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Monday 5 February 2024

NCC ‘C’ CERTIFICATE EXAM- solved paper 2011






PART - I : DRILL (11 Marks)

Q1. Tick mark the correct answer from the available options for the following questions :- ( 5)

1. In 'Vishram', the distance between both feet in inches is___ .

(a) 12 (b) 9 (c) 16 (d) 10

2. How many paces are taken by front and rear ranks in 'Khuli Line-Chal' ?

(a) 3 (b) 1 1/2 (c) 2 1/2 (d) 1

3. In 'Bagal Shastr', the Right palm is kept on which part ?

(a) Butt (b) Pistol Grip (c) Small of the Butt (d) Trigger

4. Which Salute is authorised to The Governor of a State within his jurisdiction ?

(a) General salute (b) National salute (c) Salami Sastr (d) None of the above

5. While giving 'Guard of Honour' to the Prime Minister, authorised rank and file is

(a) 120 (b) 150 (c) 100 (d) None of the above

Q1. Answers.

1. (a) 12

2. (b) 1 1/2

3. (b) Pistol Grip

4. (b) National salute

5. (a) 120

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :- (6 x 1 = 6)

(a) Aim of Drill is to inculcate a sense of _______________________ and improve _______________ .

(b) General salute is given to dignitaries of the rank of ________________ and above.

(c) The word of command for 'Dressing' is _________________________________ .

(d) Salute is authorised to persons of the rank of ______________________ and above.

(e) In ‘Slow March’, the number of paces per minute are ____________.

Q2. Answers.

(a) Discipline, Bearing/smartness/turn out

(b) Major General

(c) Sajje (Dahine Saj / Baen Saj)

(d) Chief Petty Officer

(e) 70


Q3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. ( 5 x 1⁄2= 21⁄2)

1. While adjusting the 'Thumb Spring', towards which side does the range increase ?

(a) Right Side (b) Butt Side (c) Muzzle Side (d) None of the above

2. How many loops does the 'Pull Through' of .22 Rifle have ?

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4

3. In 'Lying Position', the base of the 'Vertical Triangle' is formed by the ____________ .

(a) Chest (b) Elbows (c) Ground (d) Shoulder

4. While firing the weapon, which hand should pull the rifle into the shoulder?

(a) Left (b) Right (c) Both (d) None

5. While firing, 'Elevation' is given to counter which force ?

(a) Speed (b) Velocity(c) Wind Effect (d) Gravity

Q 3. Answers.

1. (c) Muzzle Side

2. (b) 3

3. (c) Ground

4. (b) Right

5. (d) Gravity

Q4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers in English. ( 5 x 1⁄2 = 2 1⁄2)

(a) The Rifle will ____________________ if the Bolt is NOT closed completely.

(b) The number of pressures that you find while pressing the trigger are ___________________ .

(c) The Rifle is said to be 'Loaded' when there is a _____________ in the Chamber.

(d) The Diameter of the 'Bull' (Centre circle) in a four feet target is ____________ ft.


Q 4. Answers.

(a) Not Fire

(b) Two

(c) Round

(d) One

(e) Mean Point of Impact

Q 5. Write the names of any three stores required for cleaning the Rifle ? ( 3 )

(a) Flannelette / Chindi 

(b) Pull Through

(c) Cleaning oil (d) Rags

(e) Chamber Stick



Q6. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate answers. ( 10 x 1⁄2 = 5 )

(a) First President of India was ________________________________________________.

( ) Jainism was founded by ________________________ .

( ) Most famous king of Vijayanagar Empire was _________________________________________ .

( ) The native inhabitants of Peninsular India were the _____________________ .

( ) India was the cradle of ______________________, one of the earliest civilizations in History.

( ) In the year 1885, The Indian National Congress was established by ________________________ .

( ) The sacred scripture of 'Sikhism' is ______________________________________________ .

( ) 'Quit India' movement was started by Gandhiji in the year ______________ .

Q 6. Answers.

(a) Dr Rajendra Prasad.

