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Sunday 11 February 2024



DRILL (10 Mark)


1. When is the word of command for “THAM “to be given?

While the left foot is coming to the ground.

2. What is the Basic movement of Drill?

Attention (or) SAVADHAN.

3.        How many parts are there in the word of command and what are they?

[a] Cautionary            [b]     Executive

4. To whom Rashtriya Salute is to be given?

To the president of India and Governors of all State.

5. To whom General Salute is to be given?

To Major General and above ranks.

6. What is the aim of Drill (1x5=5)

(a) To make a cdt Physically fit

(b) To obey orders in correct way

(c) To instill discipline

(d) To Raise the moral 

(e) To estbcomdt and control


7. Fill in the blanks: - (5x1=5) [a] .22” Spotting Rif magazine capacity is 05 rounds .

[b] .22” Rif caliber .22” inches.

[c] .22” Rif effective range is 25 yards.

[d] Weight of the empty Rif 7.62mm SLR is 4.4kg.

[e] Weight of SLR empty magazine 90gm.

8. What are the safety Precautions? (6x5=30)

(Ans) Pushing forward the safety catch, raising and drawing back the belt knob and then examining the chamber and the magazine, when satisfied that both are clear then push the bolt knob forward and then down, press the trigger and apply the safety catch, inspect the drill cartridges and ensure that there is no live ammunition

9. What are the five group of LMG?

(a) Barrel Group

(b) Piston Group

(c) Butt Group

(d) Body Group

(e) Bipod Group

10. Name any five parts of 7.62mm SLR?

(a) Barrel

(b) Flash hider

(c) Bayonet post

(d) Sling swell

(e) Magazine

(f) Bayonet

11. Write the Principles of good aiming?

(a) Hold the Rif upright

(b) Close one side eye (Master eye to be open)

(c) Ensure the tip of the foresight is aligned correctly

(d) The butt is leveled with the shoulders

(e) “U” is aligned in the center of the Target.

12. What is MPI?

(a) The central point of area covered by the group of rounds fired with consistent aim and held at the same aiming point is called MPI

(b) MPI- Mean point of impact

13. Write the 5.56mm INSAS Rif Rate of fire and type of Amn?

Rate of Fire

(a) Normal - 60 rds/min

(b) TRB - 90 rds/min


Type of AMN

(a) Ball rounds

(b) Tracer rounds

(c) Blank rounds

(d) HD Cart


The NCC (5Mark)

14. Explain AIMS of NCC?

(a) Character Building

(b) Comradeship

(c) Discipline

(d) Secular Out look

(e) Spirit of Adventure

(f) Ideals of selfless service to the nation


15. Name any ten religions followed in India?                                       10

(a) Hinduism

(b) Islam

(c) Christianity

(d) Jainism

(e) Buddhism

(f) Sikhism

(g) Parsi

(h) Jewism

(j) Zoroastrianism

(k) Judaism 

16. Write down ten lines about importance of National integration?

(a) Maintenance of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation

(b) Maintenance of peace and harmony

(c) Growth and development of the nation

(d) Eradication of poverty and illiteracy

(e) Internal security and law and order

(f) Culture and religious development

(g) Economic and industrial growth

(h) Peaceful Coexistence

(j) Exchange of culture and traditions

(k) Dignity, self-respect and pride as a nation

17. Write down ten factors affecting National integration?

(a) Cultural Aspects

(c) Political Motives

(d) Communalism

(e) Social Disparity

(f) Economic inequalities

(g) Ethnic conflicts

(h) Tribal Identity

(j) Corruption and lack of character

(k) Casteism

(l) Regionalism


18. Write down important human values in day –to- day life and write a line     (10)

about each.

