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Monday 5 February 2024







Q. 1. What is the Aim of Drill? (05)

Ans 1-(a) To inculcate a sense of discipline,

(b) Improve bearing, smartness in appearance and turn out,

(c) Create self confidence and

(d) To develop the quality of immediate and implicit obedience to orders.

Q.2 Fill in the Blanks :- (05)

(a) _________ steps taken in KHULI LINE CHAL.

(b) _________ Maximum nos. of steps allowed forward & backwards.

(c) Distance between two heels in Vishram position is ______.

(d) On the word of command „Parade Par‟ ___________.

(e) Length of step in double march is __________.

Ans .2 (a) 1 1⁄2 , (b) One (c) 12” (d) 14, 1-2 (e) 30”

Q.No.3 Fill in blanks: (10)

(a) In ADHA Dahine Mur the squad turn _____________ Degree.

(b) In Tez Chal the distance between cadets is ____________ inch.

(c) In Dahine Saj, the squad takens a step forward by ______________ inch.

(d) Angle between toes in Savdhan position is ______________ degree.

(e) In pichhe mur the squad turn ___________ degree.

Ans:3 (a) 45 degree (b) 45 Inch (c) 15 Inch (d) 30 degree

(e) 180 degree.

Q. 4 What are the points to be observed while „Saluting‟? (05)

Ans.4 (a) Bring the right hand by smart circular motion keeping all the fingers clenched

together and the palm completely open, fingers, wrist and elbow in a straight line.

(b) The top of fore finger will remain near the centre of the right eye brow.

(c) Keep the hand in the position for the definite pause.

(d) Cut down the hand smartly by the shortest possible route and take up the

„Savdhan‟ position.

Q.5 Who are entitled for Rashitriya Salute? (05)

Ans.5 (a) National Flag

(b) President of India

(c) Governor of State

Q.6 What are the points to be seen in „Savdhan Position‟? (05)

Ans.6 (a) Body erect, perfectly still but not stiff.

(b) Head up.

(c) Eyes looking straight at the front of one‟s own height and still.

(d) Chin vertical, neck straight and filling the collar.

(e) Shoulder square and forced downwards.

(f) Chest up.

(g) Hands fixed with body behind the seam of the trousers, elbow straight, fingers

making loose half fist and the thumb towards the front.

(h) Weight of the body on both the legs and knees straight.

(i) Heels together making an angle of 30 degree at the front.


Q No. 7 – What is the sequence of action while firing a shot? (10)

Ans 7- 

(a) Aiming Position. On taking the aim, the firer must take the first pressure.

(b) Breathing. Just before taking an aim, breathing must be gently restrained.  It is important to coordinate so that when the foresight comes to the point of aim, the breath is partially exhaled.

(c) Firing. Immediately on „correct aim‟ the second pressure will be taken and shot fired. For a second or two after firing, there should be no relaxation of the hold or movement of trigger finger or head.

(d) Follow Through. The hold and aim must be maintained until the bullet has left the barrel. Better still fire should allow through until the bullet has reached the target.

Q.No. 8 Define laws of aiming? (05)

Ans -

(a) Focus the target so that a clear picture is formed on the retina of the eye and get the true centre of the target. Then with the eye focus to the foresight.

(b) Hold the rifle properly as has already been taught and keep it upright.

(c) Close the left eye and focus the foresight.

(d) See the foresight through the black sight „U‟. 

The foresight should be seen right in the centre of the U. 

The tip of the foresight must be aligned in the centre and in level with the shoulder of the U.

Q.9 What is quality of good firer? (05)

Ans.9 (a) Good Aiming.

(b) Good Holding.

(c) Good trigger operation.

Q.10 What is the difference between “Loading a Rifle” and “Charging the Magazine” ? (05)

Ans. 10 

A Rifle is loaded when there is a Round in the Chamber. Charging the magazine means that all the rounds are in magazine itself.

Q.11 Fill in the Blanks :- (05)

(a) The size of Flannelette for cleaning is __________.

(b) Mag capacity of 7.62mm SLR is ________ rounds.

