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Sunday 11 February 2024





Time Allotted: - 03:00 Hrs Maximum Marks : 500

Theory : 350

Practical : 150

 No……………………. Rank…………..Name…………………………………………………..

Unit…………………… ……………..Institution ………………………………………………..


1. Read all questions and clarify doubts before answering & Answer all questions

2.     Answers must be written on the question paper itself in the space provided the given space.



(Maximum Marks-10)

1. Fill in the Blanks (One Mark Each) 10 Marks

(a) President is authorised _____ Salute.(National)

(b) In order of “Khulilinechal”_____ file and ____ file will move one and half paces.(First and last line.)

(c) Baye Mud is through _____ degrees.(90 degrees)

(d) While marching the word of Command Dahine Salute is given on _______foot.(left)

(e) A word of command consists of two parts ________ & __________.(cautionary and executive)

(f) In Peecheymud a man will turn around _____ degree.(180)

(g) In samikshaKadam the parade automatically halts after ____ steps. (14)

(h) The number of steps in Tejchal in one minute is ___ steps.(120)

(j) The Prime Minister of India is entitled for _____ salute. (General Salute)

(k) Angle between both feet in savadhan is _________. (30 degree)



(Maximum Marks-35)

2. Fill in the Blanks (One Mark Each) 15 Marks

(a) Effective range of 5.56 INSAS Rifle is _____.(400)

(b) Rate of fire of .22 Rifle is ____ round per min.(5)

(c) The diameter of the pad and ring on a training stick is ______.(2 and 3)

(d) The pattern of hits of shots on a target is ______. (Group)

(e) The length of stick rest is _________.(24”)

(f) TOET stands for ________.(TEST OF ELEMENTARY TRAINING)

(g) Pull through is used for ____ the rifle. (Cleaning)

(h) HAT means _____ , _______ and _____.(Holding, Aiming, Trigger operation)

(j) Size of target used for firing at 25 mtr is ________. (1X1)

(k) Effective range of .22 rif is _________. (25 yards)

(l) The MPI stands for _______.(Mean Point of Impact)

(m) Calibre of .22 rif is _______.(.22)

(n) Size of cotton chindi for cleaning a rifle is ______.(4”x2”)

(o) The length of .22 rif is ________.(43 inches)

(p) The length of 5.56mm rif without bayonet is _______.(960mm)

3. State True or False (One Mark Each) 05 Marks

(a) The killing range is .22 Rif is 200 yards. (F)

(b) The assembling of rifle is done in the same is order as stripping.(F)

(c) Bolt head should be fully tight while assembling the rifle.(T)

(d) Opening cover is a part of .22 rifle.        (F)

(e) By zeroing a weapon the MPI of the group does not shift.(F)

4. Write short answer (05 Marks Each) 15 Marks

(a) What are the three basic essentials of good shooting?

(i) Holding

(ii) Aiming

(iii) Trigger Operation

(b) Explain the safety precautions to be taken while handling a weapon for training?

(i) Inspect the weapon before the class.

(ii) Ensure magazine and chamber are empty.

(iii) Barrel of the weapon should never be pointed towards the squad or anyone else.

(iv) Take all precautions against an accident

(c) What are the causes of stoppage in .22 rif?

(i) Empty Magazine

(ii) Wrongly filled magazine

(iii) Misfire

(iv) Insufficient Gas

(v) Broken FiringPin


(Maximum Marks-200)

THE NCC (05 Marks)

5. What is rank of DGNCC ?             (01 Mark)


6. How many Directorates are in NCC?                       (01 Mark)

17 Dts

7. How many Group Headquarters are in (AP&T) NCC? (01 Mark)

09 Groups

8. NDA is situated at ____________. (01 Mark)


9. World AIDS Day is on _______________. (01 Mark)

December 1st


10. Fill in the Blanks (One Mark Each) 20 Marks

(a) Konark temple is locate in the state of  _____________. (Orissa)

(b) Myanmar is located towards _______ of India. (East of India)

(c) Full version of National Anthem is to be sung in ______ seconds. (52 Seconds)

(d) Red Fort is located at _______. (Delhi)

(e) Kathak is classical dance of    ________________. (Uttar Pradesh)

(f) Defence Minister of India is  ____________.(Rajnath Singh)

(g) The Ashok Chakra on National Flag has ________ Spokes.(24)

(h) DadaSahebPhalke award is associated with ____________.(Film Industry)

(j) Sundarbans is in _____________.(Bengal)

(k) _______ is the famous harvest festival of Punjab. (Baisakhi/Vaishakhi)

(l) The largest state in India is __________.(Rajasthan)

(m) Alexander the great invaded India in __________.(320 BC)

