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Monday 5 February 2024





(Maximum Marks-10)

Fill in the blanks:- (2X5=10)

1.    There are  ______________types of salute. (Three)

2.    The strength of quarter guard is ________________ .

3.     Word of command has_________________parts.(Two)

4.     President is authorized_______________Salute. (National Salute)

5.A word of command consists of two parts ____________& _____________. (Cautionary & Executive)


(Maximum Marks-10)

Fill in the blanks:- (2X5=10)

(a) Effective range of 5.56 INSAS Rifle is _______________.(400 Mts)

(b) Magazine capacity of .22 Rifle is _______________round . (5)

(c) The length of stick nest is ________________.(24”)

(d) TOET stands for ______________.TEST OF ELEMENTARY TRAINING)

 (e) Size of target used for firing at 25 mtr is ___________.(1x1)



(Maximum Marks-30)


(a) Name any four hindrances to National Integration in India?

Casteism, Regionalism, Illiteracy, Communalism, Linguism, Politics.

(b ) What are the major religions in India?

Hindu, Muslims, Christians, Sikh, Buddhists, Jains

(c) List out the contribution of youth in nation building.

1) The youth is the most powerful source of energy for the nation building.

2) The destiny of a nation depends on the character of youth in that nation,

3) The youth are instrumental in the charge of government

4) Youth enjoy more. Freedom than others

5) Nobel ideas for nation building can be contributed by the youth

Fill in the blanks:- (2X5=10)

(a) Quit India movement took place in the year ____________. (1942)

(b) Buddhism was founded by ___________. (Prince Siddharta).

(c) ________________ is the highest Civilian Award in India.(Bharat Ratna)

(d) The Capital of Assam is __________.(Dispur)

(e) ____________ started Ramakrishna Mission. (Swami Vivekananda)


(Maximum Marks-70)

Fill in the blanks:-(2X10=20)

  1. A ______________ can be defined as any number of people who contribute to achieve certain common goals. (Group).

  2. ________________ is a combination by words, letter, symbols or messages for understanding. (communication)

  3. ________________ means a standard of behavior or a set of moral principles that govern a persons behavior. (Values)

  4. ________________ is the foundation of corporate discipline. (Drill)

  5. ________________ are unwritten laws. (Customs)

  6. ________________ means selecting the best course of action from two or more alternatives. (Decision making)

  7. To obey Gods order as received by conscience is __________.(Duty)

  8. ____________ is the process by which one is inspired to act in the desired manner with the help of catalytic persuasion. (Motivation)

  9. Another name for a CV is ______________. (Resume)

  10. A leader should lead from_____________ (front)

Answer the following:-

1. What is motivation?           (4 marks)

Those forces that cause people to attain something. It encompasses pressures and influences that trigger channel and sustain human behavior

2 What are the major determinants of personality of an individual?  (4 marks)

Hearing, knowledge, Way of doing thing, communication, perception, observation and understanding other, physical features, cultural, family and social factors, situations

3 Write down any 4 leadership traits.       (4 marks)

Alertness , Bearing, Courage, Dependability, Decision, Endurance, Enthusiasm, integrity, initiative, judgment, Knowledge, Loyalty, Sense of humor, tact, unselfishness, justice

4 Write down the ways of communication.       (2 marks)

One way communication, Two way communication

5 What is man management?       (5 marks)

Man management the management of men for increasing their morale. It aims at keeping everyone happy and under proper control. This results in greater efficiently.

