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Tuesday 6 February 2024




1. ______________ is the supreme law of India. It defines the Government’s  fundamental political values, policies, processes, powers, rights, and duties.

    (a) Rules of Business (c) Preamble 

(b) Constitution ( ) (d) Bhagvad-Gita 

2. The constitution of India, which was retified on 26 November 1949, came into effect  on _________________. 

(a) 15 August 1950 (c) 15 August 1947 

(b) 26 January1950 ( ) (d) 01 July 1950 

3. __________________ was the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee. (a) Dr. BR Ambedkar ( ) (c) Shri Bn Rau 

(b) Mr. Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer (d) Dr. C Rajagopalachari 

4. At the time of enactment, Indian Constitution, with 395 Articles in 22 Parts and 8  Schedules, in the ____________ Constitution of a country in the World. 

(a) Second largest (c) Largest (

(b) Third Largest (d) Fourth Largest 

5. Every year, __________ November is celebrated as the ‘National Constitution Day’.

       (a) 12th (c) 26th (

(b) 15th (d) 14th 

6. The jurisdiction of powers is given under three lists in the Constitution, The Central  List, State List and _______________ List. 

(a) Concurrent ( ) (c) Dual 

(b) Third (d) Special 

7. The President of India is elected by the members of _____________ consisting of the  elected members of both the Houses of Parliament and the elected members of the  Legislative Assemblies of States and the Union Territories of Delhi and Pondicherry.

    (a) A Special Constituency (c) An Electoral College (

(b) A Extraordinary (d) A Public Campaign 

8. As in November 2023, Indian Government has made _____________ amendments to  it’s Constitution. 

(a) 120 (c) 75 

(b) 105 ( ) (d) 96 

9. The original 1950 Constitution is preserved at the ___________, in New Delhi.

        (a) Rashtrapathi Bhavan (c) India Gate 

(b) Supreme Court of India (d) Parliament House ( )

10. The ___________ to the Constitution of India presents the principles of the Constitution and indicates the sources of its authority. 

(a) Foreword (c) Spotlight 

(b) Conclusion (d) Preamble (

11. What is the elected term of a Member of the Rajya Sabha? 

(a) Five years (c) Four years 

(b) Two years (d) Six years (

12. The day the Constitution of India became effective, is celebrated as the __________.

    (a) Constitution Day (c) Independence Day 

(b) Ambedkar Day (d) Republic Day (

13. Freedom of speech and expression is provided in the Article ___________ of our  Constitution. 

(a) 370 (c) 356 

(b) 19 ( ) (d) 187 

14. The President of India has the constitutional power to dismiss the ____________. (a) Constitution (c) Preamble 

(b) Prime Minister ( ) (c) Chief Justice of India 

15. Parliament of India cannot override the ______________. 

(a) Constitution ( ) (c) President 

(b) Judiciary (d) Government 

16. What is the elected term of a Member of the Lok Sabha? 

(a) Four years (c) Five years (

(b) Six years (d) Not specified 

17. Article ___________ of the Constitution provides for declaration of State Emergencey  and imposition of President’s Rule. 

(a) 360 (c) 356 (

(b) 370 (d) 395 

18. Article ___________ of the Constitution of India that gave special autonomy to the  state of Jammu and Kashmir, was repealed by the Indian Parliament on 05 August  2019. 

(a) 256 (c) 354 

(b) 370 ( ) (d) 360 

19. The Railway Minister of India, Shri ___________ resigned from his post on moral  grounds, when 144 passengers were killed in a rail accident in Tamil Nadu.

    (a) Lal Bahadur Shastri ( ) (c) Krishna Menon 

(b) VP Singh (d) TT Krishnamachari 

20. Under the 56th Constitution Amendment of 1987, ____________ was given the status  of a seprate state.

    (a) Manipur (c) Delhi 

(b) Puducherry (d) Goa (

21. The Goods and Service Tax (GST) was introduced in India, through the ___________  Amendment to it’s Constitution. 

(a) 105th (c) 122nd 

(b) 101st ( ) (d) 99th 

22. Annual financial statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the  Government of India in respect of a financial year is called the ___________.

    (a) Finance Bill (c) Budget (

(b) Appropriation Bill (d) Finance Estimate 

23. A law made by the President in exercise of the powers vested in him / her under  article 123 of the Constitution is called ____________. 

(a) Act (c) Dictum 

(b) Edict (d) Ordnance (

24. ____________ is the time period set aside every day in both houses of parliament for  legislators to question ministers about various issues directly. 

(a) Open House (c) Question Hour (

(b) Privilege Time (d) Distinctive Time 

25. ___________ allows the Lok Sabha to bring down the government, when passed. (a) Confidence Bill (c) Amendment Act 

(b) No Confidence Motion ( ) (d) Anti-Trust Bill

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