(b) Mahaveer Jain

(c) Sri Krishnadevaraayalu

(d) Dravidians

(e) Indus Valley Civilization

(f) Sir HO Hume

(g) Guru Granth Saheb

(h) 1942

(j) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

(k) 1857

Q 7. Match the following Write 1/2/3/4 in the brackets. ( 4 )

(1) Subhash Chandra Bose     (a) Jai Jawan ; Jai Kisan 3

(2) Sardar Vallabhai Patel     (b) Panditji 4

(3) Lal ahadur hastry             (c) Indian National Army 1

(4) Jawahar Lal Nehru            (d) Iron man of India 2


8. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words. ( 1 x 1 = 12 )

(a) The process by which one is inspired to act in the desired manner is called ___________________ .

(b) A person can command respect of others only if he knows his ____________ and does it sincerely.

(c) A man's character is made in the ______________________ years of his life.

(d) To obey man's order as issued by rightful authority is _______________________.

(e) An exchange of facts, ideas, options and emotions by two or more persons is called ____________ .

(f) The only five words that Sir Winston Churchill said in his keynote address at his school after World War - II were ________________________________________________________________ .

(g) Discipline teaches ____________________ and ______________________ at all times.

(h) To obey God's order as delivered by conscience is _________________________ .

(j) NCC Cadets will stand at ____________________ and do not ____________ when National Anthem is played.

(k) Selecting the best course of action from two or more alternatives is called _____________________ .

8. Answers.

(a) Motivation.

(b) Duty

(c) Formative / early

(d) Discipline

(e) Communication


(g) Self Control, Correct Behaviour

(h) Duty

(j) Attention / Saavdhaan, Salute

(k) Decision Making

9. List out any five of the important duties of a good citizen ( 5 )

(a) Be Loyal and owe allegiance to the State.

(b) Patriotism and Preservation of Independence of the Country.

(c) Service before Self

(d) Sense of Duty.

(e) Care and Protection of government property.

(f) High character.

(g) Consider right of other citizens.

(h) Expose others who indulge in anti – social activities.

0. List out five leadership traits, which when followed religiously, can improve 'character' ( 5 )

(a) Courage (b) Decisiveness

(c) Initiative (d) Enthusiasm

(e) Loyalty (f) Justice

(g) Morality (h) Sense of Duty

(j) Patriotism


11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words 8 1⁄2 4








11. Answers.

(a) Oxygen

(b) Water

(c) Switch Off, Seats

(d) Foam Type, Dry Chemical Powder

(e) Disconnected / Removed

f Central Water Commission


(a) Relief Group (b) Warning Group

(c) Shelter Management Group (d) Evacuation and Rescue Groups

(e) First Aid Medical Groups (f) Sanitation Group

(g) Carcass Disposal Group


13 5x1⁄2 = 21⁄2

(a) Unemployment

(b) Poverty

(c) Untouchability

(d) Backwardness

(e) Lower status in society

(f) Mal-nutrition

(g) Hunger

(h) Illeteracy

14 x1⁄2= 21⁄2

(a) Education

(b) Family welfare, Medical Care, Family

Plannian and Nutrition

(c) Provision of water, Cooking Fuel,

Roads, Electricity and sanitation

(d) Old age support systems

(e) Employment

(f) Social assistance, social security and

care & protection

(g) Housing and rehabilitation

(h) Recreation, sports and social activities

15 x 1⁄2 = 2

(a) Vascectomy

(b) Tubectomy

(c) Condoms and Diaphragms

(d) Oral Pills

16 x 1⁄2 = 2


Sexual transmission

(b) Blood Transfusion

(c) Sharing Needles and Syringes

(d) Mother to Child transmission during

Pregnancy, Delivery OR Breast Feeding


17 5 1⁄2 21⁄2

There are _______ bones in the human body

b Oxygen and nourishment is carried to all parts of the body by _________________ .

c Silvery wire-like fibres which are connected with the brain are called _________________.


d) The wound caused by a bullet is known as _____________________ .

e ‘Surya Namaskara’ is a combined sequence of _________________ po itions.




b Blood

c Nerves

d) Gun Shot Wound (GSW)

e 12

18. List out any five diseases carried by mosquitoes and flies. (5 x 1⁄2 = 21⁄2)

(a) Malaria (b) Dengue

(c) Filariasis (d) Diarrhoea

(e) Dysentry (f) Cholera

(g) Typhoid


19 4 1⁄2 2

Large scale felling of trees known as _____________________.

b The increase in average temperature of earth due to increase in carbon dioxide and green house gases is

called _____________________________.

c If rain water contains greater than the normal acidity, it is called ___________________.

d __________

19 Answers.

a Deforestation

b Global Warming

c Acid Rain

d 20

20. List out any six activities carried out by NCC cadets to protect the environment. (6 x 1⁄2 = 3)


(a) Cleaning of Ponds, Riversides and beaches

(b) Awareness rallies against environment hazards

(c) Cleanliness drives in and around schools, colleges, hospitals etc...