(c) ________ Pressures will be found on pressing of a 7.62mm SLR.

(d) The weight of magazine alone is _______ Ozs.

(e) The capacity of SLR magazine is __________.

Ans:11 (a) 4‟ X2‟ (b) 20 Rounds (c) Two (d) 9 Ozn (e) 20 Rounds

Q.12 What are the main parts of SLR ? (05)


(a) Butt 

(b) Pistol Grip 

(c) Trigger Guard

(d) Trigger 

(e) Magazine

 (f) Hand Guard

(g) Carrying Handle 

(h) Barrel 

(j) Gas Plug

(k) Fore-sight Protector

(l) Piston 

(m) Breech Block

(n) Ejection Slot 

(o) Body Cover

Q.13 Write True (T) or False (F) :- (05)

(a) 7.62mm LMG can be stripped in five groups

(b) There are six grooves in 7.62mm SLR.

(c) Magazine capacity of Pt 22 Rifle is 10 rounds.

(d) The Caliber of Pt 22 Rifle is 0.22mm

(e) The effective range of Pt 22 Rifle is 25 yards.

Ans : 13 (a) True (b) True (c) False (d) True (e) True


Ques 14. What are the current objectives of India? (05)

Ans - 14 (a) Self sufficiency in nuclear- power.

(b) Availability of reliable power supply for farming and industries.

(c) Production of goods for world markets.

(d) Balancing growth in both public and private sector.

(e) Modernization of villages, linking with roads and provision of electricity to

all villages.

Q. No. 15 Why national integration important for progress of any nation? (10)

Ans –15 It is important for the following: -

(a) Maintenance of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation.

(b) Maintenance of peace and harmony.

(c ) Growth and development of the nation.

(d) Eradication of poverty and illiteracy.

(e) Internal security and law and order.

(f) Culture and religious development.

(g) Economic and industrial growth.

(h) Attract foreign investment and increase import and export.

(j) Exchange of technological know-how and culture .

(k) Dignity and self respect as a nation.

(l) Welfare and well-being of the people.

(m) Foreign relations and better standing among the nations of the world.

Q.No. 16 Write True and False (05)

(a) The policy of „Sulkul‟ (peace with all) was adopted by Akbar

(b) Influence of New „Gods‟ and new methods of worship was brought to India by the Dravidians.

(c) The British in India followed a policy divide and multiply.

(d) Jesus Christ was born in 4 BC in Judaea.

(e) Gautam Budha was the son of India Prince Suddhodan

Ans:16 (a) True (b) False (c) False (d) False (e) True

Ques 17. Youth can contribute for nation building at personal level by saying „no‟ to what all social evils? (05)

Ans - 17 

(a) Drugs

(b) Dowry

(c) Illicit sexual relations

(d) Antisocial activities in thought and action.

(e) Exploitation of underprivileged in society.

(f) Use of child labour

(g) Unfair means during exams.

(h) Accepting and offering bribe in all forms


Q.No. 18 What are Leadership traits? (10)

Ans 18- These area as under : -

(a) Alertness

(b) Bearing

(c) Courage

(d) Decisiveness

(e) Dependability

(f) Endurance

(g) Initiative

(h) Integrity

(i) Judgement

(j) Justice

(k) Knowledge

(l) Loyalty

(m) Sense of humour

(n) Tactful

(o) Unselfishness

Q.No. 19 List out important values of a good & successful leader? (15)

Ans - 19 These are as under : -

(a) Honesty - not to steal, cheat or lie.

(b) Integrity - uprightness.

(c) Purity - no duplicity, insincerity in thought, word or deed.

(d) Discipline - behaviour according to essential rules and norms which is self-imposed.

(e) Selflessness- unselfishness, rise above selfish or self-centered individualism, self-sacrifice.

(f) Loyalty - true, faithful to duty, love or obligation to person/ institution, faithful in allegiance to the nation or mother country.

(g) Fairness - being impartial, give right decision.

(h) Equality - treat everyone equally.

(j) Trust - firm belief in the reliability, ability, strength of some one or something.

(k) Support - give help, encouragement, or approval.

