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Monday 5 February 2024






 PART 1 


Q1.Write a short note on ‘Savdhan’ position? (5m)

Q.2 Choose the correct answer. (5m)

a. How many types of drills are there?

  1. 2 types 2)5 types 3)7 types 4)10 types

b. A word of command for closing drill and denotes parade completely terminated.


  1. How many types of word of commands are there?

1) 1 type 2) 5 types 3) 2 types 4)4 type

      d. General Salute is given to __________

1)Major General and above 2) Major 3) Brigadier 4) Colonel

  1. In Piche mud, how many degrees of turn is taken?

1)90 2)180 3)45 4)360

PART 2  


Q3. Write about the care and cleaning of .22 rifle . (10m)

Q4. Write about striping(KHOLNA) &assembling(JODNA) of .22 rifle. (10m)

Q5. Write about the features of .22 MK Deluxe BA rifle. (5x1=5m)

(a) Length__________

(b) Weight________

` (c) Magazine Capacity __________

(d) Muzzle velocity___________ per second.

(e ) Calibre_______

Q6. Expand the following (5x2=10m)

  1. MPI=_______________________

  2. HAT=__________________

  3. SLR=__________________________

  4. LMG=______________________

  5. MMG=_________________________



Q7. Fill in the blanks: (05m)

  1. The Supreme commander of Armed Forces in India is __________

  2. How many NCC directorates are there ___________

  3. What is the rank of DG NCC? ________________

  4. What is the motto of NCC? _____________________

  5. Army day is celebrated on _____________


Q8. True or False: (05m)

  1. Vandematharam is written by Rabindranath Tagore (True/False)

  2. Jainism was established by Buddha. (True/False)

  3. Sardar Patel is called as Iron Man of India. (True/False)

  4. Sepoy Mutiny was happened in 1857. (True/False)

  5. National Fruit of India is custard apple. (True/False)

Q9. Define national integration.                                                            (5m)

Q10. List out India’s national security threats (10m)

Q11. What is the necessity of National Integration? (10m)


Q12. Name any 10 core life skills to enhance personality of individual. (10m)

Q13.Define the following terms(3 marks for each term) (15m)

  1. Discipline

  2. Honesty

  3. Time management

  4. Trust

  5. Selflessness

Q14. Write a short note on 3 types of communication? (10m)

Q15. How NCC helps in developing the overall personality of cadets? (10m)

Q16. Write the Listening Barriers? (10m)

Q17. Write a short note on the following? (Each will get 5 marks) (10m)

  1. Time Management

  2. How to change mindset.

Q18. List out ‘Stress Management’ techniques? (10m)


Q19. List out the Leadership Traits? (08m)


Q20.  Explain the classification of disastersin detail? (10m)

Q21. Choose the right answer. (05m)

1. Head office of NIDM is located at 

a)Kolkata b)New Delhi c)Mumbai d)Hyderabad 

2. Which of the following is not a natural disaster? 

a)Volcano b)Flood c)Blow out d)Tsunami 

3. The word Tsunami is derived from ______ 

a)French b)Greek c)Latin d)Japanese

4.In fire fighting, ‘Starvation’ means removal of

a) heat/temperature b)fuel/combustible material c)oxygen d)none of the above

5. National Disaster Management Authority(NMDA) is headed by _________________

a)President b)Prime minister c)Army chief d)none of the above


Q22.  Write a short note on the following? (15M)

  1. Swatch Bharat Abhiyan

  2. Dowry System

  3. HIV / AIDS


Group A Group B

  1. Digital India a) Vaccination

  2. Mission Indradanush b) Sexual Harassment

  3. Beti Bachao Beti Padao c) Internet Connectivity

  4. Digital Locker d) Girls Education

  5. POSCO Act e) To save documents online

Q24.  List out the social service activities which can be taken up by NCC? (10m)


Q25. What do you understand by the following terms ?                                     (10m)

  1. Personal hygiene

  2. Food hygiene

  3. Sanitation

Q26. What are Symptoms and signs of Asphyxia? (05m)

Q27. Write about First Aid in case of a Shock ?           (10m)


Q28. List out the items that are essential for trekking ?                                  (10m)


Q29. What are the various land base adventure activities?                            (5m)


Q30. Listout the benefits of Obstacles courses are as under:




The Command "savdhan" is given to a Cadet when speaking to or being addressed by a superior officer. It is the position of attention. Heels combined together, both the feet to turned out equally making the angle of thirty degrees.


a) 2types   b) VISARJJAN c) 2 types d) Major General and above e)180o


The efficiency of the rifle depends on two factors. The care given to the rifle and the skill of the firer. The rifle is designed to stand upto active Service Conditions but performance will be considerably affected it. It is subjected to unduly harsh Conditions. Strip the Rifle, open the butt Trap and remove the pull through and the oil bottle for cleaning. The pull through has three loops, nearest the weight is for the gauze, the Centre for cleaning the barrel with flannelette and the end one for oiling. the barrel and for Lise of the armourer.


  1. Stripping(Kholna) – 

i. Removal of the bolt is done by raising the leaf back sight and pushing forward the safety catch.

ii. The bolt is withdrawn to the rear the bolt head upwards turned and the back sight folded back. 

iii. The magazine catch is pressed upwards and the magazine is taken out B

  1. Assembling(Jodna)- 

assembling of the rifle is always done in the reverse order. 

i. Bolt head should be fully tight. 

ii. Bolt head and guide rib as well as cocking piece and steel lug should be in a line. 


  1. 43inch. B)3.93 kg c)05 Rounds d) 1700per second e).22 


a) Mean point of impact  b) holding aiming triggering c) Self-Loading Rifle 

D) light machine gun E) Medium machine gun


a)The president of India    B) 17 c)Lt.General d) Unity and Discipline e) Jan 15th


a) F b)F c)T d)T e)F


National integration is a positive concept to inculcate feeling of togetherness amongst diverse sections of society. It is not the uniformity of all religions, dress and food habits etc. It means both preservation of diverse cultures and at the same time living, respecting and working in harmony with each other for the overall prosperity of the nation.



  1. Poverty

  2. Unemployment

  3. Inequitablegrowth

  4. Wideninggapbetweenhavesandhavenots

  5. FailureonadministrativefrontorGovernance.

  6. Increasingcommunaldivide.

  7. Increasingcasteawarenessandcaste tensions.

  8. Rise of contentious politics based on sectarian, ethnic, linguistic orotherdivisive criteria.

  9. Porousborders.

  10. Poor criminal justice system and largescale corruption leading tonexus between criminals, police and politicians with the result that organizedcrimegoes on unabated.


  1. Crossborderthreats

  2. JihadiTerrorism


National integration is therefore a basic necessity for survival of any nation through the following means:

  1. Maintenance of Peace and Harmony.  Peace and harmony between the people of a nation can be achieved only through the feeling of togetherness amongst the people.

  1. Growth and Development of the Nation. National integration is a process that must be equally understood by all citizens of a nation which will subsequently lead the nation achieve the growth and development.

  1. Law and Order: Provision of equal rights and opportunities can be ensured only through proper awareness of the prevailing laws. It will lead to proper maintenance of law and order situation.

  1. Culture and Religious Development. Our constitution permits practice of individual religion without hurting the beliefs of others. National integration is essential for developing mutual respect for each other’s religion.

  1. Dignity and Self-Respect. Every citizen must be dealt with equal dignity. Mutual respect and dignity will develop only if we believe in it and practice it.

  1. Welfare and well-being of the People. Welfare of the masses can be achieved only through proper understanding between the people and it can be achieved through the process of oneness.


a)Self Awareness: Recognition of self our character, strengths, and weaknesses, desires, likes and dislikes, and skills.

b) Empathy. Is the ability to be sensitive to another person'sSituation, to understand his/her concerns, worries, fears and needsand how they feel.

c. Critical Thinking: Is the ability to analyze information and experience in an Objective mannersd. Problem solving skills. Decision making is to choose from the Enable us to deal with Problems in curlives in a constructive manner.

d)Decision making: Decision making is to choose from the Variedoptions based on the existing knowledge of the topic under considerationkeeping in mind the positive or negative consequences of each of the option.

f)Interpersonal Relationship: Ability to establish positive relationshipshelps us to relate in positive ways with the people we interact wit

h) Effective communication. This is the ability to express, Virtually through Spoken or written language and non- Verbally through gestures and hots movements in ways that are culturally acceptable.