(d) Human chains / street plays

(e) Tree plantation drives

(f) Campaign against use of Polythene

(g) Protection of Forest land



Q21. Write down four vulnerable parts of the body ( 4 x 1⁄2 = 2)

(a) Eyes (b) Ears

(c) Temples (d) Nose

(e) Mouth (f) Chin

(g) Throat (g) Solar Plexes

(h) Abdomen (j) Fork (Testicles)

(k) Knees (l) Base of Skull

(m) Spine (n) Kidneys

Q22. Write down any five ways that NCC cadets can prevent untoward incidents ( 5 )


Drive or walk carefully on roads

(b) Follow road safety rules

(c) Start early to reach in time

(d) Do NOT over speed

(e) Do NOT mix drinking and driving

(f) Cross roads at Zebra Crossing

(g) Avoid travelling in crowded places and carry little cash and valuables

(h) Do NOT indulge in hooliganism

(j) Report incidents to nearest police station

(k) Ensure prevention of robbery and threat and report such incidents to law and order authorities

(l) Boys must abide by moral values from young age

(m) Respect girls’ dignity

(n) Girls should not dress in such a way which can attract negative or degrading remarks, glances or action.

(o) Girls should avoid travelling in darkness and least of all, alone.

(p) Boys must understand that eve teasing, molestatation and sexual harassments are criminal offences

(q) Cadets should spend time with their families and should introduce their friends to them

(r) Drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism must be avoided

(s) Spread awareness and positive thinking

Q23. Write the names of any four martial arts that you know that help in self defence (4 x 1⁄2 = 2)

(a) Karate (b) Judo

(c) Taekwondo (d) Kick boxing



(a) Physical Fitness and Good health

(b) Mental robustness

(c) Calculated Risk taking

(d) Spirit of Adventure, Sportsmanship Spirit and Confidence

(e) Planning and Foresight

(f) Survival under adverse conditions

(g) Discipline

(h) Courage

(j) Spirit of Comraderie, Teamwork and self confidence


25. List out any five (5)



(b) Cycling

(c) Para Sailing

(d) Hang Gliding

(e) Mountaineering

(f) River Rafting

(g) Micri-lite Flying

(h) Sailing

(j) Rowing / Kayaking

(k) Rock-climbing

26. What are the water borne adventure activities (5)

(a) Sailing

(b) Rowing

(c) Kayaking

(d) White Water Rafting

(e) Wind Surfing

(f) Deep Sea Diving

(g) Yachting

27. List out five points to be kept in mind before planning an adventure activity (5)

(a) Plan should be realistic and not over ambitious

(b) Physical standards of the participants

(c) Finances

(d) Selection of cadets

(e) Number of Participants

(f) Selection of Route and Halts

(g) Logistics

(h) Collection of Prior Information

(j) Liaison with civil / military authorities

(k) Medical Cover


Q28. List out six aspects in day to day life where use of modern technology is contributing to better (6x 1⁄2 = 3)

Governance and bringing the fruits of democracy to the common man.

(a) e- seva

(b) Electronic Voting Machines (EVM)

(c) Digitization of Land Records

(d) Pension Distribution through Smart Cards / Debit Cards

(e) More awareness through proliferation of news channels in local languages

(f) Computerized Rail / Bus Reservation

(g) Digitization of Municipal / property documents including payment of taxes

(h) Mobile phone revolution including sms polling on important aspects and related services

(j) Proliference of Cyber Cafes even in remote areas

(k) Accurate Weather forecasts, Land Utilization and Geological Information Systems

(l) Realtime tracking of trains, vehicles through GPS

(m) New methods of Agricultural activities and better varieties of seeds and crops

Q29. Match the following (4 x 1⁄2 = 2)

(a) CPU (i) National Unique Identity Project ( C )

(b) RAM (ii) Input Device ( D )

(c) AADHAR (iii) Part of a Computer ( A )

(d) Mouse (iv) Type of memory ( B )



Max Marks : 250


. Write the equivalent ranks for :- 10 1 10

Army Navy Air Force

(a) Colonel Captain (IN) Group Captain

(b) General Admiral Air Chief Marshal

(c) Lt Colonel Commander Wing Commander

(d) Havildar Petty Officer Sergeant

(e) Subedar Major MCPO - Ist Class Master Warrant Officer

Q2. Fill in th blanks

(a) An assault from seaward onto a hostile shore is called a ______________________ operation.

