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Monday 5 February 2024





Q-1. Fill in the blanks (12)

(a) A word of command consists of two parts, which are   ______ and _______.(Cautionary, Executive)

(b)   In VISHRAM position the distance from heel to heelis ________. (12 Inches, 18 Inches)

(c)  The distance between front and rear line in ‘KHULI LINE

CHAL’ is ____________and in ‘NIKAT LINE CHAL’ it is______.(150 Inches, 60 Inches)  

(d)  The Officers of the rank of Major and above the Salute given

with rifle is  ________________.(Salami Shastra)´ 

(e)  When Director General NCC visits an unit, the _______salute is given by SD/SW NCC Cadets. (Samman Guard or Guard of Honour)

(f)  In Guard Mounting, the Guard Commander, Assistant Guard 

Commander and _______ Cadets take part. (06)


Q-2. Write in brief (15)

(a) Write any five movements in foot drill. (5)

(i) Savdhan (ii) Dahine Mur (iii)  Piche Mur

(iv) Vishram (v) Aram Se

(b) Name how many type of salutes (without Arms) (2)

Right, Left & Front salutes

(c) How many types of drill write name of them ? (2)

(i) Open drill  (ii) Close drill

(d) Why is ‘Khuli line’ chal order given ? (1)

 Khuli line chal is done for inspection of parade.

(e) What is the marching speed of girls cadets per minute? (1)

110 Steps/minute

(f) What is the degree of turn taken while doing right turn ?(1)

90 Degree

(g) Who has started drill & in which year ? (2)

Gen Drawl in 1666.

(h) Write the parts of  command in Drill. (1)

Two parts of word of command : Cautionary & Executive part.

Q-3. State True or False (08)

(a) During about Turn the turn is taken from right hand side.     (T)

(b) For squad inspection open order is necessary. (T)

(c) During slow march the distance  covered is 200 yards.(F)

(d) The SD/SW cadet only give guard of honour to dignitaries.(T)


Q-1. Write in Short (20)

  1. Write down various position of firing.

Lying position, standing position, Kneeling position and standing position.

(b) Write down the characteristics of a good shooter

(i) Hold rifle properly (ii) Aim correctly

(iii) Good trigger operation

(c) Write down the name of a various small arms to train the cadet.

.22 rifle MK –IV, self loading rifle, Carbine Machine Gun LMG.

(d) Write the name of parts of rifle, where is the registered number engraved ?

Fore sight, Butt plate, near back sight, near upper sling carrier, bold, magazine, and Bayonet.

(e) Write the name of cleaning materials used for cleaning of rifle ?

Pull through, cleaning brush, wire gauge, cleaning rod and flannette.

Q-2. Fill in the blanks : (10)

(a) The length of .22 Rifle is _________. (43”)

(b) SLR Stands for _______. (Self Loading Rifle)

(c) There are ________position of firing of .22 rifles.(Four)

(d) Caliber of .22 Rifle is ________. (.22mm)

(e) The weight of .22 Rifle is _______.(6 Pound 2 Ounce)

(f) ________rounds can filled up in .22 Rifles magazine.(Five)

(g) The effective range of .22 Rifle is _______.(25 yards)

(h) The weight of empty magazine of 7.62 SLR Rifle is ______.(280gms)

(j) Safety catch has ______position in 7.62 SLR.(Two)

(k) ________oil used in .22 Rifle in normal climatic areas.  (Ox52)

Q-3. Write True or False (10)

(a) One round one enemy is moto of weapon training.(T)

(b) Standing position is done in mud & water full areas. (T)

(c) In firing range for safety firing own decision should be taken always.(F)

(d) Firing should be continue when the red flag is hoisted.          (F)

(e) The arms must be dry before fring.(T)

(f) The effective range of .22 Rifle is 50 Yards.(F)

(g) During carrying the SLR the safety catch should be in ‘R’ position. (F)

(h) The weight of .22 Rifles is 2.5 Kg.  (F)