h)Coping with Emotions: Being aware of the predominant emotion that Press Preoccupies the mind of any point of time, knowing how emotions influence behavior, and being able to respond to emotions appropriately.

i)Coping with stress. Means recognizing the source of stress in our lives recognizing how this apports us physically, and emotionally and acting in ways that helps us control our levels of stress.


a)Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance(or to achieve accord ) with a particular system of governance. Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal behavior to its society or environment it belongs.

b)Honesty or Truthfulness is a facet of moral character that connects positive and virtuous attritubes such as integrity, truthfulness, straight forwardness, including straight forwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft etc.

c) Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent of specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness , efficiency, and productivity. If involves the balancing of various demands upon a person relating to work, social life, family, hobbies, personal interests, and commitments with the finite nature of time.

d)To rely upon or place confidence in someone or something(usually followed by in or to) to trust in another’s honesty; trusting to  luck.

e) Concern more with the needs and wishes of other than with one’s own. Selflessness helps us act from our heart and soul instead of our ego, tapping into our true desired feelings. It helps improve our relationships.


There are three ways of communication as under.

a)Aggressive They believe that everyone should like them. lam never wrong I've got rights  but you don't. They have a cloved mind and are poor listeners. They tend to dominate and put down others. They are bossy.

b)Passive - The persons do not express their true feelings. They do not disagree and think that others have more rights than they do. Their communication style is indirect, they always agree and do not speak out and are very hesitant.

c) Assertive. The person believes he / she as well as others are valuable. They know that if they have rights then others also have rights. They are active listeners and check on others feelings. They are action oriented, attentive, vocal, expressive, good listeners, aware, Supportive, fair, open and consistent in behavior.


Five activities that helps NCC cadet to develop personality

a) drill b) Competitions c)Adventure Activities.  d) Social Service Activities

e)Interaction of cadets in camps f) Sports.



  1. Language/words.

  2. Ambiguouswords.

  3. Lackof clarity.

  4. Usingtechnicalterms.


  1. Aggression.

  2. Inferiority.

  3. Symbolofstatus.

  4. Hierarchy.

  5. Memory.

  6. Disinteres


  1. Disturbance/sound.

  2. Environmentalchanges.

  3. Lackofventilation.

  4. Lackofspace.

  5. Distancefromparticipants.

  6. Time.

  7. Physicaldiscomfort.


a. Time management helps you to:

a). Reduce or eliminate wasted time and effort to you'll have more Productive time each day. 

b) to Improve your productivity so you can accomplish more with less effort.

c)focus your time and energy on what is most important and make time for the things you want and value.

d) Improve your performance while reducing stress: 

e) set and achieve your long-team goals.

b. How to change mindset


  1. RoleModeltheBestPeople.

  2. ExamineYourCurrentBeliefs.

  3. FindYourVoice

  4. ProtectYourMindset

  5. LetGoof Comparisons

  6. PutanEndtoPerfectionism.

  7. LookatTheEvidence

  1. RedefineWhatFailureMeans

  2. StopWorryingAboutWhat“People”Think.


Stress management Techniques.

a. Take Deep Breath: stress often causes us to be the quickly and this almost always causes more stress.

b. Talk it out: when you feel stressed try to express your feelings.Bottling of feelings can increase stress

c. Take A BreakRecognize when you are most stressed and allows yourself some reasonable treat

d Create A Quiet Place in your mind you can dream you cannot always sun away, but e. Pay Attention to Physical Comfort Be as physically Comfortable as the situation will allow.

f. Move: Physical activity can help reduce and Prevent stress. 

g.Take care of your body: Healthy eating and adequate sleep fuels your mind as well as your body. Lough. Maintain your sense of humous, including the ability to lough yourself.

J. Manage Your Time: Plan ahead and make a realistic schedule for yourself.

K. Know your limits when in a stressful situation, ask yourself is this yourselfmy Problem?   If it isn't leave it alone. 

