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Monday 5 February 2024

NCC B Exam- question Paper 2021- Common syllabus

B Certificate



COMMON SYLLABUS      (245 Marks)

PART -I   DRILL (10 Marks)

1. What are the aims of drill? (03 Marks) 

(a) To inculcate discipline, self confidence and a sense of pride among the    troops.

(b) To raise the morale and develop the sprite of unity of the troop.

2. Who are entitled for National Salute? (02 Marks)

(a) National flag

(b) President of India

(c) Governor of the state 

3. Fill in the blanks:- (05 Marks)

(a)   The angle between the feet in attention position 30°.

(b)   Drill is of three types.

(c)  Word of Command has two parts cautionary and executive.

(d) Foursteps in the maximum number in side steps.

(e)   The angle between the toes in stand at ease position is 18 inches.


1. What is the sequence of assembling a rifle?         (05 Marks)

(a) Magazine

(b) Bolt

(c) Sling

(d) Scabbard

(e) Bayonet

2. How Limber-up is done? (05 Marks)

(a) Pull the Bolt Back ward

(b) Press the round in the chamber into the magazine

(c) Remove the magazine

(d) Aim

(e) Press the trigger at “ON”

3. What are the aiming steps of a Rifle?   (05 Marks)

          (a) Hold the rifle Up-right

     (b) Close the left eye

     (c) Focus the foresight

     (d)The tip of the foresight must be aligned to the centre of and in level with the      shoulders of back sight “U” on the centre of the target.

4. Match the following:- (05 Marks)

       (a) Magazine Capacity            :      4.4 Kg                (c)

       (b) Caliber         :      5.56 mm             (b)

       (c) 7.62 mm SLR            :      20                       (a)

       (d) Muzzle velocity         :      Rod                     (e)

       (e) Cleaning          :      2440 ft/sec         (d) 

5. Expand the following:- (05 Marks)

      (a) INSAS : Indian Small Arms System 

       (b) LMG : Light Machine Gun

       (c) CMG : Carbine machine Gun 

       (d) VSL :   Vehicle safe Line 

       (e) BFSR : Battle Filed Surveillance Radar

6. Fill in the blanks:- (10 Marks)

      (a) Maximum range of .22 Rifle is 200 yards

     (b) Length of .22 Rifle is 44.5”

     (c) Caliber of .22 Rifle is 0.22 mm

     (d) Muzzle velocity of 0.22 rifle is  1000ft/sec

      (e) Killing Range of .22 Rifle is 150 yards

     (f)  MPI Means Mean  point of impact

      (g) What is the distance from which a rifle can be zeroed? 100 mtr

(h) No. of roles in 5.56 mm INSAS magazine is 20.

(j)  7.62mm SLR weight is 4.4  Kg

     (k) No. of Groves in 7.62 mm SLR is 06. 


(200 Marks)



(05 Marks)

1. Write the aims of NCC. (05 Marks)

The aims of NCC are mainly three-fold:-

  1. To develop following qualities in the cadets:-

  1. Character.

  2. Comradeship.

  3. Discipline.

  4. Secular Outlook.

  5. Spirit of Adventure.

  6. Ideals of selfless service.

  1. To create a human resource of organised, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life who will serve the nation regardless of which career they  choose.

  1. To provide an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to choose the Armed Forces as a career.



(30 Marks)

1. What are the Components of National Integration?         (05 Marks)

(a) Cultural Integration

(b) Economic Integration

(c) Emotional Integration

(d) Geographical Integration

(e) Political Integration

2. Name any five threats for National Integration?         (05 Marks)

  1. Poverty

  2. Unemployment

  3. Inequitable growth

  4. Widening gap between haves and have nots

  5. Failure on administrative front or Governance deficit

  6. Increasing communal divide

  7. Increasing caste awareness and caste tensions

  8. Rise of contentious politics based on sectarian, ethnic, linguistic or other divisivecriteria

  9. Porous borders

  10. Poor criminal justice system and large-scale corruption leading to nexus between criminals, police and politicians with the result that organised crime goes on unabated.