(n) Quit India movement took place in the year __________.(1942)

(o) Buddhism was founded by ___________.(Sri Buddha)

(p) ___________ is the famous festival of Kerala and ________ is the famous festival of Tamilnadu.(Onam, Pongal)

(q) _______ is the highest Civilian Award in India. (Bharat Ratna)

(r) ___________was the first Mughal Ruler of India.(Babar)

(s) NHRC stands for ____________.(National Human Rights Commission)

(t) __________, _______________ & ______________are the recipients of Bharat Ratna during 2019.(Pranab Mukherjee NanajiDeshmukh, BhupenHazarika)

(u) The Capital of Uttarkhand is ____________. (Dehradun)

11. Short Answer (05 Marks Each)

(a) Give the Aim of National Integration Camp?

To foster national integration despite cultural religion, geographical and environmental barriers.    To learn to live, co-operate and work in harmony with cadets of out states.    To teach finer qualities of life and help in overall personality development.

(b) Name any four hindrances to National Integration in India?

Casteism, Communalism, Regionalism, Politics, Illiteracy, Linguistic


12. Who is a good citizen? What are their duties? (10 Marks)

(a) Should be loyal  to the state.

(b) Should be patriotic

(c) Should ready to die for the sake of his Country.

(d) Should obey the rules and regulations of the Country.

(e) Should have the sense of duties

(f) Should be selfless.

(g) Should take care and protection of the Government Property.

13. What are leadership traits? (10  Marks)

Alertness, Loyalty, Courage, Integrity, Dependability, Initiative and Unselfishness.

Bearing, Justice, Tact, Sense of Humor, Judgment, Trust, Honestyetc

14. What are the principles of effective communication? (10 Marks)

Clarity of objective, proper messenger, Knowledge of Communicate, Selection of Media and Removal of Barriers.

15. List out role of NCC in Personality/Character development? (10 Marks)

NCC plays a key role in personality development of the Cadets through various  activities like Drill, Interaction of Cadets in Camps, Participation in Competition, Sports and Adventure Activities.

16. What is motivation? (10 Marks)

(a) Motivation is that force from within an individual which makes him gain something.   It simulates interest.  

(b)  It consists of the mental makeup and to do.  

(c)  Motivation energizes forces and channelizes your behaviortowards achieving end results.

17. Write measures for development of personality? (05 Marks)

(a)  Be self confident

(b)  Always be optimistic and develop positive thinking. 

(c)  Present yourself cheerful. 

(d)   Improve communication skills

(e)  Have courage of conviction 

(f)  Appreciate other good work

 (g) Be sincere to your duty

(h) Have unquestionable loyalty and integrity.    

18. Explain Man Management? (10 Marks)

Man management is the mechanism by which the leader manages his or her group effectively to achieve the aim.   A well managed group will have high morale.   The members of the group will feel happy and enthusiastic to work under the leader.   Good man management will result in good work culture, great efficiency and positive  end result.


19. Define disaster? What are the various types of natural and manmade (05 Marks)


Disaster is an event that causes great damage or harm to people or property.  

(a) Natural Disaster.   Wind related, Earth related and water related.

(b) Man Made Disaster.   Accidents, Industrial Mishaps, Fire Contamination, Terrorist Activities.

20. What all assistance NCC can provide during flood/cyclone? (05 Marks)

(a) Search and rescue people who are trapped. 

(b)  Traffic control in the affected area.

(c)  Distribution of a relief material

(d) Maintenance of essential services

(e) Setting up relief Camps.

21. What are the stores required for firefighting? (05 Marks)

(a)  Fire Extinguisher

(b) Fire Hooks 

(c)  Fire buckets for water and sand 

(d) Fire Beaters 

(e) Fire Tenders.


22. What are the reasons for population problem in India? (05 Marks)

(a) High growth rate due to high birth rates 

(b) Early Marriage of girls

(c) Reluctance to adopt birth control methods

(d) Lack of knowledge about over population

(e) Illiteracy and poor standard of living

(f) Tradition, customs and beliefs of various religions.

23. What do you mean by social service activities? (05 Marks)

Social services activities are a range of public services provided by the government, private, profit and non-profit organizations. These public services aim to create more effective organizations, build stronger communities, and promote equality and opportunity.

Social services include the benefits and facilities such as education, food subsidies, health care, police, fire service, job training and subsidized housing, adoption, community management, policy research, and lobbying.

24. What are the social service activities undertaken by NCC Cadets? (05 Marks)

Blood donation, tree plantation, ant dowry drive, AIDS awareness campaigns, village adoption, pulse polio drive and area cleaning drive.

25. What are the various methods to prevent HIV/AIDS? (05 Marks) 

Use condoms. 

Limit your number of sexual partners. 