(b) Indian Navy has ______________ squadrons of submarines.


Q2. Answers.

(a) Amphibious

(b) Two

(c) Visakhapatnam

Q3. Match the following ( 5 )

(a) Naval Engineering College (i) Frigate ( E )

(b) India’s first cruiser (ii) INS Rajali ( D )

(c) Directly in the rear (iii) Lonavla ( A )

(d) Naval Air Shore Establishment (iv) INS Delhi ( B )

(e) INS Kirpan (v) Stern ( C )

Q 4. List out any five major ports of India ( 5 )

(a) Kandla

(b) Mumbai

(c) Marmugoa

(d) Cochin / Kochi

(e) Tuticorin

(f) Chennai

(g) Pondicherry

(h) Kakinada

(j) Visakhapatnam / Vizag

(k) Nhava Sheva

(l) Paradip


5 5 5

(a) The Flag Zero is carried by the _____________________ Ship.

(b) While at Harbour, the message ‘underwater divers are operating’ is conveyed by ___________________.

(c) Communicating with the help of flags is called _____________________.

(d) The radio Sub Department looks after the two aspects of _________________________ and





(a) Military Guard Duty Ship

(b) FLAG 4

(c) Semaphore

(d) Radio Telegraphy, Automatic Telegraphy

Q6. Name the three sub departments of the Communication Department. ( 3 )

(a) Tactical

(b) Radio

(c) Special

Q7. Write down the corresponding flags to convey the following meaning:- ( 5 )

(a) Ship in harbor transferring fuel OR explosive - Flag ‘BRAVO’

(b) Man overboard - Flag ‘OSCAR’

(c) This ship is open for visitors - Flag ‘VICTOR’

(d) I am operating aircraft - Flag ‘FOXTROT’

(e) I am carrying stretcher patient - Flag ‘MIKE’

Q8. Write the full forms of the following :- ( 4 )

(a) SCO - Signal Communication Officer

(b) INMARSAT - Indian Maritime Satellite

(c) INS - Indian Naval Ship

(d) GPS - Global Positioning System

Q9. Write down the ‘phonetic alphabets’ for the following :- (10 X 1⁄2 = 5)

(a) Z - ZULU (b) P - PAPA

(c) B - BRAVO (d) E - ECHO

(e) S - SIERRA (f) Y - YANKEE

(g) O - OSCAR (h) R - ROMEO

(j) A - ALFA (k) Q - QUEBEC

Q10. Write down the ‘Morse Code’ for the following alphabets :- (6 x 1⁄2 = 3)

(a) A - Dot Dash (b) O - Dash Dash Dash

(c) D - Dash Dot Dot (d) P - Dot Dash Dash Dot

(e) M - Dash Dash (f) Z - Dash Dash Dot Dot


Q11 1 1

(c) Length of standard Nautical Mile is _____________________ feet.

(d) The most convenient ‘Datum’ is the ____________________ through the ship’s position.

(e) The rapidly spinning wheel on a ship whose axis points to the True North is called the _______________.


(f) In navigational charts, the depth of sea bed is shown in ______________ or metres.

(g) The navigational charts are produced by the _______________________ department.

(h) __________________________________________ gives a bird’s eye view of the surrounding area with

the observer at the centre.

(j) Depth of water below the Keel of the ship can be measured by an instrument known as ______________

(k) All vessels underway are bound to obey the __________________________________ rules unless they

are not ___________________________________.

(l) If a vessel is propelled y machinery and also sails, she is to be considered as a ___________________


Q11 Answers.