Choose the correct answers:-(2X10=20)

1.The surest way of wining over you  subordinates is by taking care of their________________(d)

a) Food b) Finance c) Health d) Welfare

2.Customs and traditions in all service are_________ (b)

a) Written laws b) Unwritten laws c) both are correct

d) both are in correct

3.A ___________ is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way(b)

a) Heredity b) Leader c) Human d) Infantry

4.To obey god’s order as delivered by conscience is (a)

a) Duty b) discipline c) Panic d) Calamity

6.Selecting the best course of action from two or more alternatives is( c)

a) Communication b) Motivation

c) decision making d) duty

7.An exchange of facts, ideas, options, and emotions by two or more persons is called (a)

a) Communication    b) Self control   c) Decision making

d) Duty

8.The process by which one is inspired to cat in the desired manner(b)

a) decision making    b) Motivation c) Judgement

d) duty

9.understanding the body language of ideal people and making it a part of your attitude, observing how they act, how they speak and think is called_ (C)

a) Motivation b) decision c) Mirroring d) Judgement

10. _____________are symbolic of the spirit of a Regiment, its sight creates a feeling of pride in soldiers for heroic acts of self sacrifice (b)

a) Communication b) Colours c) Self control d) Mirroring 


1. What are the stores required for firefighting? (05 Marks)

Fire extinguishers

Stirrup pumps

Buckets/ghee tins

Fire beaters and hooks

Choose the correct answers:-

1.    ______________ is an event that cause great damage or harm to people or property(b)

a) Floods b) disaster c) CivilDefence d)Non of the above 

2. Flood, storm, earth quake, tsunami are all________ disaster (c)

a) Man-made b) created c) Natural d) dangerous

3.    ____________ is a nature phenomenon due to which sudden vibrations occur on a portion of earth crust. (b)

  1. Tsunami b) Earth quake c) Floods d) Drought

4.    ____________is caused by an under sea earthquake and the vibrations rush through the ocean (a)

a) Tsunami b) Floods c)Cyclone d) Storm

5.    ____________ is a temporary reduction of water or moisture availability, significantly below the normal or expected amount (b)

a) Floods b) Drought c) Tornado d) Storm


(Maximum Marks-30)

Choose the correct answers:-

1. Gandhiji used the termHarijans and Girijans for (d)

a) Pandavas b) Kshatriyas c) OBC d) SC and ST

2. __________ is defined as the voluntary decision made by couples as to the

desired family size and timing of birth.(  b )

  1. Not in born b) Family planning c) Environment

  2. Culture

3. Youth constitute above __________ percentage of the total population of India (d)

a) 56% b) 28% c) 30% d) 34%

4. In India, an estimated ________ million are HIV+VE (b)

a) 0.41         b) 0.26 c) 1.4         d) 1.6

Answer the following:-

  1. What do you mean by social service? (6marks)

The term social service is defined brooding as, the provisions made by government or voluntary efforts to meet income maintenance, medical care, housing, education and recreational needs and provisions, for the care and protection of recognized special groups. 


  1. What are the major problems of our country? (6marks)

Problem of health, Problem of illiteracy, Lack of nutrition,Lack of housing,  Lack of sanitation and water,Lack of communication, shortage of power

  1. What is RTI ? (4marks)

RTI- Right to Information.The Indian parliament had enacted the “freedom of information act in order to promote, transparency and accountability in administration. The new law empowers Indian citizens to seek any accessible information from a public authority and marks the government and its functionaries more accountable and responsible.

  1. What is counter terrorism? (4marks)

Counter-terrorism (also spelled counterterrorism), also known as antiterrorism, incorporates the practice, military tactics, techniques, and strategy that government, military, law enforcement, business, and intelligence agencies use to combat or prevent terrorism. Counter-terrorism strategies include attempts to counter financing of terrorism.If terrorism is part of a broader insurgency, counter-terrorism may employ counter-insurgency measures. 


1. What does human body consist of?

Skeleton, muscles, blood circulatory organ, respiratory organ, digestive organ, excretory organ, nervous system

2. Fill in the Blank

(c) Sun light produces vitamin    ________.(D)

(d) Pancreas produces the hormone __________.(Glucagon)

(f) Human body is made of ____________bones.(206)

(g) Human skull consists of ____________ bones.(22)

(h) The color of blood is red due to ________.(Hemoglobin)

(j) Thyroid gland produces _________.(Thyroxin)

(k) Liver produces _________ which help in digestion. (bile)


1. What are the types of adventure activities? (10Marks)

(a)  Air based –Para sailing , Para jumping , Slithering.