Get tested and treated for STDs. 

Talk to your health care provider. 

Don't inject drugs. 

26. Define AIDS? How does it spread? (05 Marks)

AIDS is an acquired condition in which a person may have various diseases that cause similar symptoms, all of which are due to the bodies diminished ability to fight-diseases.

(a) Sexual Transmission 

(b) Blood Transfusion 

(c) Sharing needles and syringes 

(d) Mother to Child transmission during pregnancy.

27. What is family planning? (05 Marks)

Family planning is defined as voluntary, responsible decision made by individual and couples as to decide family size and timing of birth.


28. What is personal hygiene? (05 Marks)

(a)   It means all aspects of health of an individual.

(b)   Every person must remain in perfect physical, mental and social health.

(c)   Ensuring personal cleanliness.

29. Fill in the Blank (One Mark Each) (10 Marks)

(a) AIDS is caused by _____________virus.( HIV ,Human Immuno Virus)

(b) Rat spreads  ___________ disease.(Plague)

(c) Sun light produces vitamin    ________.(D)

(d) Pancreas produces the hormone __________.(Insulin)

(e) Cholera is a _____ disease.(Water Borne)

(f) Human body is made of  ____________bones.(206)

(g) Human skull consists of  ____________ bones.(22)

(h) The colour of blood is red due to ___________. (Hemoglobin)

(j) Thyroid gland produces __________.(Tyroxin)

(k) Liver produces _____ which help in digestion. (Bile)

30. True or False (01 Mark Each) (10 Marks)

(a) Deep trench latrine is for temporary use.(T)

(b) Blood will not clot if vitamin K is not present in the body.(T)

(c) Sand and clay are organic impurities in water.(F)

(d) Polio is a viral disease.(T)

(e) Typhoid is a communicable disease.(T)

(f) Leprosy can be cure.(T)

(g) Goiter is due to deficiency of vitamins.(F)

(h) Pituitary is a ductless gland.(T)

(j) High temperature destroys the bacterial in the food.(T)

(k) Deficiency of fluorine leads the tooth decay.(T)


31. What are the aims of adventure activities? (05 Marks)

(a)  To improve the qualities of unit and fellow feeling among cadets.

(b) To make cadets physically and mentally fit to undertake risks.

(c) To develop stamina, self confidence, and team spirit among cadets.

32. What all aspects will you keep in mind while planning any adventure (05 Marks)


(a) The plan should be simple, realistic and practical.

(b) Selection of cadets on the physical fitness and interest level.

(c) Selection of route including halts.

(d) Budgeting

(e) Administrative requirements including food, shelter and medicine etc.

(f) Medical/first aid aspects.

(g) Cater for unforeseen circumstances

33. What are the  adventure training NCC can undertake? (05 Marks)

Rock Climbing, Para Jumping, expeditions, water surfing, Hang Gliding and Water Drafting, Trekking, River crossing, Para sailing



34. What arethe  reasons for water pollution? (05 Marks)

(a) Industrial waste material.

(b) Sewage Wastes.

(c) Oil Leakages

(d) Wastage from thermal plants.

(e) Plastic, garbage and other household waste.

(f) Bathing of animals etc.

35. What are the uses of forest? (05 Marks)

(a) It provides food, fuel and fodder.

(b) Conserve wild life thereby maintains ecological balance in nature.

(c) Conserve Soil.

(d) Influence the climate of the plain.

(e) Provides various raw materials, sandal wood, bamboo etc


36. Why are cadets imparted with obstacle crossing training? (03 Marks)

To develop courage, patience and physical fitness of the cadets.

37. What is the total number of obstacles which a cadet has to clear in an (02 Marks)

Obstacle course?




Armed Forces (15 Marks)

38 Fill in the blanks (01 Mark each) (10 Marks)

(a) Kargil war was also referred to as operation _________. (Vijay)

(b) Kargil conflict was in the year___________. (1999)

(c) Infantry is the ________ of the battle. (Queen)

(d) Highest gallantry award not in the face of the enemy is ______. (Ashoka Chakra)

(e) Highest non gallantry award is ___________. (Bharat Ratna)

(f) The _________ is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. (President)

(g) In a section there are _______ Jawans.(10)

(h) Armed Forces Medical College is at __________.(Pune)

(j) Junior most officers in Army is of the rank of _________.(Lt)

(k) Indian Naval Academy is in ____________________. (Kochi)

39. What are fighting Arms?

Fighting arms are those branches of the army which physically fights in an operation with the enemy.   They are Armour, Infantry and Mechanized Infantry.