(j) The caliber of SLR is 7.62 mm.(T)

(k) 20 rounds can be filled up in the magazine in .22 Rifles.(F)



Q -1. Match (05)

(a) Sanchi - Stupas

(b) Amritsar - Golden Temple

(c) Agra -    Tajmahal

(d) Delhi Red Fort

(e) Hyderabad - Char Minar

Q-2. Write True or False :- (10)

(a)  Peacock is the National Bird of India (T)

(b)  Lion is the National Animal of India. (F)

(c)  ParamVir Chakra is a Gallantry Award. (T)

(d)  Guru Granth Sahib is the Holy/Religious book of Sikhs. (T)

(e)  Kathak is a type of Vocal Instrument played by Tribals  in Gujarat. (F) 

(f)  Porbandar is the Birth place of Mahatma Gandhi (T)

(g)  Indo Pak was war fought between India and Pakistan in 1962.(F)

(h)    Navratri is celebrated in the month of July during Monsoons.(F)

(j) Lt Gen PrakashChaudhary,PVSM,AVSM,SM,VSM is the D G of NCC. (F)

(k)  Gate way of India is located at Delhi. (F)


Q-3. Write down the Religious books of the Religions. (04)

(a) Hindus - Gita, Bhagvat, Ramayan&Mahabharat

(b) Muslims - Quran

(c) Christians - Bible

(d) Sikhs - GuruGranth Sahib

Q-4. Fill in the blanks :

(a) National anthem was composed by ________.(Rabindranath Tagore)

(b) The Muslim religion was established by ________. (Muhammad)

(c) P.T.I. stands for ________.(Press Trust of India)

(d) EBSB stands for _________. (Ek Bharat ShreshtBharat )

(e) The Tenth Guru of Sikh was _________. (Guru GovindSingh)

(f) Give me blood I shall give you freedom the dialogue of_______.(NetajiSubash Chandra Bose)


Q-1. Write down duties of good citizen. (10)

(a) Loyal to state    (b) Preservation of Independence of the country

(c) Service before self (d) Sense of duty

(e) Care and protection of Govtduty  (f)High character

(g) Patriotism (h) Respect to fellow citizen

Q-2. Write down the fundamental rights of Indian citizen. (10)

Right of equality (b) Right of freedom 

(c) Right to freedom of religion and cultural activates.

(d) Right to education (e) Right to constitutional remedies

Q-3. Write down definition of a ‘Team’. (4)

When two or more people who are interdependent, who share responsibility for outcomes, who see themselves and are seen by others as an intact social entity in a larger social system are called as ‘Teams’. When teams are formed, its member must have (or quickly develop) the right mix of complementary competencies to achieve the team’s goals. Also its members need to be able to influence how they will work together to accomplish those goals.

Q-4. What do you understand by Discipline ? (4)

Discipline welds together the other qualities of courage, endurance, alertness and comradeship. Discipline teaches self control and correct behavior at all times. Courage, endurance and even loyalty will not suffice in the real crisis; only discipline will pull subordinates through.

Q-5. Write any six character of a good leader. (6)

(a) Manners (b) Courage (c) Decisiveness

(d) Trust (e) Patience (f) Enthusiasm

Q-6. What do you understand by Right. Explain in brief. (5)

Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology.

Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization, for they are regarded as established pillars of society and culture, and the history of social conflicts can be found in the history of each right and its development.

Q-7. Write five freedom fighters name. (5)

Mahatma Gandhi, SardarVallabhai Patel, Subash Chandra Bose, JawaharLal Nehru, Morarji Desai 

Q-8. How NCC developing leadership quality in a cadet. Explain (10)In brief.

NCC not only molds a person physically but also mentally and spiritually, imbibes the four cardinals.Discipline playsA major role to develop personality. And as a cadet we know that discipline is the part of the motto of NCC.

These are as under: -

(a)          Drill

(b)          Interaction of cadets during camps.

(c)          Competitions

(d)          Sports and adventure activities.



