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Monday 5 February 2024






Q1. (a) Fill in the Blanks:-

  1. Salami Sastra is carried out in 03 steps and bajushastra03 steps.

  1. TejChalmarching speed of NCC Cadets is (Boys)116 KADAMand NCC Cadets (Girls) 110 KADAMIn a 1 minute.

(c)  Man standing side by side in a straight line is called RIGHT MARKER.

  1. For guard mounting08 soldiers are required.

  1.  Blank file will be kept on LEFTside of squad.

  1. What the angle between heelsand toes 45 degreeand toe totoe distance is 18 inch in a visram position.

  1. The stregenth for Guard of honour for Pricident is150 rank and file.

2. FILL THE BLANKS. (2 X3=6 Marks)

(a) Peeche mud is done through 180degrees and turned through RIGHT side.

(b) Quarter Guard meinkhada SentryNB SUB  se CAPTtakko, Bagal Shastra se salute kartahai.

(c) Rashtriya Salute is given to President and Governor.

3. FILL THE BLANKS. (1X7=7 Marks) 


(b) Indian National Congress was established by Sri HO Hume

(c) Dravidianswere native inhabitants of Peninsular India.

(d)     SARDAR VALLABHABHAI PATELis called Iron man of India.

(e)      SHRI KRISHNADEVA RAYA was most famous king of Vijayanagar Empire.

(f)       NATAPUTTA MAHAVIRA found Jainism.

(g)     DrRajendraPrasd was first president of India.


04 Which is a dimensions of self-awareness will be dwelt with as many people limit their self-awareness to their bio-data which is usually things known by everbody? (10 Marks)

Ans:-(a)  Self Realization

(b)  Self-knowledge or self-exploration

(c)  Self-confidence.

(d)  Self-talk 

(e)  Self-motivation

(f)  Self esteem

(g)  Self-image.

(h)  Selfcontrol

(j)  Self purpose

(k)  individuality and Uniqueness.

(l)  Personality.

(m) values

(n)  Attitude

(o)  Character

05 What are the components of effective communication? Please explain?

(10 Marks)








    • Non Verbal Communication is that gives meaning to what is said and may communicate both appreciation and rejection.

    • It includes such things as tone of voice a nod of head using silence, frowning, smiling, body posture, touch, shaking of the head to communicate approval or dis-approval, lifting of the eyebrows show surprise, distance between persons, playing with something in hand in instead of focusing etc.


    • During communication, one person talks and and another person listens.

    • The listeners must give attention to all that is said, without interrupting the speaker and a react later in a relevant manner.

    • Many people may listen but now hot the full massage is.

06 What is Creative Thinking? Stages of Creative Thinking? (10 Marks)

ANS:-Creative thinking is the ability/ skill  to imagine something new/original and appropriate/meaningful

  • Creative thinking when used to face challenges in life is a LIFE SKILL. 

  • It consists of three factors- knowledge, imagination, and evaluation

  • A creative approach implies that you are attempting

to advance toward an outcome that is new, unstructured, and open ended and at the same time useful.


  • Preparation

  •  Incubation

  •  Illumination

  •  Evaluation

  •  Remission

07 How many types styles of communication explainany one? (05 Marks)

  • There are three styles of communication.

(a) Aggressive. They believe that everyone should like them; I am never wrong I`ve got rights but you don`t. They have a close mind and are poor listeners. They have 340 difficulty in seeing the other person point of view, they interrupt and monopolize. They tend to dominate and put down others. They are bossy. While communicating they frown, stare, talk loudly or have a yelling tone of voice.

(b)Passive.In such communication the persons do not express their true feelings; they do not disagree and think that others have more rights than they do. Their communication style is indirect, they always agree and do not speak out and are very hesitant. While communicating they often lack facial expression and stand with down cast eyes.

(c)Assertive.In such communication the person believes those he/she as well as others are valuable. They know that if they have rights then others also have rights. They are active listeners and check on others feelings. They are action oriented, attentive, vocal, expressive, good listeners, aware, supportive, persuasive, fair, open and consistent in behavior. Their expectations are realistic. They have open and natural gestures. They maintain an eye contact while communicating.