(l) Respect - a feeling of admiration for someone because of their qualities.

Q.No. 20 Define two elements of perception? (10)

Ans -20 (a) Perception is a process of selection or screening which prevents us from

processing irrelevant or disruptive information and

(b) There is organization of stimuli implying that the information that is processed

has to be ordered and classified in some logical manner which permits us to assign

meaning to the stimuli situations.

Q.No. 21 What is Leader? (05)

Ans.21. A leader is one who influences men and material to win the goal.

Q. No. 22 What are type of leaders? (05)

Ans.22 (a) Born Leaders

(b) Trained leaders

(c) Assumed leaders

Q.23 Define Duty? (04)

Ans.23 Duty may be defined as moral or legal obligations and a binding force of what is

might and good behaviour towards superiors colleagues and subordinates.

Q.24 What are the duties of a good citizen? 05

Ans 24 (a) To be loyal and owe allegiance to the State.

(b) To be patriot and work for preservation of the independence of the country.

(c) To put service before self.

(d) To have good sense of duty.

(e) To care and protect the government properly.

(f) To have high character.

(g) To consider right of other citizen as important as his own rights.


Q.No. 25 -Define disaster? (10)

Ans 25 - Disaster denotes any odd event natural or man made which brings about immense

misery to a region and it becomes difficult to cope up with the situation through local

resources. There are two types of disasters i.e. Natural and Man made.

Q.No. 26 What are the natural disasters? (10)

Ans 26

(a) Wind Related - Storm, Cyclone, Tornado, Storm surge and Tidal waves.

(b) Water Related - Flood, Cloudburst, Flash flood, Excessive rains and Drought.

(c) Earth Related - Earthquake, Tsunamis, Avalanches, Landslides and Volcanic eruptions.

Q.No. 27 What are the man made disasters? (9)

Ans 27 (a) Accidents. Road, Rail, Air, Sea and Building collapse.

(b) Industrial Mishaps. Gas Leak, explosion, sabotage and safety breach.

(c) Fire. Building, Coal and Oil.

(d) Forest Fire. In tropical countries forest fires are often manmade.

(e) Contamination/Poisoning. Food, water, illicit-liquor and epidemics.

(f) Terrorists Activities.

(g) Ecological. Pollution (air, water, noise), soil degradation, loss of biodiversity,

global warming, sea level rise, toxic wastes and nuclear accidents.

(h) Warfare. Conventional, chemical and nuclear.


Q.No. 28 What are the various types of social services? (8)

Ans -28 (a) Education.

(b) Family welfare, Medical care, Family planning and Nutrition.

(c) Provision of Water and Cooking fuel, Roads, Electricity and Sanitation.

(d) Old age support systems.

(e) Employment.

(f) Social assistance, Social security, Care & protection.

(g) Housing and Rehabilitation.

(h) Recreation, Sports and Social activities.

Q.No.29 What are various arguments in favour of Reservation Policy? (05)

Ans -29 (a) Social diversity is desirable in campuses and work places. It can bring out hidden talent of society.

(b) One way to do it is to provide relaxed entry criteria for underprivileged groups.

(c) Hardship faced by those in general category is due to shortage of seats in professional colleges and shortage of employment opportunities and not due to reservation.

Q.No.30 What are various points against reservation policy? (05)

Ans -30 (a) Economic conditions should be the basis for reservation.

(b) Reservation decisions are taken keeping political interests in mind.

(c) Allocation of quotas on the basis of caste is a form of racial discrimination and thus contrary to right to equality.

(d) Merit is severely compromised by reserving seats for certain caste- based communities.

(e) Caste system is being kept alive by reservation policy.

Q.No. 31 Define family planning? (03)

Ans 31. Family planning is defined as the voluntary, responsible decision made by individual and couples as to the desired family size and timing of birth.

Q.No. 32 What are the various methods of family planning? (05)

Ans - 32(a) Vasectomy.

(b) Tubectomy.

(c) Conventional contraceptives like condoms and diaphragms.

(d) Oral pills.