Q-1. Fill in the blanks : (4)

(a) The word TSUNAMI is derived from_________language. (Japanese)

(b) At district level _________ is designated as controller & civil Defense during disaster management.(District collector)

(c) According to seismic zone map of India __________ is high damage risk area in Gujarat state. (Bhuj)

(d) _______ department issues warning about cyclones and heavy rain.(Metrology)

Q-2. Write down the name offive earth related disasters. (5)

(a) Tsunami (b) Stampede (c) Floods

(d) Cyclones (e) Earthquake

Q-3. Write down names of five man made disaster.

Man made disaster- (a) Accidents  (b) Industrial Fire  (c) Forest fire  

(d) Contamination/Poisoning (e)  Terrorists Activities  (f)  Ecological  (g) Warfare

Q-4. What are the proactive ways to stay save from earth quake when indoor ?

  1. Drop down and take cover under a desk or table. Be prepared to hold on until the shaking stops.

  2. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to exit.

(c )Stay away from bookcases and other furniture that can fall on you.

(d)Stay away from windows and light fixtures.

(e)If you are in bed – hold on and stay there. Protect your head with a pillow to protect yourself from flying glass and other debris.

(f)If you are in a wheelchair – go to a safe position and lock the wheels. Stay where you are and cover your head and neck with your arms if you are unable to move quickly to a safe location.

(g)If you are inside a high-rise – drop, cover and hold on.  Avoid windows and other potential hazards. Do not use elevators, and be prepared for sprinkler systems and fire alarms to activate.

Q-5. How a NCC cadet help the civil authority during disaster ? (5)

There are many roles which one NCC cadet must perform during disaster. Mainly:-

  1. Help the peoples to safe places… like on high grounds, open grounds.

  2. Try to motivate peoples…. So they don't get panic.

(c )Motivate young peoples like ur friends to help others…. To make a chain that can help in crucial time.

Q-6. Write True and False. (6)

(a) During earth quake we should leave our village/Town. (F)

(b) Flood can be stopped or minimized making water reservoirs. (T)

(c) General awareness may increase the man made disaster.     (F)

(d) Multi Stair building is recommended to save from the earth quake.     (F)

(e) Ecological unbalance is the cause of natural disaster.     (T)

(f) Scientific development is required to forecast the natural disaster.     (T)


Q-1. Write major social service activities done by NCC cadets. (10)

(a) Cancer awareness rally (b) AIDS awareness rally

(c) Tree plantations (d) Adult education

(e) Blood donation (f) Anti dowry drive

(g) Construction roads etc

Q-2. How can you give awareness to the people about ‘Save Girl Child’. (3)

Talk About It

Encouraging a dialogue with those around you at all levels of society can help spread awareness about the plight of the girl child and open peoples’ eyes on how to change their attitude and behavior towards women. 

Encourage Successes Of Girls In The Community

From educational achievements to extracurricular activities, provide encouragement in any way possible, whether vocally, financially or through practical help.

Support NGOs

There are many nonprofit organizations dedicated to supporting women in India, from helping with education access to health and women’s rights. You can opt to volunteer at these NGOs to gain perspective and knowledge on how things function and how you can be of help to promote women’s issues. 

Give Girl Children Equal Health Opportunities

Spreading awareness about saving the girl child and women's issues can contribute a lot to empower women in India. Promoting equal rights, education and unbiased participation in society and the economy can result in fewer backward practices and the overall progress of our nation.

Q-3. What is the importance of Tree plantation ? (5)

Plants are really important for the planet and for all living things. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen from their leaves, which humans and other animals need to breathe. Living things need plants to live - they eat them and live in them.

Q-4. After adopting a village what all assistance can NCC provide (10)

Towards the overall upliftment of the village ?