(c) 6080

(d) Meridian

(e) Gyro

(f) Fathoms

(g) Hydrographic

(h) Plan Position Indicator (PPI)

(j) Echo Sounder

(k) Steering and Sailing Rules, Under Command

(l) Power driven Vessel

Q12. List out any ten information available on a ‘Navigation chart’ 10

(a) Number of the Chart

(b) Title of the Chart

(c) Date of Survey of the Chart

(d) Date of Publication and Edition

(e) Corrections made to the chart, Large and Small

(f) Scale of the Chart

(g) Tidal marks, Tidal Streams and Currents with their Directions and Rates

(h) Topography of the coast and prominent natural features

(j) Light houses with characteristics of lights displayed by them

(k) Buoys and beacons with details of the types, colour and shape and the lights displayed on each

(l) Radio and Radar beacons alongwith their band and frequency

(m) Fog signals characteristics

(n) Depth of water and depth contours

(o) Latitudes and longitudes

(p) Compass Rose

Q13. Name the three ‘Navigation Markings’ 3


Light Houses

(b) Beacons

(c) Buoys

Q14. Name the two ways to calculate the position of a ship on a chart ( 2 )

(a) Plotting a position by Latitude and Longitude

(b) Plotting a position by bearing and Distance



Q15 (6 )

(a) ‘Catapults’ are found in ________________________________________.

(b) The art of carrying out rope work on board ships i called _______________________.

(c) The temporary joining of one rope to another is called _________________________.

(d) The crew of a Whaler Boat is _____________________ plus four crew.

(e) In the Navy, the means of passing orders and information is called _________________.

(f) _______________ of colours is a form of saluting and paying of respects in the Navy.

Q15 Answers.

(a) Aircraft Carriers

(b) Rigging

(c) Bend

(d) Coxswain

(e) Piping

(f) Dipping

Q16. Name any four cordages made from ‘Natural Fibre’ ( 4 )

(a) Manila Rope (b) Sisal Rope

(c) Hemp Rope (d) Coir Rope

Q17. Name any five ‘Common Parts’ of a ship ( 5 )

(a) Free Board

(b) Draught

(c) Decks

(d) Forecastle / Focsle

(e) Quarter Deck

(f) Superstructure

(g) Masts

(h) Keel

(j) Boat deck

Q18. Name any five parts of a ‘Fore Sail’ ( 5 )

(a) Fore stay

(b) Fore Halyard

(c) Fore sail guys

(d) Fore sail

(e) Fore Sheet

Q19. Name any five parts of an ‘Anchor’ ( 5 )

(a) Lugless Anchor Shackle

(b) Anchor Ring

(c) Shank

(d) Pea OR Bill

(e) Fluke

(f) Tripping Palm

(g) Crown

(h) Gravity Shackle (if fitted)


Q20. List out any five living and non-living materials available from oceans/seas. 5

(a) Medicinal Plants

(b) Fish

(c) Corals

(d) Minerals

(e) Salt

(f) Sand

(g) Pearls

(h) Chemicals

(j) Crude Oil


Q21. List out any five duties of the Coast Guard in point form ( 5 )

(a) Ensure safety and protection of artificial islands, offshore terminals, installations and other structures and

devices in any maritime zone

(b) Providing protection to fishermen

(c) Provide assistance to fishermen at sea while in distress

(d) Assisting the Customs and other authorities in anti – smuggling operations

(e) Taking measures to preserve and protect the maritime environment and to prevent and control marine


Q22. 4

(a) The full form of EEZ is ______________________________________________.

(b) Coast Guard was set up as a result of an Inter Ministerial Committee called _______________


(c) The EEZ of India extends up to __________ Kilometers from the coastline.

(d) Merchandise forbidden by the law of nations to be supplied to an enemy is called __________________.

Q22. Answers.

(a) Exclusive Economic Zone

(b) Rustomji Committee

(c) 12

(d) Contraband

Q23. List out any five useful material that can be obtained from ‘Crude Oil’ ( 5 )

(a) Petroleum / Petrol

(b) Diesel

(c) Kerosene

(d) Grease

(e) Vaseline

(f) Tar

GUNNERY (16 Marks)

Q24. 4

(a) The ‘Gunnery Branch’ operates various types of ___________________ and __________________.

(b) __________________________ is an aircraft used in the Navy.

(c) _______________________ is an Air to Surface missile.

Q24. Answers.