L Dow you have to be Right Always: Consider Cooperation of compromise Sather than confrontation.

m. Have a Good Cry: A good cry duringstressful times can be a healthy way to bring relief to your stress, and may prevent a headache or other physical consequences of stress. However, crying daily can be sign of depression.

n. look for the Good Things around you.

o. Talk less, Listen more.: Listening banishes stress, makes you more popular, moreknowledgeable, more sensitive


Leadership Traits:

a) Alertness b) Bearing c)courage d) Decisiveness e) Dependability

f) endurance g) Enthusiasm h) Initiative. i) Integrity (j) Justice

(k) Judgement (l) knowledge (m) Loyalty (n) Sense of Humor


Disasters can be classified as natural and manmade disasters: 

Natural Disasters:

(a) wind Related: Storms, Cyclones, Tornadoes, Tidal waves 

(b) water Related: Floods / Flash Floods, cloudburst, Rains etc.

(c) Earth related Earthquakes, Tsunami, Avalanches.

 Man-made Disasters: 

(a) Accidents - Roads, Rail, air, sea accidents etc.

(b) Industrial mishaps: Gas Leaks, explosion, Cabotage and safety break

(c) Fire: In buildings, Coal fields or oil or gas fields 

(d) Forest Fire: in tropical countries.

(e) Contamination / Poisoning: incidents of mass food poisoning, epidemies. 

(f) Terrorists Activities:  Serial Blasts (explosions. in Public

(g) Ecological: Pollution & air. water, noise, soil degradation etc.

(h) warfare: Conventional, Chemical, biological or nuclear. 


1)New Delhi 2)Blow out c) Japanese d) fuel/combustible material d)Prime minister


  1. Swatch Bharat Abhiyan:

The Swachh Bharat mission aims to involve each and every Indian from all walks of life in the mission of cleanliness. It is a mass movement that seeks to create a clean India. 

The objective of Swatch Bharat is to reduce or eliminate open defecation through the construction of individual, Cluster and Community toilets. 

The mission will also make an initiative of establishing an accountable mechanism of monitoring latrine use. 

The govt aimed to achieve an Open Defecation Free (ODF) India by 9-16-2017 the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi.

  1. Dowry System: The dowry system in India refers to the durable goods, cash and real or movable property that the bride’s family gives to the groom, his parents and his relatives as a condition of the marriage.

Causes of Dowry System: Economic factors, Social factors, Religious factors, Economic Inequality, Increasing Unemployment of Males, Divine sanctions.

  1. HIV/AIDS: Human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It is spread by contact with certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV, most commonly during unprotected sex, or through sharing injection drug equipment.

AIDS is the last stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body’s immune system is badly damaged because of the virus.


1)c 2) a 3) d 4) e 5) b


Some of the social service activities which can be undertaken by NCC are as under:

  1. Education

  2. Family welfare, medical care, Family Planning and Nutrition. 

  3. Provision of water and Cooking Fuel, Roads. Electricity and sanitation.

  4. Old age support Systems

  5. Employment

  6. Social Assistance. Social security and Care & Protection

  7. Housing and Rehabilitation

  8. Recreation, Sports and social activities

  9. Clean and green programs.

25Ans :

a)Personal Hygiene involves those practices performed by an individual to care for one’s bodily health and well – being , through cleanliness. Maintenance of personal hygiene is very important in preventing disease.

b)Food Hygiene is the condition and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. Food can become contaminated at any point during slaughtering or harvesting ,processing, storage, distribution, transportation and preparation.

c) Sanitation means keeping the living area and its surroundings neat and clean. This involves  removal of waste products and refuse.


Signs and Symptoms of Asphyxia:

a)Dizziness and weakness

b)Shortness of breath rate or breathing increase.

c)Rapid pulse.

d)Partial loss of consciousness

e)Swelling of the veins of the neck

f)Face, lips, nails, fingers and toes turn blue.

27Ans :

First Aid in case of Electric Shocks:

a) Switch off or break the current, if possible.

b) Remove the casualty from contact with the current, if possible. Stand on some insulating material such as rubber soled shoes or boots or piles of newspapers

c) Give artificial respiration

d) Treat for shock and burns.


A list of items that are essentials for trekking:

a)Good rucksack in proper condition.

b) Clothing like wind cheater, woolens as per your requirements of the stay and season in which trek is going to be done.

c) Water, food and cooking utensils 

d) Camera and its accessories.

e) First Aid box

f) Sleeping Mat or Sleeping Bag

g) Oral rehydration solution(ORS)

h) Rope

i) A good pair of shoes

j) Cap

k) Toiletry items

l) Torch and batteries

m) Marker and chalk



b)Mountaineering Expeditions

c)All India Treks

d)Cycle and Motor Cycle Expedition.


a)Ensure physical fitness

b)Ensure flexibility

c)Ensure mental strength

d)Coordination and balance of mind and body

e)Improves risk taking ability.

f)Evaluating problem solving skills.

g)Over all team spirit.