08 How would we know if someone is not listening us? (10 Marks)

ANS:- (a) Looks away. 

(b) Interrupts.

 (c) Looks at the watch.

(d) Gets up to do something and returns. 

(e) Gives advice.

 (f) Talks to someone else. 

(g) Answers the phone. 

(h) Begins to do some work. 

(j) Does not stop doing work. 

(k) Says that she/he will be back in a minute and does not return. 

(l) Looks bored.

09 Which is a steps of will help us in reducing the communication gap?

(10 Marks)

Ans :-The following steps will help in reducing the communication gap:-

 (a) Plan ahead. 

(b) Involve others to contribute to planning. 

(c) Listen to the suggestions made by others.

 (d) Speak with purpose and be specific. 

(e) Justify your stand without upsetting others. 

(f) Have sense of humour.

 (g) Have empathy. 

(h) Do not be judgmental.

 (j) Do not underestimate the ability of others to contribute. 

(k) Observe the body language or the non-verbal communication of others. 

(l) Be transparent to inform others of the planned activities and get feedback. 

(m) Make modification in the plan to suit the need.

 (n) The words ‗yes‘ and ‗no‘ are very powerful. Learn to use them appropriately.

10 Write the measures to develop the personality? (05Marks)


  1. Judgement, 

  2. Mirroring, 

  3. Be Cheerful and nice,

  4. Be Sincere and Trustworthy,

  5. Provide compelling ideas, 

  6. Conviction, 

(vii)  Positive Attitude, 

(viii) Leadership skills and Communication skills.

11 What are the Leadership Traits?

Ans: (10 Marks)

  1. Alertness

  2. Bearing

  3. Courage

  4. Decision Making

  5. Endurance

  6. Dependability

  7. Enthusiasm

  8. Initiative

  9. Integrity

  10. Judgment

  11. Justice

  12. Knowledge

  13. Loyalty

  14. Sense of humor

(p) Role model.

12 Define Leadership? (05Marks)

ANS:-Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring.

Yet, while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide their people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way.

effective leader is a person who does the following:

  1. Creates an inspiring vision of the future.

  2. Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision.

  3. Manages delivery of the vision.

  4. Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more effective at achieving the vision.

13 What are the duties of Leader during the camp? (10 Marks)


  1. Act as a second in-charge,

  2. Pass the instructions to the cadets about the camp routine,

  3. Day schedules,

  4.  Competitions, 

  5. Duties

  6. Take the responsibility of his group,

  7. Their welfare like accommodation, needs, 

  8. Refreshments, 

  9. support them in learning the subjects.

  10. Boost the morale of the weak cadets. 

(k)See that all are taking part in various competitions. 

      (l)Bring their problems to the notice of the in-charge officer.


14 FILL IN THE BLANKS (07 Marks)

  1. Unexpected situation-causes damage at a massive level to the life and living is known asDisaster

  2. National Disaster Management Authority led by Prime Minister]

  1. Expand DDMA District Disaster Management Authority

True or False

1. Willy-Willies is one of the name for Hurricanes. (True/False)

2. Panchayati Raj Institutions control and manage government services. (True/False)

3. Salvage Service is responsible for collection, identification and disposal of dead bodies. (True/False)

4. NDMA stands for Natural Disaster Management Authority. (True/False)

15 What is the role of the NCC in disaster management? (07 Marks)

ANS: -

  1. Support the administrative and rescue officials

  2. Distribution of food 

  3. Medical aid by supporting the doctors like nursing, providing medicines 

  4. Support the police

  5. Traffic Management under supervision.

  6.  Search and Rescue.  

  7. First Aid and evacuation of rescued people

  8. Helping in setting up and administration of Relief Camps

16 Define Disaster? How many types of disasters? (10 Marks)

ANS:-By definition ”disaster” means a catastrophe, a mishap, a calamity or grave danger event occurred in an area and affected life and properties. It may be arising from natural or man- made causes, or by accident or due to negligence. ... Dozens of types of disasters happen all over the world at one time or the other.

((a) Natural Disasters.These are of the following types :- 

(i) Wind Related.-Storms, Cyclones, Tornados, and Tidal Waves. 