The aim of adoption of village or area is to give new ideas of development to the villagers which would improve their living conditions. Once the trust of the communities is won, they start cooperating with the NCC and approach them for solution of their problems. One of the important services that can be rendered by NCC Cadets is disseminating information about the latest developments in agriculture, watershed management, wastelands development, non-conventional energy, low cost housing, sanitation, nutrition and personal hygiene, schemes for skill development, income generation, government schemes such as Swachch Bharat, Digital India, BetiBachao and BetiPadhao, Environment and Energy Conservation and Education, legal aid, consumer protection and allied field.

Q-5. Write short notes. (5)

  1. Clean city and Green city

We shouldn’t throw garbage on the roads, and if we see garbage anywhere near us, we should throw it to the places especially made for keeping garbage.We should support the cleaning staff of the municipal corporation of India so that our city should stay cleaner. Planting more trees is always helpful not only for the environment but also to enhance the beauty of the city and that is why one should plant more trees.

  1. Adult Education

Adult education, distinct from child education, is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained self-educating activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values. It can mean any form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling, encompassing basic literacy to personal fulfillment as a lifelong learner.

HEALTH & HYGIENE  Marks - 29

Q-1 Fill in the Blanks (5)

(a) Malaria is spread by _________________.(Female Anopheles Mosquitoes)

(b) The main sources of pure water is _________& _______.(Surface water and under ground water)

(c) There are ___________ type of permanent latrines. (Two)

(d) ________________ air is very essential to a healthy body. (Fresh)

(e) What is the full form of AIDS ? (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)

Q-2. State True or False :- (10)

(a)  Arteries are blood vessels, which carry pure blood from the heart. (T)

(b)  A diet is balanced if there are lot of Proteins and Ghee in  it, as told by our grand parents. (F)

(c)  Skeleton protects imp organs of the body and gives shape and firmness to it.(T)

(d)  Stomach and intestines are excretory organs.(F)

(e)  Kidneys remove waste material in the form of urine. (T)

(f)  A triangular bandage made into a Collar and Cuff sling is used to support the wrist. (T)

(g)  Cholera is spread by contaminated water and food. (T)

(h) In a Internal Hemorrhage the bleeding is from  a torn artery or a torn vein.(F)

(j)  A crepe bandage is made of elastic material, which stretches and binds firmly.  It can be washed and used again.(T)

(k)  Burns are caused by moist heat such as Hot Water, Hot Fluid and Steam whereas Scalds are caused by Dry Heat/Fire and Flame.(F)

Q-3. Name the major components of nutrients in food ? (5)

a) Carbohydrates

(b) Proteins

(c) Fats

(d) Vitamins

(e) Minerals

Q-5. Write the full name of the following. (5)

(a) AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

(b) HIV - Human Immune Virus

(c) STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases

(d) RBC - Red Blood Corpuls.

(e) CPR - Cardio Pulmonary Resistance

Q-1. Write True or False :- (10)

(a) Kidney is the main part of digestive system. (F)

(b) Skin is the main part of excretory system. (F)

(c) The normal temp of Human body is 98.4  F. (T)

(d) Double bed is used in fracture cases. (F)

(e) Honesty and Politeness is the feature of a good nurse.   (T)

Q-2. Fill in the blanks :- (10)

(a) __________inch bandage is used for finger. (4”)

(b) Figure of eight bandage is used in _______. (Long Bone)

(c) The respiration per minute of a baby is _______ to_______.(72 to 76)

(d) The presence of insects and micro oganism in wound is known as_____disease.(Infected)

(e) Whooping cough is known as _________disease.(Air Born)

(f) Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of _________vitamin.(A)

(g) Anthrax disease is spread up by ___________.(Animal)

Q-3. How many types of fractures . (5)

(a) Simple Fracture.

(b) Compound Fracture

(c) ComplicatedFracture.

(d) Impact Fracture

(e) Green Stick Fracture.  