(a) Honesty - Not to steal or cheat

(b) Integrity - Uprightness of person

(c) Discipline - Adhere to norms and rules

(d) Selflessness - Rise above self-centered thought

(e) Loyalty - Faithful to duty, relationships and country

(f) Fairness - Being impartial

(g) Equality - Treat everyone equally

(h) Trust - Being worthy of trust 

(j) Support - Encourage and helping attitude

(k) Respect - Giving ones due regards

19. What are the various types of camps in NCC?       (1x10=10)

  1. Annual Training Camp (ATC)

  2. Centrally Organized camp (COC)

  3. Leadership Camp

  4. VayuSainik Camp

  5. NauSainik Camp

  6. Rock Climbing Camp

g. EBSB Camp

  1. ThalSainik Camp (TSC)

  1. Combined Annual Training Camp

  2. Republic Day Camp (RDC)

  3. Youth Exchange Programme (YEP)

20. Write in point form various Dimensions of self-Awareness? (1x10=10)

(a) Self Realization 

(b) Self Knowledge

(c) Self Confidence

(d) Self Talk

(e) Self-Motivation

(f) Self esteem

(g) Self image

(h) Self Control

(j) Self Purpose

(k) Personality

(l) Values

(m) Attitude

(n) Character

21. Explain Reducing the communication gap? (1x10=10)

(a) Plan ahead

(b) Involve others to contribute in planning

(c) Speak with purpose and be specific

(d) Justify your stand without upsetting others

(e) Have sense of humor

(f) Have empathy

(g) Do not be judgmental

(h) Observe the body language 

(j) Be transparent to inform others

(k) Make modification in the plan to suit the need 

22. Explain the Leadership Traits? (1x10=10)

(a) Alertness

(b) Bearing

(c) Courage

(d) Dependability

(e) Endurance

(f) Initiative

(g) Judgment

(h) Justice

(j) Knowledge

(k) Loyalty

(l) Sense of Humor 

23. What is Decision making? (1x5=5)

(Ans) Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

24. What are the characteristics of a Team? (1X5=5)

[a] Characteristics of a good team are that everyone participates actively and positively in achieving the common goals set for the team. The goals are understood by everyone in the team. Individual members have thought hard about creative solutions to the problem. Members are carefully listened to and receive thoughtful feedback. Everyone takes initiative to achieve the teams aim.


25. Name any ten civil defense service and write one line about each

(a) Warden service – Responsible for organizing self-help parties

(b) Firefighting – major role in fire control

(c) Casualty service – first aid and emergency treatment

(d) Communication service – Responsible for air raid warning

(e) Flood Service – Prompt response to flood rescue

(f) Training service – To train staff in civil defense duty

(g) Rescue service – Rescue of people trapped under debris

(h) Welfare service - To supply information about missing person and provide shelter food and clothing to the needy.  

(j) Depot service – To provide transport at the scene of incident 

(k) Salvage service – Responsible for salvaging damaged property


26. Write any Ten activities of NGO? (3X10=30)

(a) Blood Donation

(b) Adult literacy

(c) Anti Dowry Drive

(d) Anti-Drug Drive

(e) Tree Plantation

(f) Environmental program

(g) Family planning program

(h) Community Development work

(j) Promotion of social equality

(k) Human Right

(l) Child care

(m) Providing schooling facilities

(n) Cottage industry

27. Name any ten points about contribution of youth towards social welfare.

(a) Leadership

(b) Community service

(c) EBSB Activities

(d) Education and literacy

(e) Environment

(f) Health care and family welfare

(g) Physical education and adventure training

(h) Old age care

(j) Swatch Bharat Abhiyan

(k) Waste land Development

28. Write down the types of cancer and cancer signs?

Type of Cancer:

(a) Oral cancer

(b) Larynx cancer

(c) Lung cancer

(d) Cervical cancer 

(e) Breast cancer

(f) Prostate cancer

(g) Colon cancer

Cancer signs:

(a) A constant cough or hoarseness

(b) Frequent difficulty in swallowing

(c) Persistent indigestion 

(d) Vomiting and coughing of blood

(e) Blood in urine bowel movement


29. Explain the Elements of good health? (1x10=10)

(a) Absence of disease

(b) Ability to work hard with efficiency and enthusiasm

(c) Ability to endure stress and strain 

(d) Cheerfulness

(e) Courage

(f) Freedom from anxiety

(g) Self-control and self confidence

(h) Sense of well being 

(j) Whole some mental Attitude

(k) Healthy food and well rested

30. What is the first aid? (1x5=5)

(a) Control bleeding

(i) Direct pressure   (ii) Elevation

(b) Prevent further contamination of the wound

(c) Immobilize the injured part

(d) Stabilize any impaled object

31. Write symptoms of internal injury?

(a) Cold clammy skim

(b) Weak or rapid pulse

(c) Shallow sighing and breathing

(d) Face pinched and pale

(e) Eyes deeply sunken with dark rings around them

(f) Patient usually restless and anxious and may lose consciousness

32. What is the aim of dressing a wound? (1x5=5)

(a) To protect the wound from infection

(b) To reduce swelling and early healing

(c) To support the effected part in early healing

(d) To enable the individual to carry out his day to day routine

(e) To stop the bleeding


33. Name any ten-adventure activity? (1x10=10)

(a) Mountaineering

(b) Trekking

(c) Cycle expedition

(d) Rock climbing

(e) Shooting

(f) Para Jumping

(g) Slithering

(h) Water skiing

(j) Sailing

(k) Kayaking

(l) Yachting

(m) White water rafting

34. How many types of parasailing are there? Explain safety Tips? (1x5=5)

(a) Winch Boat parasailing

(b) Beach parasailing

(c) Platform Parasailing


(a) Licensing

(b) Established operators

(c) Visual inspection 

(d) Established locations

(e) Release forms

(f) Pre- flight safety Briefing


35. Write down the Role of NCC in conservation of Natural Resources?

(a) By planting more trees and avoid cutting trees

(b) Not polluting water sources like river

(c) Avoiding use of plastic

(d) Avoiding noise pollution 

(e) Recycling natural resources to ensure their efficient sustainable use

(f) Using renewable sources of energy like solar and wind power

(g) Preventing of wastage and over use of all-natural Resources 

(h) Conservation of nature in all forms

(j) Ensuring environmentally rational behavior in consultation with the others

(k) Developing environmental consciousness amongst common people through posters


36. Name few obstacles of OT 

(a) Straight Balance

(b) Clear Jump

(c) Gate Vault

(d) Zig - Zag Balance

(e) High wall

(f) Double Ditch

(g) Right hand vault

(h) Left hand vault

(j) Ramp

(k) Ditch 

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