(a) Guns and Radars

(b) Sea Harrier / TU 142 / IL 38 / Sea Kings / Kamovs

(c) Brahmos / Nag

Q25. List out any three Gunnery Radars fitted on ships ( 3 )

(a) Bharat RAWS-03 S-band radar

(b) Bharat/Signaal RAWL-02 (PLN 517) D-band radar

(c) Garpun-Bal FC radar

(d) Elta EL/M-2221 Search, Track & Guidance/Gunnery Radar (Barak SAM)


Q26. List out any ten parts of 7.62 mm Rifle (10 x 1⁄2 = 5)

(a) Barrel (b) Butt


Butt Plate (d) Breach Block

(e) trigger (f) Trigger guard

(g) Piston (h) Foresight

(j) Back sight (k) Pitol Grip

(l) Gas Plug (m) Gas Regulator

(n) Magazine (n) Safety Catch

(o) Butt Trap (p) Return spring

Q27. List out any four types of missiles fitted on warships ( 4 )

(a) Surface to Surface Missiles (SSM)

(b) Air to Surface Missiles (ASM)

(c) Surface to Air Missiles (SAM)

(d) Sub Surface to Surface Missiles (SLAM)


Q28. 8

(a) NBCD stands for ____________________________________________________________________.

(b) Removing the inflammable material from the fire is called _____________________________.

(c) _____________________ is an instrument to measure the level of nuclear radiation.

(d) Fire is produced when a _____________________ substance is heated to a temperature that is above its

________________ point.

(e) For controlling flooding, ships are divided by watertight_______________ and ________________ into

watertight compartments.

(f) Openings to under water compartment of a ship are marked with a risk marking of a on

the upper Right Hand corner.

Q28. Answers.

(a) Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Damage Control

(b) Starving

(c) Dosimeter

(d) Combustible Substance, Ignition

(e) Decks and Bulkheads

(f) Red Triangle

Q29. Write down the three main methods of putting off a fire ( 3 )

(a) Starving (Removing the inflammable material)

(b) Smoothering (Shutting off the upply of air)

(c) Cooling (Removing the source of heat)

Q30. Write down what the following three water-tight control markings represent ( 3 )

(a) ‘X’ Doors / hatches that lie below the waterline of the ship

(b) ‘Y’ Doors / hatches that lie on the waterline of the ship

(c) “Z’ Doors / hatches that lie above the waterline of the ship


Q31. Write the names of three commonly used Fire Extinguishers in the Indian Navy ( 3 )

(a) 9 Ltr AFFF Extinguisher

(b) 2 1⁄2 lb CO2 Extinguisher

(c) P12 Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher


Q32. 7

(a) In case of a yatch, the drawing comprises of two figures, the _______________ and the _________ plan.

(b) An important aspect of ship modeling is the ability to read a ____________________.

(c) The two types of construction of a boat are _________________ type and ________________ type.

(d) The blue print comprises of two aspects, the ___________ and the ______________.

Q32. Answers.

(a) Hull Plan, Sail Plan

(b) Drawing / Blue Print

(c) Clinker Build, Carvel Build

(d) Plan, Elevation

Q33. Write the names of four types of tools used in ship modeling ( 4 )



(b) Chain Measure

(c) Footrule

(d) Tri Square

(e) Jack Plane

(f) Smoothing Plant

(g) Compass Plane

(h) Gouging Chisel

(j) Mortise Chisel

(k) Flat Chisel

(l) Hand Saw

Q34. Write five types of wood that can be used in ship modeling ( 5 )


Balsa wood

(b) Japonica Wood

(c) Ply Wood

(d) Teak

(e) Yellow Pine

Q35. Write five types of joints used in carpentry ( 5 )

(a) Lap Joint

(b) Halving Joint

(c) Mortice and Tenon Joints

(d) Bridle Joints

(e) Tongue and Groove Joints

Q36. Write down the three types of ship models ( 3 )

(a) Solid Model

(b) Working Model

(c) Sailing Model



Q37. 4

(a) The two types of propulsion systems used in submarines are _____________________________

and _________________________________.

(b) A _________________ floats / sails on water whereas a ____________________ sails under water.

Q37. Answers.

(a) Diesel Electric Propulsion OR Conventional Propulsion, Nuclear Propulsion

(b) Ship, Submarine

Q38. List out the names of any four submarines of the Indian Navy ( 4 )

(a) INS Sindhugosh (b) INS Sindhukirti

(c) INS Shishumar (d) INS Shalki

(e) INS Vela (f) INS Vagli

(g) INS Sindhuratna (h) INS Sindhuraj


Q39. 4

(a) The full form of IMD is _______________________________________________ and its HQ is located

at _______________________________.