(ii) Water Related-Floods/Flash Floods, Cloudburst, Excessive Rains and Drought. 

iii) Earth Related- Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Avalanches, Landslides and Volcanic Eruptions. 

(b) Man Made Disasters.These can be classified as under :- 

(i) Accidents- Road, rail, air, sea accidents orbuilding collapse.

(ii) Industrial Mishaps-Gas leaks, explosion, sabotage and safety breaches. 

(iii) Fires-In buildings, coal fields or oil / gas fields and oil / gas storage depots. 

(iv) Forest Fires- In tropical countries, forest fires are often manmade.

(v) Contamination/Poisoning- Incidents of mass foodpoisoning, water contamination, illicit-liquorpoisoning and epidemics.

 (vi) Terrorists Activities- Serial Blasts / explosions in public transport or markets. 

  1. Ecological- Pollution ofair, water, noise, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, sea level rise, toxic wastes and nuclear accidents.

  2. Warfare-Conventional, chemical, biological or nuclear.

17 What are the manmade disasters? Give the examples of manmade disasters? (10 Marks)

ANS:-Man-made disasters have an element of human intent, negligence, or error involving a failure of a man-made system, as opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural hazards. Such man-made disasters are crime, arson, civil disorder, terrorism, war, biological/chemical threat, cyber-attacks, etc.

The Top 20 Biggest Man-Made Disasters

  1. The Bhopal Gas Leak. The victims of the gas leak. ...

  2. The Jilin Chemical Explosion. The toxic cloud from the explosion. ...

  3. The Tennesse Coal Ash Spill. A house in Kingston buried in the ash. ...

  4. The Sidoarjo mud volcano. ...

  5. The North Pacific Garbage Patch. ...

  6. The Gulf War Spill. ...

  7. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. ...

  8. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.













19 List Out Any Fiveof Social Service?      (10 Mark)

(a) Contribution to adult education

(b) Social Service Activities

(c) Promotion to National Language

(d) Treating all Human beings as equal

(e) Respecting all Religious Institutes

(f) Tree Plantation drives to ensure climatic balance

(g) Blood Donation camps aimed at collecting blood to  help out those in urgent needs

(h) Pledge against Anti Female Infanticide

(j) Campaigning against the dowry in the form of different rallies

(k) Anti Leprosy Drive to educate people about the disease and also giving information about some prevention tips.

(l) Visit to old age homes and spending some quality time and helping senior citizens.

(m) Proving help in slum clearance

20    What are the effective reasons of development of country?

(10 Marks)

ANS:-Factors that Influence the Economic Development of a Country

  1. Capital Formation:

  2. Natural Resources:

  3. Marketable Surplus of Agriculture:

  4. Conditions in Foreign Trade:

  5. Economic System:

  6. Human Resources:

  7. Technical Know-How and General Education:

(viii)Political Freedom:

There are many ways that growth and development can be promoted in developing countries:

  1. Rapid industrialisation.

  2. Investment in tourism and other services.

  3. Trade liberalisation.

  4. Removal of subsidies.

  5. Policies to attract inward investment.

  6. Greater role for the price mechanism in allocating resources.


22 List out the major effects of unrestricted use of natural resources?(05 Marks)

ANS:-Threats to Natural Resources

  1. . Overpopulation. This is probably the most significant, single threat that natural resources face. ...

  2. Climate Change. The alteration in climate patterns as a result of excessive anthropogenic is hurting biodiversity and many other abiotic natural resources. ...

  3. Forests:-Demand for wood (timber), food, roads, and forest products will be more. Therefore, people will use more forest resources than they can naturally recover..

  4. Fishing:-The freshwater and seafood sector will face problems too as we will continue to depend heavily on them. Larger fishing companies are going deeper into the sea to catch fish in even larger quantities. Some of the fishing methods they use are not sustainable, thereby destroying many more fish and sea creatures in the process.

  5. Environmental Pollution-Land, water, and air pollution directly affect the health of the environments in which they occur. Pollution affects the chemical make-up of soils, rocks, lands, ocean water, freshwater and underground water, and other natural phenomena. It often has catastrophic consequences.