3. Match the following Festivals and States:-                     (05 Marks)

     (a) Onam                 - Tamilnadu (b)

     (b) Pongal - Kerala   (a)

     (c) Bathukamma - Karnataka (c)

     (d) Hampi Festival     - Odisha (e)

    (e) Cart festival        - Andhra Pradesh  (d)

4. Write any five factors that affects National Integration   (05 Marks)

  1. Cultural Aspects.

  2. Political Motives

  3. Lack of Education.

  4. Communalism.

(e) Casteism

  1. Regionalism

  2. Linguistic Fanaticism.

  3. Social Disparity.

  1. Economic Inequalities

  2. Ethnic Conflicts.

  3. Tribal Identity

  4. Corruption and Lack of Character.

5. What is the necessity of National Integration?       (10 Marks)

National integration is therefore a basic necessity for survival of any nation through the following means:-

  1. Maintenance of Peace and Harmony.  Peace  and  harmony between  the  people of a nation can be achieved only through the feeling of togetherness amongst the people.

  1. Growth and Development of the Nation. National integration is a process that  must be equally understood by all citizens of a nation which will subsequently lead the nation achieve the growth and development.

  1. Law and Order. Provision of equal rights and opportunities can be ensured only through proper awareness of the prevailing laws. It will lead to proper maintenance of law and order situation.

  1. Culture and Religious Development. Our constitution permits  practice  of  individual religion without hurting the beliefs of others. National integration is essential for developing mutual respect for each other’s religion.

  1. Dignity and Self-Respect. Every citizen must be dealt with equal dignity. Mutual respect and dignity will develop only if we believe in it and practice it.

  1. Welfare and well-being of the People. Welfare of  the masses  can be achieved only through proper understanding between the people and it can be achieved through the process of oneness.



(65+8 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks   (05 Marks)

(a) Life Skillsare the abilities for adopting positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

(b) Poor eye contact is a Communication Barrier.

   (c) Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is like for another person.

    (d) Bearingdenotes desirable physical appearance, dress and deportment.

   (e) Problem Solving includes identifying the problem, exploring the available alternative and deciding on the best possible solution.

2. Match the following:- (05 Marks)

  1. Aggressive - Life Skill(c)

  2. Language - Leadership Trait(d)

  3. Decision Making - Communication Type(a)

  4. Sense of Humour - Leadership type(e)

  5. Democracy - Communication Barrier(b)

3. What is creative thinking? Mention any five characteristics of Creative person. (10 Marks)

Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas. It helps us to look beyond our direct experience, and to respond adaptively and with flexibility to situations in our daily lives

Characteristics of the Creative Person.A creative person has thefollowing characteristics:-

  1. Curious.

  1. Seeks problems.

  2. Enjoys challenge

  3. Optimistic.

  4. Able to suspend judgment.

  5. Comfortable with imagination.

  6. Sees problems as opportunities.

  7. Sees problems as interesting.

  1. Problems are emotionally acceptable.

  2. Challenges assumptions.

  3. Doesn’t give up easily: perseveres, works hard.

4. Write duties of a good citizen.         (10 Marks)

(a) Primary duty is to be loyal to the country.

(b) He must have the sense of duty.

(c) He must have high character

(d) He must live and die for the sake of his country

(e) He must obey the rules and regulations of the country and pays tax to the Government.

(f)  He must take care and protect the Government.

(g) He must consider the rights of other citizens also an important as his own   rights.

4. Factors affecting Personality Development? (10 Marks)

Factors Influencing / Shaping Personality. The following factors influence/ shape personality:

  1. Hereditary.

  2. Self-Development.

  3. Environment.

  4. Education.

  5. Life-situations.

  6. Past Experiences.

  7. Dreams and Ambitions.

  8. Self-Image.

(j) Values.

5. Mention any five leadership traits which you have acquired after joining the NCC.          (05 Marks)

(a) Bearing

(b) Courage

(c) Endurance

(d) Enthusiasm

(e) Initiative

(f)  Integrity

(g) Judgement

(h) Loyalty

(j)  Ability and adjustment

(k) Discipline and devotion

(l)  Responsibility

          (m) Honesty and Punctuality

6. What do you mean by Communication and what are the types of communication? (07 Marks)

Communication is sharing ideas, opinions, thoughts, feeling and understanding through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more persons. We are communicating all the time with others.

  1. There are three ways of communication as under:-

  1. Aggressive. They believe that everyone should like them; I am never wrong I`vegot rights but you don`t. They have a closed mind and are poor listeners. They havedifficulty in seeing the other person’s point of view, they interrupt and monopolize. They tend to dominate and put down others. They are bossy. While communicating they frown, stare, talk loudly or have a yelling tone of voice.