40. Fill in the blanks (10 Marks)

(a) GPS means _________ .(Global Positioning System)

(b) Bearing are always measured __________. (Clockwise)

(c) Knoll is a small ___________ (Isolated hill)

(d) ____________ is the slope of a hill expressed in fraction. (Gradient)

(e) __________ is a deep valley separating two spurs.(Ravine)

(f) The _______is the highest of a point on the map recorded by survey method.(Spot Height)

(g) On a map green colour depicts______________.(Vegetation)

(h) All topographical information on a map is called ________.(Conventional Signs)

(j) If you are facing the Sun at 07 AM North is to your ___________. (Left)

(k) ___________ is the difference in height between two successive contours.(Contour Intervals

41. What is map? (05 Marks)

Map is a pictorial representation of selected natural and artificial features on a part of earth’s surface.   It is made on a flat sheet of paper with definite scales corresponding to the ground.

42. What are conventional signs? (05 Marks)

Conventional signs are symbols used to represent certain artificial and natural objects on the map.   These signs are not to scale.   The exact position of the object represented in the Centre of the Symbol.

43. Draw conventional signs for the following :- (05 Marks)

(a) Temple

(b) Church

(c) Metaled Road

(d) Forest

(e) Infantry


45. State True or False (13 Marks)

(a) Foreground is upto 300 yards.(T)

(b) The most important tactics of infantry is fire and move.(T)

(c) Dead ground is hidden from observers view.(T)

(d) Middle distance is from 300 to 500 yards.(T)

(e) Patrolling is the aid test of individual training.(T)

(f) When looking up a hill the distance is over estimated.. (F)

(g) While measuring degrees, the foresight protector of a rifle measures 2*.(T)

(h) Bracketing is a method of judging distance.(T)

(j) Section formation used for assault is extended line.(T)

(k) Distance appear more during bad light.(T)

(l) While measuring degrees, tips of all fire fingers extended measures 19*.(T)

(m) While indicating land mark indicate direction first then range.(T)

(n) There are seven types of section formation. (F)

46. What is field craft? What does it include? (04 Marks)

Field craft is an art of using the ground and the weapon available to the optimum advantage.   It includes description of ground, observation and concealment, judging distance, recognition, analysis and description of targets, movement with and without arms.

47. What is sequence of indicating target? (04 Marks)

Group, Range, Aid, Description of Target.

48. What are the various methods of judging distance? (04 Marks)

Unit of measure method, 

section average method, 

Halving method,

Appearance Method, 

Key Range Method 

Bracketing Method


49. Give the characteristics of 5.56 INSAS Rifle:- (03 Marks)

(a) Muzzle Velocity _____________.(900m/sec)

(b) Principle of Operation________________. (Gas Operated)

(c) Rate of Fire ________________.(60 rds/min)

50. Rate fire of 7.62 mm SLR Rifle _____ (400 Rds/min) (01 Mark)

51. Maximum range of 7.62mm LMG __________ (3,600 m,11,800ft) (01 Mark)

52. What are the important weapons of an Infantry Battalion? (06 Marks)

(a) 7.62 mm LMG

(b) 7.62mm MMG

(c) 84mm RL

(d) 81mm Mor

(e) 40mm AGL

(f) ATGM

53. What are the types of fire? (04 Marks)

Deliberate Fire, Snap Shooting, Rapid Fire


54. Write Short Note on :- (05 Marks)

(a) Kargil Conflict

Often termed the fourth war Kargil war was a war with a difference.   A series of fundamental factors appear to have propelled Pak towards the fourth for J&K.     These, may be summed up as:-

(i) Continuing ideological conflict with India.

(ii) Deepening a self perpetuating belief of Kashmir being the core issue and the unfinished agenda of partition.

(iii) Deep desire to take revenge against India for previous defeats.

(iv) The Military aggressive ethos.

(b) 1971 Indo Pak War (05 Marks)

1971 War was thrust upon us by a arrogant and aggressive neighbour who bullied and bled its own constituent partner in the east of the extent that ten million refugees fled to India resulting in a situation that was unsustainable to India politically and militarily.

(c) Shivaji (05 Marks)

The  achievement of the neglected son of the exiled Jagirdar of Pune and his rise culminating his becoming of Chattrapati is fascinating a study of his life clearly beings out that he was by all standards a great and unique figure of India History.  There have been few insurgent leaders in the history of mankind who can match his genius as guerilla captain.


55. What are the main elements of communication process? (03 Marks)

Source of communications, message, communication channel, receiver of the audience.

56. What down the advantages of line communication? (05 Marks)

Is vulnerable only at terminal and is therefore reasonably protected for enemy action except by a direct hit.It is very flexible can be rapidly rearranged in the even of regrouping.It is rapid in establishing communication.

57. What do you understand by radio net? (02 Marks)

Two parts namely non-official and official.

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