  23 Define Global warming? What are the other effects of global warming? (10 Marks)

Ans:-Here's a simple definition of global warming. (And yes, it's really happening.) Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. And experts see the trend is accelerating: All but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record have occurred since 2000.

Climate change deniers have argued that there has been a “pause” or a “slowdown” in rising global temperatures, but several recent studies, including a 2015 paper published in the journal Science, have disproved this claim. And scientists say that unless we curb global-warming emissions, average U.S. temperatures could increase by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.

What are the other effects of global warming?

 Each year, scientists learn more about the consequences of global warming, and many agree that environmental, economic, and health consequences are likely to occur if current trends continue. Here’s just a smattering of what we can look forward to:

  • Melting glaciers, early snowmelt, and severe droughts will cause more dramatic water shortages and increase the risk of wildfires in the American West.

  • Rising sea levels will lead to coastal flooding on the Eastern Seaboard, especially in Florida, and in other areas such as the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Forests, farms, and cities will face troublesome new pests, heat waves, heavy downpours, and increased flooding. All those factors will damage or destroy agriculture and fisheries.

  • Disruption of habitats such as coral reefs and Alpine meadows could drive any plant and animal species to extinction.

24 What are the methods management and conservation of natural resources?                               (10 Marks)


  1. By planting more trees and avoid cutting of trees.

  1. Not polluting water sources like river, ponds etc.

  1. Avoiding use of plastic.

  1. Avoiding noise pollution.

  1. Recycling natural resources to ensure their efficient sustainable use.

  1. Using renewable sources of energy like solar and wind power.

  1. Saving energy by taking small but important are like switching off fans, lights and other electric gadgets when they are not in use.

  1. Preventing of wastage and overuse of all natural resources.

  1.        Conservation of nature in all form.

(j)    Ensuring environmentally rational behavior in oneself and other.

(k)       Developing environmental consciousness amongst common people through posters, hoardings and environmental awareness campaign.

  25 What steps will you takes as an individual for contributing towards waste management in your neighborhood? (10 Marks)

ANS:-If we do not reduce waste and generate it at current rate, India will need ... to start taking immediate action to deal with the garbage problem. First step is to reduce the waste being generated at individual level. ... Swatch Bharat Abhiyan has contributed in reducing the waste generation through composting.

We Contribute To Waste Management

Tips to Reduce Waste

  1. Take reusable bags to the store when shopping.

  2. Reduce or eliminate the use of paper plates and cups.

  3. Store leftover foods in reusable containers instead of single use plastic bags or Polystyrene foam containers.

  4. Reduce or minimize use of plastic bags and Polystyrene foam.

How To Manage Waste Properly

  1. Source Reduction and Reuse. This is the strategy most commonly used by governments and local authorities. ...

  2. Recovery and Recycling. Recovery involves the use of discarded items for other meaningful uses. ...

  3. Landfills. This is the most common waste disposal method today. ...

  4. Combustion/Incineration. ...

  5. Composting

  26 What are measures conserving energy? (05 Marks)

1. Take advantage of a home energy audit

2. Repair any electrical issues in the home.

3. Invest in energy-efficient appliances for the home.

4. Use power strips wherever possible

5. Switch to LED light bulbs

6. Set the water heater to the lowest comfortable setting.

7. Do laundry efficiently.

8. Turn off televisions, radios and computer monitors when not in use.

9. Program the thermostat

10. Check that the home is insulated properly.

 27 What are some protective measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission? (05 Marks)

  1. Clean your hands often.

  2. Cough or sneeze in your bent elbow - not your hands!

  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

  4. Limit social gatherings and time spent in crowded places.

  5. Avoid close contact with someone who is sick.

  6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

27 What are the method to control population? (10 Marks)

ANS:-1. Empower women

Studies show that women with access to reproductive health services find it easier to break out of poverty, while those who work are more likely to use birth control. The United Nations Population Fund aims to tackle both issues at once, running microcredit projects to turn young women into advocates for reproductive health.

2. Promote family planning

Simply educating men and women about contraception can have a big impact. When Iran introduced a national family planning programme in 1989, its fertility rate fell from 5.6 births per woman to 2.6 in a decade. A similar effort in Rwanda saw a threefold increase in contraception usage in just five years.