(b) The full form of WMO is ______________________________________________________.

(c) Weather bulletins, warnings and forecasts for the country are issued by _______________________.

Q39. Answers.

(a) Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi

(b) World Meteorological Organization

(c) Indian Meteorological Department

Q40. Match the following (Write a/b/c/d in the vacant brackets) ( 4 )

(a) Hygroscope (i) Wind velocity and Direction ( C )

(b) Barometer (ii) Earthquake Shocks ( D )

(c) Anemometer (iii) Changes in Atmospheric Humidity ( A )

(d) Seismograph (iv) Atmospheric Pressure ( B )


Q41. 6

(a) Winds are produced by differences in __________________________________.

(b) When temperatures of adjoining areas are unequal, the ________________ tends to raise and flow over

the ______________________.

(c) The full form of MHWN is ___________________________________________________________.

(d) The falling tide is also known as ______________________.


(e) Periodic horizontal movement of water along the coast due to passage of tidal waves is called




Q41. Answers.

(a) Atmospheric Pressure

(b) Warmer air, Colder Air

(c) Mean High Water Neap

(d) Ebb Tide

(e) Tidal Streams

Q42. What are the factors that cause ‘Tides’ ( 4 x 1⁄2 = 2 )


(a) The attractive force of the moon

(b) The attractive force of the Sun

(c) The Gravitational force of the earth

(d) The Centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the earth about it’s axis


Q43. 6

(a) A ‘Radio Watch’ on the ________________________________________________ by ships while at sea

is an important aspect of rescue of people in distress.

(b) Indian Navy is responsible to coordinate Search and Rescue operations between Latitudes __________

and ________ North on Western seaboard and between Latitudes _________ and __________ North on

the eastern Seaboard..

(c) Search and Rescue operations between Andaman and Nicobar islands is coordinated by the


Q43. Answers.

(a) International Distress Frequencies

(b) 6

0 North, 230

30’ North, 60 North, 220 North

(c) Far Eastern Naval Command

Q44. Write down the four Sectors into which the Indian Navy is organized for Search and Rescue operations. ( 2 )


Mumbai Sector

(b) Cochin Sector

(c) Chennai Sector

(d) Calcutta Sector


Q45. 4

(a) The body of a Tarpedo consists of three parts which are ______________, _______________________

and _______________________.

(b) An underwater weapon fired from a ship/submarine/helicopter to destroy enemy ships/submarines is

called a ______________________..

Q45. Answers.

(a) Engine, Depth Keeping Mechanism, Tail Section

(b) Tarpedo


Q46. ( 4 )

(a) SONAR : Sound Navigation and Ranging

(b) MRGO : Medium Range Gunnery Officer

(c) GO : Gunnery Officer

(d) SCR : SONAR Control Room

SWIMMING (34 Marks)

Q47. 1

(a) The safety skill for all swimmers to keep body upright and head above water is called

‘____________ the Water’

(b) An overflow trough at the edge of the pool through which floating debris, oil and other "lighter-than-water"

things flow is called _______________________________.

(c) A ________________________ plant is always found at a swimming pool through which water is


(d) Generally the length of a Swimming Pool used for Lap swimming is ____________ meters.

(e) If all the four swimmers swim in different swimming styles, it is called ‘______________ Relay’.

(f) The swimming style ‘ _________________________’ is supposedly the fastest style.

(g) Before and after swimming, swimmers are required to have a _____________ for which

arrangements are made in the changing room.

Q47. Answers

(a) Treading

(b) Gutter

(c) Filtration

(d) 25 Meters

(e) Medley

(f) Freestyle

(g) Shower

Q48. List out any five life saving equipment that is used in swimming pools ( 10 )

(a) Lifebuoy

(b) Backstroke indicator

(c) Life – saving hook

(d) Life guard chair

(e) Rescue Tube

(f) Life saving Rope

(g) Safety throw bag

(h) Reach pole

Q49. List out any five styles of swimming ( 10 )

(a) Free Style

(b) Breast Stroke

(c) Butterfly Stroke

(d) Back Stroke

(e) Medley (Combination of all styles one each by each participants)

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