  2. Passive. The persons do not express their true feelings; they do not disagree and think that others have more rights than they do. Their communication style is indirect, they  always agree and do not speak out and are very hesitant. While communicating they often lack facial expression and stand with down cast eyes.

  1. Assertive.   The person believes  he/she as  well asothers  are valuable. They know  that if they have rights then others also have rights. They are active listeners and check on others feelings. They are action oriented, attentive, vocal, expressive, good listeners, aware, supportive, persuasive, fair, open and consistent in behaviour. Their expectations are realistic. They have open and natural gestures. They maintain an eye contact while communicating.

7. What is Stress? Write any two methods to reduce stress. (07 Marks)

Stress is a very common phenomenon and is universal in nature. It is our body’s reaction to people and events and to our own thoughts. Some level of stress is normal, such as before a test, stage performance or an athletic event.

  1. Take Deep Breath. Stress often causes us to breathe quickly and this almostalways causes more stress. Try to take deep slow breaths. Breathe in through your nose and count as you breathe out through mouth. Inhale enough so your lower abdomen rises and falls.

  1. Talk It Out.   When you feel stressed, try to express  your feelings. Bottling offeelings  can increase stress. Share your feelings. Perhaps a friend, family members, teacher can help you see your problem in a new way. Talking with someone else can help clear your mind of confusion so that you can focus on problem solving. Even if it is slightly embarrassing, asking for help after a problem occurs may avoid serious problems later. Writing down thoughts and feeling can help clarify the situation and give a new perspective.

  1. Take A Break. Recognize when you are most stressed and allow yourself somereasonable break. When things seem especially difficult, take a walk or otherwise change your scenery.

  2. Create A Quiet Place in Your Mind.  You  cannot  always  run  away,  but   you candream. Imagining a quiet place can take you out of a stressful situation. When you have the chance, take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable. Notice all the details of your chosen place, including pleasant sounds, smells and temperature.

  1. Pay Attention to Physical Comfort. Be as physically comfortable as the situationwill  allow. Wear comfortable clothing. If it`s too hot, go somewhere where it`s not. If chair is uncomfortable, move. Do not wait until your discomfort turns into a real problem.

  1. Move. Physical activity can help reduce and prevent stress. When you feelnervous, angry or upset, release the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Try to find something you enjoy and make regular time for it. Running, stretching, walking or dancing can be done anywhere. Working in the garden, cleaning or playing with your younger children can relieve stress, make you relax and energize you.

  1. Take Care of your Body. Healthy eating and adequate sleep fuels your mind aswell as your body. Avoid eating too much caffeine and sugar. Well-nourished bodies are better able to cope with stress.

  1. Laugh. Maintain your sense of humour, including the ability to laugh at yourself. Share jokes and funny stories with your friends. Laughter is good for you.

  1. Manage your Time. Plan ahead and  make  a  realistic  schedule  for  yourself  andinclude time for stress reduction as a regular part of your schedule. Trying to take care of everything at once can seem overwhelming and may keep you from accomplishing anything. Instead, make a list of what you have to do, then do one at a time, checking them off as you finish. Do the most important ones first. If a particularly unpleasant task faces you, do it early in the day and get over with it; the rest of your day will be less stressful.

  1. Know your Limits.  When in a stressful situation, ask yourselfis this my problem? If it isn`t, leave it alone. If it is, can I resolve it now? Once the problem is settled, leave italone. Do not agonize over the decision, and try to accept situation you cannot change. There are many circumstances in life beyond your control. If problem is beyond your control and cannot be changed at the moment, learn to accept as it is, for now, until such time when you can change things.

  1. Do you have to be Right Always? Do you get upset when things don`t go yourway? Consider cooperation or compromise rather than confrontation. It may reduce the strain and help everyone feel more comfortable.

  1. Have a Good Cry. It is normal for people of  all  ages  to  cry.  A  good  cry  duringstressful times can be a healthy way to bring relief to your stress, and may prevent a headache or other physical consequences of stress. However, crying daily can be sign of depression.

  1. Look for the Good Things around You. It is easy to see only the negative side when you are stressed. Your thoughts can become like a pair of very dark glasses, allowing you to see very little light or joy in your life. Decide to notice five good things around you. These can be positive or enjoyable moments or interactions. These may seem like small events but as these good things add they can often provide a big lift to energy and spirits and help you begin to see things in a new, more balanced way.