Q.No. 33 - Define HIV? (02)

Ans 34 - HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) is a virus that gradually destroys the body‟s

immune system.

Q.No. 35 What are the roles of Cadets towards society? (5)

Ans.35 (a) Develop a sense of loyality to the community to which she/he belongs.

(b) Work towards national integration and develop loyality to the nation.

(c) Actively participate in the development plans of the nation either by directly

involving himself/herself or by propagating the ideas of development and by

helping others in participating in the development process.


Q.No.36 What is hygiene? (03)

Ans36. Hygiene is the science which deals with the principles of promoting health, personal

and public.

Q.No. 37 What is Sanitation? (02)

Ans.37 Sanitation is the art of keeping ourselves and surroundings neat and clean.

Q..No. 38 What is personal hygiene? (05)

Ans.38(a) Cleanliness of hair

(b) Cleanliness of body and skin.

(c) Cleanliness of nails

(d) Cleanliness of clothes.

(e) Cleanliness of teeth.

Q.No. 39 How will you purity water? (05)

Ans.39(a) Sedimentation

(b) Filtration

(c) Sterilization

(d) Chlorination

(e) Boiling

Q.No. 40 What are types of Latrines? (05)

Ans.40(a) Water carriage System

(b) Aqua priny

(c) Removal System

(d) Deep Trench Latrine

(e) Shallow Trench Latrine

Q.No. 41 What are preventive measures for Malaria? (05)

Ans.41(a) DDT Spray

(b) Use of mosquito nets

(c) Use of mosquito repellents

(d) Wearing fully covered dress

(e) Avoid stagnant water near leaving area

(f) Spray kerosene oil in stagnant drainage water.

Q No. 42 What is the importance of Sanitation? (04)

Ans.42. Health of a community depends on the sanitation. Under sanitation the cleanliness

of the physical surroundings, habits of the people, quality of food, water and air is taken care



Q.No. 43 – What are the various land base adventure activities? (04)

Ans 43. (a) Mountaineering.

(b) Mountaineering Expeditions.

(c) Trekking.

(d) Cycle and Motor Cycle Expedition.

Q .No. 44 : What do you understand by adventure training? (04)

Ans: 44 The training given to the cadets/ youth by the NCC to develop the quality of

leadership, self-confidence, determination and feelings of team spirit.


Q.No. 45 – What is green house affect? (05)

Ans 45 - It is the effect arising due to increased carbon dioxide content and increase in

global temperature and depletion of ozone layer due to chlorofluorocarbons used, poses the

greatest threat to the very existence and survival of human beings and flora and fauna

around the globe.

Q.No. 46. What are the affects of environment degradation? (02)

Ans 46. (a) Global warming.

(b) Acid Rain

(c) Depletion of ozone layer.

Q No. .47. What is the role of NCC cadets towards environmental degradation? (05)

Ans 47– NCC Cadets can take following actions to curb environmental degradation: -

(a) Tree plantation.

(b) Guide and motivate family and friends to control environmental degradation.

(c) Water conservation

(d) Disposal of waste

(e) Educate the people



Q.No. 48 - What are names of Army commands? (05)

Ans 48 - (a) Northern Command

(b) Western, Command

(c) Central Command

(d) Southern Command

(e) South Western Command

(f) Eastern Command

(g) Training Command

Ques 49 - Name the fighting arms? (03)

Ans 49 - (a) Armour

(b) Infantry

(c) Mechanized infantry


Q. No. 50 What is a Map? (05)

Ans.50 Map is proportionate representation of piece of ground with all its natural and

man made features shown by some conventional signs.

Q..No. 51 What are uses of Map? (05)

Ans. 51 (a) To find own position.

(b) To determine direction from one object to another.

(c) To locate various feature of ground on map.

(d) To plan move during war.

Q. No.52 Name five parts of Compass. (05)

Ans.52 (a) Thumb Ring

(b) Lid

(c) Window

(d) Tongue

(e) Lubber Line

(f) Direction mark

(g) Prism

Q.No 53 What are cardinal points and types of North? (05)

Ans.53 (a) North (b) South (c) East (d) West

True North, Magnetic North and Grid North

Q,No. 54. Draw the following conventional signs? (05)

(a) Water Spring (b)Tample (c) Gurudwara (d) Mosque (e) Fort







Q.No. 55 What are uses of Compass? (05)

Ans. 55 (a) To find the North.