3. Make education entertaining

The US-based Population Media Center gets creative to reach women. Its radio soap operas, which feature culturally specific stories about reproductive issues, have been heard by as many as 500 million people in 50 countries. In Ethiopia, 63 per cent of women seeking reproductive health services reported tuning in.

4. Government incentives

Those at UK charity Population Matters believe there should be a senior government official responsible for addressing population-related issues. They urge governments to promote “responsible parenthood” and say subsidies should be limited to the first two children unless the family is living in poverty.

5) One-child legislation

During China’s high controversial one-child policy, fertility fell from six births per woman in the 1960s to 1.5 in 2014. However, Amnesty International reports that the policy led to coerced or forced abortions and sterilisations. It also disrupted traditional support structures for the elderly and led to a gender imbalance.

28 What is the make in India? (10 Marks)

ANS:-Make in India is a major national programme of the Government of India designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property and build best in class manufacturing infrastructure in the country. ... Go and sell in any country of the world, but manufacture here.

Launched: 25 September 2014; 6 years ago

Key people: Ministry of Commerce and Industry ...

Prime Minister(s): Narendra Modi

Advantages of Make in India

  1. Develop Job Opportunity. ...

(ii)      Ameliorate the Vicinity. ...

(iii)     Expand GDP. ...

  1. Fortify the Rupee. ...

  2. Increase in Brand Value. ...

  3. Up-gradation of Technology. ...

  4. Ease of Business. ...

  5. Availability of Young Minds.


29 Define The Hygiene? (05 Marks)

30 FILL IN THE BLANKS ? (06Marks)

(a) Oxygen and nourishment is carried to all parts of the body by BLOOD.

(b) Silvery wire like fibers which are connected with the brain are calledNERVES.

(c) Surya namskar is acombinedsequenceof12  positions.

           (d) A bandage made of elastic material is known asCRAPE BANDAGE.

(e) There are 206bones in the human body.

(f) Musclesare responsible for body movement. 

31. Write down the first aid treatment to be given in cases of snake bite.

  (8 Marks)

  1. Make the victim lie down comfortably.

  1. Give convincing reassurance against fear of death.

  1. Apply a light constricting tourniquet with hand kerchief, bandage or shoe lace above elbow   

   for a bite on the arm so that the poison does not flows to all parts of the body.

  1. Wash with soap and water. Use water freely.

  1. Evacuate the patient quickly to the nearest dispensary or hospital.

If breathing fails, start artificial respiration

32 What are the sources of water and methods of Purification of drinking water? 

(8 Marks)

Sources of water are:-

  1. Rain water .

  2. Ground water.

  3. Well.

  4. River.

  5. Pond.  

Methods of purification are:-

       (i)    Sedimentation.

                    (ii)   Filtration.

 (iii)  Boiling and chlorination.



1. Fill in the Blanks (5Marks)

 (a) K M CARIAPPAwas the first Indian Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army.

(b) ASHOK CHAKRAis a Peacetime higest Gallantry award.            

(c) The Armoured Corps is one of the COMBATarms of the Indian Army.

(d) The President of India is the SUPREME COMMANDERof all the Armoud forces.

(e) Indian military Academy is located at DEHRADUN.

2     True or False (05 Marks)

1. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was the first Indian Army officer

to be promoted to the five-star rank of Field Marshal. ( TRUE )

2. Area Headquarters and Sub Area Headquarters are 

Commanded by Lieutenant General and Major General. ( TRUE )

3. The Air Force is organized into two commands which are

controlled by Air HQ. (FALSE)

4. Hospitals, Field Ambulances and Medical Aid Posts are run by

Armed Service Corps. (FALSE)

5 Param Veer Chakra” is a Wartime Gallantry Award  ( TRUE )

3   Write the Fighting Arms and explain the supporting Arms of Indian Army any five.                     (10 Marks)


1 Armor- Armor by virtue of its mobility, fire power protection and shock action is most aptly suited for present day battle field environment. The basic role of amour is to destroy the enemy by relentless, mobile offensive action, both in offensive and defensive operation. An Armd Regt has 45 tanks. In India we have TK T-72,TK T-90 & MBT Arjun tanks. 