  1. Talk Less, Listen More. Listening banishes stress, makes you more popular, more knowledgeable, more sensitive.

8. How can we change our mindset? (07 Marks)

  1. Get the Best Information Only.

  2. Role Model the Best People.

  3. Examine Your Current Beliefs.

  4. Shape Your Mindset with Vision and Goals. 

  5. Find Your Voice.

  6. Protect Your Mindset. 

  7. Let Go of Comparisons. 

  8. Put an End to Perfectionism. 

  9. Look at the Evidence.

  10. Redefine What Failure Means.

  11. Stop Worrying about What “People” Think. 

9. Define Time management. Mention two principles of time management

(07 Marks)

Time management is a set of skills, tools, and systems that work together to help you get more value out of your time and use it to accomplish what you want.

Develop a Personal Sense of Time. Make sure you know where your  time  goes.  Don’t depend on memory, it’s treacherous. Put time under the microscope. You cannot manage time that is past. But you can examine how you managed it in an objective and realistic way.

Identify Long-Term Goals.    The foundation of good time management is to first, find out    what matters deeply to you – what it is you really want to achieve in life. Spend time on considering what are your own personal values? What really matters to you at this stage of yourlife? Remember, they must be your values no-one else’s. In this, concentrate on four key areas of your life - Self and Well-being, Community and Humanity, Home and Family and Business and Career.

Concentrate on High Return Activities.In any organisation there are a few basic functions, which are central to its effective functioning. For a classroom teacher the high-return activity will be enabling the children to learn well. For a principal it will be empowering staff to be effective teachers by having a smoothly running school. Therefore, identify which activities are going to give you the highest return and concentrate on them.

Weekly and Daily Planning. Traditional time management teaching talks of daily planning, so why change? If we mainly focus on our daily scheduling, we’re looking at what’s under our nose and we tend to become immersed in the urgent. Hence, from our monthly goals and objectives, plan a weekly focus. Planning on a weekly basis helps us to take better control of our lives.

Make the Best Use of Your Best Time.The quality of your attention or concentration varies at different times. You may notice that you habitually tend to be more mentally alert, at certain times of the day. 20% of your time produces 80% of your high-quality output. The most important tasks in a day only take about 20 percent of our time and will make 80 percent of the difference to the smooth running of things. So, make sure that you manage well that critical 20% of your time. Learn to focus on the vital few things which will make a long-term difference.

Make Use of Committed Time.You may sometimes complain that you lack time. But you have all the time there is for you. At work there is time which you can choose to spend as, committed time. If you are alert you may find portions of it, which are actually free time. Think of an example of committed time in the last week, where you found unexpectedly that you had at least half an hour to spare. What did you do with it? Could you have put that time to better use? What would you need to have had with you in order to do so?

Manage Your Health.Even a few weeks off, being ill is going to involve you in a major waste of productive time. Depending on the nature of your illness, you may be able to use it in some constructive way. To give to your work and to others high quality time you must top up your energy levels.



(15 Marks)

  1. Write any three things we should do during Tsunami? (05 marks)

    1. Remain calm.

    2. Protect yourself if it is accompanied by an earthquake.

    3. Immediately head inland and to higher ground (at least 60' above sea level) if you experience an earthquake that lasts a minute or more, you are on the beach and the tide suddenly goes way out, or you see a wall of water rushing toward you. If you can’t get inland and up, go up.

    4. Know whether you are in a tsunami hazard zone or not.

    5. Know where the nearest tsunami escape route is.

    6. Have already put together portable emergencysurvival kits for you and your family.

    7. Have an emergency radio that automatically turns on in the event ofa hazard warning.

    8. Assemble your family and walk or bicycle to the nearest tsunami. Safety zone (unless someone with you is mobility impaired).

    9. Wait for an official announcement that the danger has passed before returning home or to the beach.

    10. Have emergency supplies set in at home, since it might take days or weeks for electricity, food, water, and protective services to be restored.

    11. You should find out if your home, school, workplace, or other frequently visited locations are in tsunami hazard areas along sea-shore.

    12. Know the height of your street above sea level and the distance of your street from the coast or other high-risk waters. (Local administration may put sign boards).

