File Formation 

32. An important and unmistakable object, with the help of which you can indicate other  landmarks or targets is called a ____________. 

(a) Important Landmark (c) Reference Point (

(b) Main Target (d) Prime Landmark 

33. While indicating landmarks, we must start with the GLD, which is a centrally located, if  possible, a prominent landmark. What is the full form of GLD. 

(a) Group Line of Direction (c) General Level of Domination (b) General Level of Distance (d) General Line of Direction ( )


34. No fire order can be effective unless the __________ is clearly indicated and can be easily  recognized by the men of the fire unit. 

(a) Reference Point (c) Enemy (

(b) Weapon (d) Section 

35. During Indication of Landmarks, ‘Half Left’ corresponds to ________ degrees to you Left. (a) 23 12 (c) 45 (

(b) 90 (d) 60 

36. There are two factors, because of which things are visible/perceivable at night, One is ‘Sound’.  Which is the other One? 

(a) Shine (c) Silhouette 

(b) Light ( ) (d) Noise 

37. The correct sequence of giving out the Fire Control Orders is ____________. (a) Group – Range – Indication of Target – Type of Fire (

(b) Range – Group – Type of Fire – Indication of Target 

(c) Indication of Target – Range – Group – Type of Fire 

(d) Indication of Target – Type of Fire – Range – Group 

38. Scouts work ahead of the section and advance from bound to _____________. (a) Target (c) Bound (

(b) Landmark (d) High Ground 

39. While Indicating landmarks within an arc of boundaries, we must start describing from the  ____________. 

(a) Top (c) Right 

(b) Left( ) (d) Middle 

40. Enemy moving in dead ground can best be engaged by ____________ fire. (a) Indirect firing weapons ( ) (c) Direct firing weapons 

(b) MMG (d) INSAS 

41. An action of misleading the enemy by concealing or misrepresenting the identify or own  troops, equipment, installations and activities is called __________. 

(a) Tactics (c) Camouflage (

(b) Isolation (d) Concealment 

42. Cover from view is often not cover from ____________. 

(a) Sight (c) Observation 

(b) Sound (d) Fire (

43. The following is not responsible for things to be seen during day. 

(a) Sound (c) Light (

(b) Shine (d) Smoke 

44. An ideal Fire Position should __________. 

(a) Be easy to advance from (c) Provide cover from view 

(b) Have covered approach (d) All of these ( )


45. When fire orders are given as an early warning so that troops can make necessary  preparations to open fire as and when enemy comes within range, are called _________ Fire  Control Orders. 

(a) Full (c) Opportunity 

(b) Delayed ( ) (d) Brief 

46. In the battlefield, a commander ensures effective fire and judicious expenditure of  __________. 

(a) Time (c) Soldiers 

(b) Weapons (d) Ammunition (

47. In battle, skilful use of _________ can help achieve surprise and save lives. (a) Ground ( ) (c) Time 

(b) Rations (d) Communications 

48. ‘Right Hand Thumb Down’ is a Field Signal for _____________. 

(a) Enemy is Sight (c) Turn about 

(b) Enemy LMG firing ( ) (d) Close 

49. Identify the Knot/Lashing 

(a) Figure Eight 

(b) Reef Knot (

(c) Bowline 

(d) Clove Hitch 

50. Right arm raised to full above head’ is a Field Signal for ___________. 

(a) Advance (c) Attack 

(b) Close (d) Halt (

51. Orders given when the target is not continuously seen by everyone in the section, are called  __________ Fire Control Orders. 

(a) Opportunity ( ) (c) Delayed 

(b) Brief (d) Full 

52. During hours of poor visibility / darkness, men are jittery and ten to fire at _________ targets. (a) Moving (c) Stationary 

(b) Imaginary ( ) (d) Camouflaged 

53. There are certain operations which, by design are carried out in utmost silence. Which are  there? 

(a) Ambush (c) Cordon 

(b) Patrolling (d) All of these (

54. The area of ground for which the fire unit is responsible and within which it will engage  targets is called __________? 

(a) Arc of Fire ( ) (c) Firing Range 

(b) Field of Fire (d) Firing Area 

55. Air photographs allow gradient to be seen in relief with the help of a ___________. (a) Binocular (c) Stereoscope (

(b) Periscope (d) Stethoscope


56. Orders given when there is no time to given out a Full fire order, are called __________ Fire  Control Orders. 

(a) Delayed (c) Opportunity 

(b) Brief ( ) (d) Full 

57. On a narrow mountain track leading up to a hill top, which section formation would you  suggest to be the best to adopt? 

(a) Arrow Head Formation (c) Single File Formation ( ) (b) File Formation (d) Extended Line Formation 58. Identify the Knot/Lashing 

(a) Thumb Knot (

(b) Overhand Knot 

(c) Thief Knot 

(d) Reef Knot 

59. Identify the Knot/Lashing 

(a) Square Lashing 

(b) Thief Knot 

(c) Fisherman’s Knot 

(d) Overhand Knot (

60. Clove Hitch is used to ______________. 

(a) Join ropes (c) Secure a rope to a Spar ( ) (b) Make loops in rope (d) Make rope-ends 

61. Enemy patrols try to draw fire form the ____________ in order to find his disposition. (a) Own Patrols (c) Defender (

(b) Attacker (d) Artillery Guns 

62. In Field and Move tactics, the angle of _________ should be as wide as possible without loss  of control or time. 

(a) Direct Fire (c) Indirect Fire 

(b) Enemy Fire (d) Covering Fire (

63. Identify the Knot/Lashing 

(a) Clove Hitch (

(b) Fisherman’s Knot 

(c) Square Lashing 

(d) Thief Knot 

64. While going in for the final assault on an enemy position, which section formation would you  suggest to be the best to adopt? 

(a) File Formation (c) Single File Formation 

(b) Extended Line Formation ( ) (d) Arrow Head Formation 

65. ____________ is the basic skill of tactics. 

(a) Field Craft (c) Fire and Move (

(b) Battle Craft (d) Section Formation


66. As a rule, section commander must keep his section within range of voice or _________  control. 

(a) Visible ( ) (c) Mental 

(b) Radio (d) Long range weapon (

67. A Section Commander will receive Fire Direction Orders from his ___________ Commander. (a) Group (c) Battalion 

(b) Company (d) Platoon (

68. Identify the Knot/Lashing 

(a) Fisherman’s Knot 

(b) Clove Hitch 

(c) Square Lashing (

(d) Thief Knot 

69. Orders given by the fire unit commander to direct and control the fire of his fire unit are called  ____________. 

(a) Fire Direction Orders (c) Fire Control Orders (

(b) Attack Orders (d) Firing Orders 

70. Which of the following section formations should be avoided while moving in open  terrain/plain land? 

(a) Single File Formation ( ) (c) Arrow Head Formation 

(b) Diamond Formation (d) Spear Head Formation 

71. The following does NOT form part of Battle Craft. 

(a) Field Signals (c) Fire and Move 

(b) Judging Distance ( ) (d) Fire Control Orders. 

72. If an object is large is relation to its surroundings, one tends to __________ the distance. (a) Under-estimate ( ) (c) Over-estimate 

(b) Estimate correctly (d) None of these 

73. Distances are under-estimated when there is a ___________ ground between the observer  and the object. 

(a) High (c) Jungle 

(b) Dead ( ) (d) Open 

74. During Indication of Landmarks, ‘Three quarters Right, corresponds to _________ degrees to  your Right. 

(a) 67 12 ( ) (c) 22 12  

(b) 135 (d) 10

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