(b) water based- sailing , rafting , scuba diving.

(c) Land based-Rock climbing ,Trekking, Mountaineering.

2. What all pointsand items required while planning for trekking? (05 Marks)

(a) Study weather forecast of that area.

(b) Carry multi pocket carry bag.

(c) Must keep lighter torch knife, Blanket, water bottle etc

(d) First aid box 

(e) Rope.

(f) Marker and chalk.

(g) to prevent insect bite, full sleeves shirt and full pants , carry sleeping bag


1. What is deforestation? (05 Marks)

Deforestation refers to the cutting, clearing, and removal of rainforest or related ecosystems into less bio-diverse ecosystems such as pasture, cropland, or plantations. 

2. Air pollution causes and effects? (05 marks)

Air pollution refers to the release of harmful contaminants (chemicals, toxic gases, biological molecules etc.) into the earths atmosphere.

Some causes that contribute to air pollution are:-

  1. Burning fossil fuels

  2. Mining operations

  3. Exhaust gases from industries and factories.

Effects of air pollution:-

  1. Increased risk of respiratory illness

  2. Skin disease

  3. Global warming

  4. Acid rain

  5. Ozone depletion

  6. Hazards to wild life

3. What arethe  reasons for water pollution? (05 Marks)

(a) Industrial waste material.

(b) Sewage Wastes.

(c) Oil Leakages

(d) Wastage from thermal plants.

(e) Plastic, garbage and other household waste.

(f) Bathing of animals etc.

4. What are the uses of forest? (05 Marks)

It provides food, fuel and fodder.

Conserve wild life thereby maintains ecological balance in nature.

Conserve Soil.

Influence the climate of the plain.

Provides various raw materials, sandal wood, bamboo etc


1. Write down the obstacles done by NCC cadets. (05 Marks)

straight balance ,zigzag, left hand vault, Right hand vault ,gate vault, clear jump, High wall ,double stride jump, ramp.



1. What is map? (05 Marks)

Map is a representation of selected natural and man made features of the whole or part of the earth’s surface on a flat sheet of paper on a definite scale and in their correct relative geographical positions and elevations.

.2 Write Short Note on :- (05 Marks)

(a) Kargil war- Often termed the fourth war Kargil war was a war with a difference.   A series of fundamental factors appear to have propelled Pak towards the fourth for J&K.     These, may be summed up as:-

(i) Continuing ideological conflict with India.

(ii) Deepening a self perpetuating belief of Kashmir being the core issue and the unfinished agenda of partition.

(iii) Deep desire to take revenge against India for previous defeats.

(iv) The Military aggressive ethos.

(b) 1971 Indo Pak War (10 Marks)

1971 War was thrust upon us by a arrogant and aggressive neighbor who bullied and bled its own constituent partner in the east of the extent that ten million refugees fled to India resulting in a situation that was unsustainable to India politically and militarily.

3. What are the advantages of net radio?     (5 marks)

(a)Is vulnerable only at terminal and is therefore reasonably protected for enemy action except by a direct hit. 

(b)It is very flexible can be rapidly rearranged in the event of regrouping.

(c)It is rapid in establishing communication.

(d)Economical in personnel and equipment.

4. Types of Cover

(a) Cover from view 

In this type of cover, a person is concealed only from view or from being seen and not from fire.

(b) Cover from fire

This implies that the concealed person is protected both from view and fire of weapon.

5.  Combination of navigation party

(a) Guide

(b) Assistant guide



6. Types of North

(a) True North

(b) Grid North

(c) Magnetic North

7.Types of Map

(a)Atlas Map

(b)Topographical map

( c)Relief map

(d)Outline map

(e)Rail/road Map

(f)Photo map

(g) Other map

8. Short note on Infantry battalion

The basic role of infantry battalion is to close with and destroy or capture the enemy and hold theground. Fire and movement is thebasic of infantry tactics. Infantry battalion and its sub units are trained to operate in the face of the enemy apposition without entirely depending on support from other arms, by skill full use of ground, weapons.

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