    13. Plan evacuation routes from your home, school, workplace, or any other place you could be where tsunamis present a risk.

    14. If your children's school is in an identified inundation zone, find out what the school evacuation plan is.

    15. Practice your evacuation routes.

    16. Use a Weather Radio or stay tuned to a local radio or television station to keep informed of local watches and warnings.

    17. Talk to your insurance agent. Homeowners' policies may not cover flooding from a tsunami. Ask the Insurance Agent about the benefits from Multi-Hazard Insurance Schemes.

    18. Discuss tsunamis with your family. Everyone should know what to do in a tsunami situation. Discussing tsunamis ahead of time will help reduce fear and save precious time in an emergency. Review flood safety and preparedness measures with your family.

  1. What is the role of NCC during Natural hazards? (10 Marks)

(a) Traffic Management under supervision 

(b) Search and Rescue

(c) First Aid and evacuation of rescued people 

(d) Helping is setting up and administration of relief Camps

(e) Collection, Loading and dispatch of medical aid, material food, and other article of relief.

(f)  Conduct of cultural and recreational activities for victors to boost their morale at later/rehabilitation stages



(30 Marks)

1.Fill in the blanks   (05 Marks)

   (a) Vasectomy and Tubectomy are methods of Family Planning

   (b) Deforestation means Cutting/Falling of trees.

   (c) As per POCSO act a child as any person below the age of Eighteen years.

   (d) Swachch Bharathis a mass movement that seeks to create a Clean India.

   (e) Digital Lockerwill help citizens to digitally store their important documents like PAN card, passport, mark sheets and degree certificates.

2. Name any five social evils.                                                             (05 Marks)                       

  • Female foeticide

  • Dowry system

  • Population control


  • Health and hygiene

  • Child abuse and trafficking

  • Drug abuse and trafficking

3.What do you mean by child abuse? Types of child abuse   (10 Marks)

Child abuseconstitutes all forms of  physical  and  /  or  emotional  ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity.

  1. Physical Abuse. Causing physical injury upon a child. This may include hitting, shaking, kicking, beating, or otherwise harming a child physically.

  2. Emotional Abuse. Emotional abuse (also known as verbal abuse, mental abuse) means, causing behavioural, emotional, or mental distress/trauma, by acts or the failure to act by others.

  3. Sexual Abuse. Sexual abuse is inappropriate sexual behaviour with a child.

  4. Child Neglect.Child neglect is an act of omission or commission leading to the denial of a child’s basic needs.

4. Write brief notes about the following   (10 Marks)

a)Swachch Bharath:The Swachh Bharat mission aims to involve each and every Indian from all walks of life in the mission of cleanliness. It is a mass movement that seeks to create a Clean India.The objectives of Swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate open defecation through the construction of individual, cluster and community toilets. The Swachh Bharat mission will also make an initiative of establishing an accountable mechanism of monitoring latrine use.

b)Digital India:Digital India is a campaign launched by the Government of Indiain order to ensure the Government’s services are made available to citizens electronically by improved online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity or by making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology. The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas with high-speed internet networks. Digital India consists of three core components: the development of secure and stable digital infrastructure, delivering government services digitally, and universal digital literacy.



(25 Marks)

1. State True or False (05 Marks)

(a) Sleep is the periodical rest of both body and mind and it is extremely essential for a healthy body True/ False 

   (b)  Burns caused by moist heat True/ False

   (c)  Scorpion bite should be treated as snake bite True/ False

   (d) We should immobilise the fractured part while evacuation True/ False

   (e) Filtration is one of the methods for cleaning drinking water        True/ False

2. What are the types of wounds? (05 Marks)

Wounds can be defined as a break in continuity of the skin or muscles membrane. It is caused by violence.

Classification. According to level of contamination, a wound can be classified as under:-

  1. Incised Wound. It is wound caused by a sharp instrument like knife, razor and soon. Its edges are clean.

  2. Lacerated Wound. It is caused by blunt instrument. The edges are torn or uneven.

  3. Open Wound/ Punctured Wound. It is a deep narrow wound caused by a pointed instrument like knife, bayonet. The wound is small on the surface but may be very deep causing injuries to internal organs.

  4. Closed Wound/ Contusion. A contusion is an injury or a bruise in which some of the tissues or a part is irregularly torn or ruptured but, the skin may not be broken. It is caused by a blow or blunt instrument.