‘B’ Certificate Examination – 2022 Specialized Subject;Marks:110

Armed forces                                                                 20 Marks

  1. Expand the following Badges of Ranks                 (5x2=10m)

  1. CO

  2. JCO

  3. NCO

  4. SM

  5. ME 8

  1. Fill in the blanks                                                    (5x1=5m)

a) Army Training Command Headquarters located at…………….

b) Strategic Force Command Headquarters located at…………….

c) Northern Command Headquarters located at…………..

d) Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Défense (Army) located at……………………….

e)South Western Command Headquarters located at……………..

  1.  Write True or False of the following:                  (5x1=5m)

i) The Prime Minister is the Supreme Commander of the   Armed forces.

ii)Central Bureau of Investigation is the India’s official Interpol Unit

iii) To join in the army through NDA, the eligible age is 15 ½ to 19 ½

iv) The full form of SSB is Service Seema Bal.

v) The Indian Army has eight commands.

Map Reading :                                                            25 marks

  1. Define the following:                                          (5x2=10m)




iv)Night March

v)Magnetic North

   5. Write the True or False of the following:               (5x1=5m)

       i) Scale is the geographical representation of land on a paper.

ii) Cardinal Points are the four major directions i.e., Central, East, North and South.

iii) Magnetic variation is depends on time and place.

iv) Direction link is not a one of the parts of Compass.

v)Relief means the shape of the ground in a vertical plane.

   6. Answer the following :  

       i) Uses of Compass (5m)

       ii) What is Map? List out methods of Map to Ground ?(5m)

Field Craft and Battle Craft :                                         25 Marks

  7. Answer the following                                            (5X3=15m)

      i) List out the Methods of Judging Distance ?

      ii)Write about Units of Measure ?

      iii) Define Battle Craft? And list out subjects included in it.

  8. What are the various type of grounds and explain? (6m)

  9. Define the following:                                              (4X1=4m)

     i) Landmarks

     ii) Target

     iii) Reference Point


Infantry weapons and Equipment:                            15 Marks

  10. Expand the following :                                        (5X1=5)

     i) ATGM





  11. Fill in the blanks :                                                (5X1=5)

     i)The ……………battalion is the most important organization           of  the army.

     ii)Length of 7.62MMG……………..

     iii)Magazine capacity of 7.62DSR………….

    iv)…………….is the personal service weapon of a soldier.

    v) No of groves in 7.62mm SLR is………….

 12. Write down the characteristics of company support weapons? (5m)

Military History :                                                       15Marks

13.Answer the following :                                    

     i)Write five types of war ? (3m)

     ii)Who is the First recipient of PVC? (2m)

     iii)Write a short note on Kargil Conflict 1999? (5m)

     iv) Write a short on Indo Pak war 1965? (5m)

Communication:                                                  10Marks

14.Answer the following:

    i)Line communication?(2m)

    ii)What are the various types of satellites ?(3m)

    iii)Types of Radio Telephony Communication?(2m)

    iv)list out the various methods of communication? (3m)



  1. Expand the following Badges of Ranks                (5x2=10m)

  1. Commissioned Officer

  2. Junior Commissioned Officer

  3. Non-Commissioned Officer

  4. Subedar Major

  5. Military Expert 8

  1. Fill in the blanks                                                   (5x1=5m)

a)  Shimla

b)  New Delhi

c) Udhampur

d) New Delhi

e) Jaipur

    3.Write True or False of the following:                 (5x1=5m)

i)F        ii)T        iii)F       iv)F        v)F

Map Reading :                                                            25 marks

4. Ans                                                                 (5x2=10m)


      Scale is a proportion of two points on map and two points on the ground.

ii)Ans: Bearing is a clock wise angle formed by a straight line     joining two points and direction of North.


            Global Positioning System(GPS) is a system of satellites and receivers that allows people and devices to pin point their precise location on Earth. The normal GPS operational constellation consists of 24 satellites that orbit the earth in 12 hours.