(b) To set the map.

(c) Measure magnetic bearing.

(d) During Night March


Q.No.56 Define Field craft? (05)

Ans 56- Field Craft is an art of using the ground and the weapon available to the best of

one‟s own advantages.

Q.No. 57 What all subjects are included in Field craft? (05)

Ans - 57 (a) Description of Ground.

(b) Observation and concealment.

(c) Judging distance.

(d) Recognition and description of targets.

(e) Movement with and without Arms

Q.No 58 What are the various type of grounds and explain? (10)

Ans 58 (a) Broken Ground. It is uneven and is generally interspersed with nullahs,

bumps and field in the ground. It is suitable for move of infantry and hinders

observation of activities.

(b) Flat and Open Ground. It is even ground with little cover e.g. bushes,

hedges and similar foliage. It is not suitable for move of Infantry by day.

(c) High Ground. Ground far above the general level of the area e.g. hill. It

facilitates domination of area around it by observation or fire or both.(d) Dead Ground. Ground that is hidden from an observer‟s view. It can

not be covered by flat.

Ques 59 – What are the various methods of judging distance? (05)

Ans - 59 (a) Unit of measure.

(b) Appearance method.

(c) Section average.

(d) Key ranges.

(e) Halving.

(f) Bracketing

Ques 60 - What is the sequence of indicating targets? (05)

Ans - 60 The easy way to remember this sequence is to remember the word „GRAD‟. The

sequence is as follows:-

(a) Designation of Group.

(b) Range.

(c) Aid.

(d) Description


Q.No. 61 Filling in blanks; (05)

(a) Effective range of 7.62 mm SLR is ___________ mtr

(b) Rapid range of fire of LMG is ______________ per minute.

(c) Expand SMC ____________________________.

(d) LMG can be stripped in to ____________ main groups.

(e) No. of groves in 7.62 mm SLR is ________________.

Ans: 61(a) 275 Mtr (b) 3 Magazine (c) Sten Machine Carbine (d) five (e) six

Q.No. 62 Ans the followings: - (10)

(a) Rif 7.62 mm SLR ka kutar (caliber) kitna hai?

Ans - 7.62 mm

(b) Bharey huey magazine ke sath Rif 7.62 mm SLR ka wazan kitna hai?

Ans - 5.1 Kg

(c) 3 - Rif 7.62 mm SLR ka kargar range kitna hai?

Ans - 275 meters

(d) Rif 7.62 mm SLR men kitne round bharey jaatey hain?

Ans - 20 Rds.

(e) Rif 7.62 mm SLR ka poora naam likho?

Ans - 7.62mm self loading rifle.

Q.No. 63 Rif 7.62 mm SLR ka safai ka saman likho? (06)

Ans -63 (i) Pull through.

(ii) Oil bottle.

(iii) Combination tool.

(iv) Gas regulator key screw driver.

(v) Cylinder/Chamber cleaning brush.

(vi) Rifle cleaning brush.

(vii) Graphite grease tube.

(viii) Chindi.


Q.No. 64 Write a short note on battle of Haldighati in about 50 words (08)

Ans: 64 (a) Battle of Haldighati was fought between Rajputs and Mughal Army in1576.

(b) It was fought between 20000 Rajputs and 80,000 Mughal army.

(c) The battle was fierce but indecisive.

(d) Maharana Pratap was saved by his estranged brother however famous loyal horse Chetak died while saving Maharana.

Q.No. 65 Answer the following:- (08)

(a) During which period did Akbar rule Mughal Empire?

(b) Who was The Chief of the Indian Army during Indo-Pak War of 1971.

(c) Which was the „fourth war‟ fought between India and Pakistan?

Ans: 65(a) 15 Oct 1542 – 27 Oct 1605

(b) Gen SFM Manekshaw later FM.

(c) The Kargil war

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