3. First Aid for Drowning?                     (05 Marks)

  1. Wet clothes should be loosened.

  2. Mouth, throat and nostril should be cleaned of mucus and any foreign body.

  3. Patient should be made to lie down over his belly, face down, head turned to one side, arms stretched beyond the head, tongue pulled out.

  4. Artificial respiration should be given till he starts breathing.

  5. Cover the patient with a blanket.

4. Name any five Yogasanas?         (05 Marks)

  1. Padmasana.

  2. Siddhasana.

  3. Gyan Mudra.

  4. Suryanamaskara.

  5. Shavasana.

  6. Vajrasana.

  7. Dhanurasana

  8. Chakrasana.

  9. Sarvangasana.

  10. Halasana.

5. Components of personal hygiene?                                                 (05 Marks)

Main components of personal hygiene are:-

  1. Sleep is the periodical rest of both body and mind and it is extremely essential for a healthy body. The duration of sleep one requires varies with individual age. The average requirement of sleep is about 7 to 8 hours a day.

  2. Bathing, keeping the skin clean and in healthy condition is essential for goodhealth. Wash your body regularly. Your body is constantly shedding skin. That skin needs to come off. Otherwise, it will take up and cause illnesses.

  3. Brush your teeth twice a day. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of bacteria in mouth which can cause tooth decay and gum diseases.

  4. Keepingfinger and toe nails trimmed and in good shape will prevent problems such as hang nails and infected nail beds. Feet that are clean and dry are less likely to contact Athlete’s foot.



(15 Marks)

1. What are the aims of adventure training? (05 Marks)

(a) To develop leadership qualities

(b) To make cadet disciplined physically

(c) To develop team spirit and co-operation

2. Name some examples for adventure activities.         (05 Marks)

(a) Rock climbing (b) Mountaineering

(c) Para jumping (d) Sky diving

(e) Cycle expedition (f) Trek

3. What are the safety measures keep in mind during cycling?           (05 Marks)

  1. Good rucksack in proper condition.

  2. Clothing like wind cheater, woolens as per your requirements of the stay and season in which trek is going to be done.

  3. Water, food and cooking utensils (if you are going to cook your own food).

  4. Camera and its accessories (if interested in photography, always carry an extra pair of batteries and camera phone).

  5. First Aid box.

  6. Sleeping Mat or Sleeping Bag.

  7. Oral rehydration solution (ORS).

  8. Rope.

  1. A good pair of shoes.

  2. Cap (preferably of cotton).

  3. Toiletry items.

  4. Torch and batteries.

  5. Marker and chalk.



(07 MARKS)

1. What are the Benefits of obstacle training?                                                 (02 marks)

  1. Ensures physical fitness.

  2. Ensures flexibility.

  3. Ensures mental strength.

  4. Coordination and balance of mind and body.

  5. Improves risk taking ability.

  6. Evaluating problem solving skills.

  7. Over all team spirit.

2. Name any five obstacles (05 marks)

  1. Straight Balance

  2. Clear Jump

  3. Gate Vault

  4. Zig-Zag Balance

  5. High Wall

  6. Double Ditch

  7. Right Hand Vault

  8. Left Hand Vault

  1. Ramp

  2. Straight Balance


(110 Marks)



(20 Marks)

1. Name the headquarters of the following Army Commands of India (05 Marks)

(a) Northern Command - Udhampur

(b) Southern Command - Pune

(c) Central Command - Lucknow

(d) Eastern Command - Kolkata

           (e) Western Command - Chandimandir

2.Expand the following:-         (05 Marks)

    (a) BSF : Border Security Force

    (b) CRPF : Central Reserve Police Force

    (c) NSG : National Security Guards

    (d) ITBP : Indo-Tibetan Border Police

    (e) SPG : Special Protection Group

3. Write examples for the following?         (05 Marks)

Permanent Commission Short Service Commission

  1. NDA / AFMC - after 10+2 (Through UPSC). a) Non-Tech (Both Men & Women).

  2. Direct Entry (Through UPSC). b) Tech (Both Men & Women).

  3. Engineering Graduates – TGC. c) NCC Special Entry (Both Men & Women).

  4. University Entry Scheme. d) Law Graduates (Both Men & Women).

  5. Technical Entry Scheme 10 +2.

  6. Army Cadet College Wing, after 10+2.

  7. SCO / PCSL Entry from Regular Army.

4. Name any five Supporting Services of Army?         (05 Marks)

(a) Army Supply Corps (b) Army Medical Corps (c) Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (d) Military Nursing Service (e) Army Ordinance Corps



(25 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks (05 Marks)

    (a) Compass needle always point towards Magnetic north.