Q-1. Name any three adventure activities that can be Undertaken by NCC Cadets. (3)

(i) Para Sailing

(ii) Para Gliding

(iii) Para Jumping

(iv) Trekking

(v) Rock Climbing

(vi) Mountaineering expedition

(vii) Cycling expedition

Q-2. Fill in the blanks : (5)

(a) First Indian lady to go into space ___________.(KalpanaChawla)

(b) First Indian winner of Olympic Gold Medal________.(AbhinavBindra)

(c) Highest scorer of world record in cricket is _________.(Sachin Tendulkar)

(d) SaniaMirza is famous for __________.(Tennis)


Q-1. Match the following :- (5)


Solar Energy


Gir National park Gujarat  (4)


Decibels (db)


Silk worm farming             (3)




Study of organisam            (5)


Asiatic Lion


Measuring unit of sound    (2)




Non conventional energy   (1)



Q-1. Fill in the blanks (5)

(a) The supreme commander of Armed Forces is ______. (President of India)

(b) The full form of DDG NCC  is ___________.(Deputy Directorate General)

(c) Name of the first field marshal in armed forces ________.(SHFJ Manekshaw)

(d) There are  _____________commands in Army. (seven)

(e) The Southern command is located at ________.(Pune)

Q- 2. Write True or False (5)

(a) The Army Chief is Maj General Ranked Officer.   (F)

(b) The vehicle ofArmy Chief has 3 stars.(F)

(c) Army eastern command HQ is at Pune.(F)

(d) There are 7 command HQs in Army.                      (T)

(e) The south west command HQ is at chandigarh.      (F)

MAP READING  Marks - 30

Q-1. Write True or False :- (10)

(a) The sequential number of Easting lines are always from Left to Right.(T)

(b) The bearing are always read in clock wise direction. (T)

(c) Grid lines are Black coloured lines in map. (F)

(d) The upper end of a map is in South direction. (F)

(e) There are two types of magnetic compass. (T)

(f) The North shown by a compass is known as true North. (F)

(g) The North marked in a map is called grid North. (T)

(h) Deviation in magnetic compass is due to air pollution. (F)

(j) The symbols used in map are called Gradients. (F)

(k) During map setting the three North should be in one straight line. (T)


Q-2. Write Short Notes :- (10)

(a) True North -`The direction of the North Pole from the point.

(b) Bearing -The angle formed by joining two points and the north and south line.  Bearing is always measured in clockwise direction.

(c) Service protector - Service protector is instrument used for plotting and measuring a bearing on the map.

(d) Scale -The proportion which the distance between the two points on the map bears to the distance between the same two points on the ground.

(e) Global Positioning system -Global positioning system is a satellite guided system for navigation purpose.  It is used by all aircraft, ships and army personnel.

Q-3. Draw conventional sign of the following

(a) Mandir     -

(b) Road -

(c) Railway Line     -

(d) Fort     -


Q-1. Write down the method of judging distance . (10)

(a) Unit measure method (b) Appearance measure method

(c) Section average (d) Key range measuring method

(e) Halving (f) Bracketing

Q-2. Write any five section formations name. (5)

(a) Single file formation

(b)   Extended line formation

(c) Diamond formation

(d) Arrow head formation 

(e)  Spear head formation

Q-3. Name any four factors which makes things visible. (5)

(a) Shape (b) Shine (c) Shadow (d) Surface

(e) Movement (f) Sillhoute


Q-1. Write True or False :- (10)

(a) The composer of National Anthem was Ravindranath Tagore (T)

(b) The 1st president of India was Dr. V VGiri. (F)

(c) The white color in our National Flag signifies peace and Truth. (T)

(d) The first British Governor General of India was Lord Curzon. (F)

(e) The chief of Army Staff during 1971 war against Pakistan was Field Marshal SHF J Manekshaw. (T)

Q-2. Write a short note on victory in 1971 war. (5)

The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 was a military conflict between India and Pakistan. Lasting just 13 days, it is considered one of the shortest wars in history. ... The war effectively came to an end after the Eastern Command of the Pakistani Armed Forces signed the Instrument of Surrender (1971) on December 16, 1971.

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