           When a navigation party moves at night with the help of compass and night march chart, it is called Night March.


              It is the point to which a magnetic needle points, when freely suspended

   5)Ans                                                                        (5x1=5m)

       i) F          ii) F            iii) T         iv) F           v)T    



                 a) To take bearing of the object.

                 b) To find the North and set a map.

                 c) To find own position on map.

     d)To march in a particular line to reach a particular   location.

       ii) Ans

          Map is a geographical representation of land on a paper.

  Methods are used to identify objects from map to ground are;   

               a)Bearing and Distance Method

               b)Direction and Distance Method

               c)By Estimation Method

Field Craft and Battle Craft :                                         25 Marks

  7)Ans                                                                      (5X3=15m)

i)   a) Units of Measure

    b) Appearance Method

    c) Section Average

    d) Key Range




        This method is also termed as the 100 yards method. The unit of measure chosen is normally 100 yards and therefore one should form a good idea of 100 yards distance on the ground. The length of a hockey field is the best yard stick for this purpose. The distance of a given object will be a multiple of the imaginary unit of 100 yards as placed between the observer and the object.


     Battle craft is nothing but set of drills which are essential for conduct of successful operations in the battle field. Battle craft includes the following subjects;

     a)Field signals

     b)Section Formations

     c)Fire control orders

     d)Fire and move   e) Section battle drills.


   Broken Ground: It is uneven and is generally scattered with nullahs, bump sand fields in the ground. It is suitable for move of infantry.

   Flat and Open Ground : It is even ground with little cover e.g. bushes, hedges and other foliage. It is not suitable for move of infantry by day.

   High Ground : Ground far above the general level of the area e.g. hill. It facilitates control of area around it by observation on fire.

   Dead Ground : Ground that is hidden from an observer’s view. It cannot be covered by flat path weapons.

  9)Ans                                                                         (4X1=4m)

     i) Landmarks: An object , which is important on the ground and which is used in verbal orders to explain the ground in front.

     ii) Target: It is an object having a technical significance which is indicated with a  view to bring down fire on it.

     iii) Reference Point: An important and unmistakable object, with the help of which you can indicate other land marks or targets.

     iv)Halving : An object is selected half way between the observer and the target, the distance to selected object is judged doubled to get the distance to the target.

Infantry weapons and Equipment:                            15 Marks

  10)Ans                                        (5X1=5)

     i) Anti Tank Guided Missile

     ii)Medium Machine Gun

     iii) Dragunov Sniper Rifle

     iv)Self- Loading Rifle

     v)Multiple Grenade Launcher


11)Ans                                               (5X1=5)

     i) Infantry

     ii)1048 mm

     iii)10 rounds

    iv)5.56mm INSAS 

    v) Six



    a) 7.62 mm Dragunov Sniper Rifle

    b) 7.62 mm Medium Machine Gun

    c) 30 mm Medium Grenade Launcher

    d) 84 mm Rocket Launcher

Military History :                                                       15Marks


  1. a)asymmetric warfare

b)biological warfare

c)chemical warfare

d)civil warfare

e)cyber warfare

     ii) Major Somnath Sharma (1947)

     iii)Kargil Conflict 1999 was fought on the heights of Kargil and Drass in 1999. In mid-1999 Pakistani paramilitary forces and Kashmiri insurgents captured deserted, but strategic,Himalayan heights in the Kargil district of India. Indian forces painstakingly recaptured all posts one after another in a bloody conflict. Operation vijay was declared success on 26th july 1999.


a) Pakistan launched operation Gibraltar to support   insurgency in J&K against Indian rule.

b) In retaliation India launched operation Grand Slam in western sector against Pakistan.

c) The famous battles of 1965 war include Battle of Asal-   Uttar, Battle of Dogral etc.

d)Battle of Chawinda was the largest tank battle in the history after World war II.

Communication:                                                   10Marks


i) Line communication: This is the basic means of signal communication for a force which is static.

       ii)  a) Weather Satellite

            b) Scientific Satellite

            c) Communication Satellite

           d) Navigation Satellite

           e) Military Satellite

      iii)  a) RT Conversation      b) Unregistered Message.

             c) Formal Message.

       iv)  a) Sign language      b)Voice medium   c) Written script

            d)Line and cable      e) wireless            


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