     (b) Service protractor is used to measure Grid Bearing.

     (c) Slope means a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another.

     (d) Back Bearing is bearing taken opposite of original position of object.

(e) Relief is applied to the shape of the ground in a vertical plane.

2. Define a map. (05 Marks)

Map is a proportionate representation of the earth’s surface with its entire natural and manmade features shown by some conventional signs on a piece of paper.

3. Name any five parts of a compass. (05 Marks)

(a) Lid (b) Window

(c) Hairline (d) Tongue

(e) Dial (f) Ring.

4. What are uses of Compass? (05 Marks)

(a) To tack Bearing of an object

(b) To find own position on the map

(c) To find north and set the map

(d) To March on a particular Bearing 

5. What are the three kinds of North? (05 Marks)

True North, Magnetic North, Grid North



(25 Marks)

1. What are the types of ground? 01x05=05

(a) Open ground

(b) High ground

(c) Broken ground

(d) Low ground

(e) Dead ground

2. Why are objects seen? (05 Marks)

Objects are seen because of their following properties:-

(i) Shape     (ii) Shine     (iii) Shadow      (iv) Silhouette (v) Surface   (vi) Spacing (vii) Movement

3. What are the four stages of section Battle Drill? (05 Marks)

Stage I : Action on coming under effective fire

Stage II : Location and neutralising the energy 

Stage III : Attack

Stage IV : Re-organisation

4. What are the tasks given to a Race patrol?                                       (05 Marks)

(a) To find out location and details of enemy position.

(b) To find out location of obstacles laid by enemy. 

(c) Study habits of enemy are any other specific information needed.

5. What are the methods of judging distance?                                       (05 Marks)

(a) Unit of measure

(b) Section Average

(c) Halving

(d) Appearance methods

(e) Key range

(f)  Bearing methods



(15 MARKS)

 1. Fill in the blanks 5x1=5

     (a) While assembling the rifle ensure safety catch in on ‘S’.

     (b) Pull through, oil, chindi, Brush are used for Cleaning a rifle.

     (c) 7.62mm LMG is the base weapon of the Infantry.

     (d) 5.56 mm INSAS rifle in the basic weapon of a Soldier.

     (e) While strapping 7.62mm SLR, the muzzle should be facing up at an angle of                                 45 degree.

2. Expand the following:-       5x1=5

     (a) MMG - Medium Machine Gun

     (b) LMR - Light Machine Gun

     (c) SLR - Self Loading Rifle

     (d) AGL - Automatic Grenade Launcher

     (e) RLG - Recoil Less Gun

3. Write down the three rates of fire in LMG (05 Marks)

(a) Slow – one magazine per minute (28 rounds)

(b) Rapid – Three magazines per minute

(c) Cyclic – 450 to 550 rounds per minute



(15 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks 5x1=5

   (a) POK Stands forPakistan Occupied Kashmir.

    (b) The Army, The Navy and The Air Force are the three wings of the Indian    Armed Forces.

    (c) LOAC Stands for Line of Actual Control.

   (d) Indian Military Academy is located at Dehra Dun.

    (e)The President is the supreme commander of Armed Force.

2. List down any five factors that influence the defence and security of a country.(Any five of the following)   (05 Marks)

(a) Geographical location

(b) Terrain

(c) Boundaries and frontiers

(d) Climate

(e) Human resources

(f) Natural resources

(g) Natural and artificial obstacles

3. Expand the following:- 5x1=5

      (a) IPKF – Indian Peace Keeping Force

      (b) SAARC – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

      (c) RAW – Research and Analysis Wing

      (d) NPT – Non-Proliferation Treaty

      (e) BEML – Bharat Earth Movers Limited



(10 Marks)

1. What are the types of communication? 01x05=05

(a) Telegram (b) E-mail

(c) Telephone (d) Satellite.

(e) Fax

02. What are the types of oral communications?           01x05=05

(a) Radio Communication

(b) Telephone Communication

(c) Motorola Communication


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