2 Infantry. Infantry is essentially an arm of close combat. Its role in attack is to close in with the enemy and destroy or capture him and hold ground. In Defence it is to hold ground against all forms of attack. It is also employed in counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations. 

Mechanized Infantry. It is infantry with enhanced mobility and fire power. Mechanized Infantry moves in armoured personnel carrier (APC) which has adequate protection against small arms fire . Their mobility in conjunction with Armour enables own troops to obtain most favorable decision in battle. The emphasis is on mobility fire power and maneuver rather than manpower. The eqpt used are BMP- I & II.


Artillery. Artillery provides heavy volume of fire at long ranges to damage and destroy enemy position before it can be physically captured and occupied by own ground forces. 

Engineers. The Corps of Engineers consists of three major constituents namely Combat Engineers, MES and Border Roads. The Corps also provides Officers to the military survey and DRDO. In wars they provide mobility to own forces by constructing bridges, tracks and helipads. They also deny the same to the enemy by creating obstacles such as laying of mine fields and demolition of bridges. 

Army Air Defence.Army Air Defence is equipped with air defence guns and Short and Medium range surface to air missile systems. Alongwith air force it provides air defence to mobile forces, Vulnerable Areas and Vulnerable Points. 

Army aviation Corps. The role of Army Aviation corps is reconnaissance and observation by controlling artillery and infantry mortar fire from air and also to provide commanders and staff, rapid means for liaison visits and recce. It is ideally suited for evacuation of battle casualties. They use the Chetak helicopters for logistic tasks and the Cheetahs for aggressive tasks. 

5   Signals. The role of Signals is to provide radio, Radio Relay and line communication and establish Signal centres during war and peace. It also monitors enemies 9 communication systems. It is also responsible for cyber security. Its vision in the 21st century is to achieve electronic and information superiority for effective functioning of the Army.

MAP READING   (22Marks)

1    Fill in the blanks (10 Marks)

(a) A point on a map whose height is determined by Survey method

is known as SPOT HEIGHT.

(b) The combinations of LATITUDES and LONGITUDESon a map are known as Grid Lines.

(c) The two types of slopes are CONCAVE and CONVEX.

d) The three types of North are TRUE,GRID and MAGNATIC

(e)      The back bearing of 24 degrees is 204 and forward bearing of 201degrees 21.

2.    Write the Definition of Scale &Methods of Expressing a Scale (05 Marks)

Ans:-Definition of Scale :- Scale is the proportion which the distance between the two points on the map bears to the distance between two points on the ground. Everything on the map must be reduced and the extent to which the size is reduced constitutes the scale of the map. The essence of a map is 64 that it is a drawing to scale and it bears a definite ratio to the size of the actual country which it portrays.

Methods of Expressing a Scale :- 

There are two methods of expressing a scale:-

(a) In Words. 1 inch to 1 mile, it means that 1 inch on the map represents 1 mile on the ground.

(b) As a Representative Fraction (RF). This is the scale expressed in the form of a fraction, if the scale of a map is given as 1/100000 this means that one unit of the map represents 100000 of the same unit on the ground. It could mean that one centiméter on the map represents 100000cm on the ground

3.Draw and define Map and explain its uses                         (07 Marks)

Ans:- b   Definition of Map – A map is representation of selected natural and man made features of the whole or part of the earth's surface on a flat sheet of paper on a defínite scale and in their correct relatíve geographical positions and elevations. Symbols, colour differentiations and contours help to show the physical features- mountains , valleys and plains- in their true relationship to the land and man made features. A map, however, has the following limitations:-

        (a) It is seldom, if ever, upto date.

        (b) It cannot show every thing that exists on the ground.

Types of Maps. There are different types of maps depending on their scale and their use. Important types of maps are as under:-

(a) Atlas Maps. These are small scale maps showing whole country‟s continents, oceans or even world on one sheet.

(b) Topographical Maps. These are maps with which we are concerned in map reading. Survey of India maps are all topographical maps.

(c) Relief Maps.These are solid maps built as an actual model of the ground. 

(d) Outline Maps. These indicate general plan of the country e.g. main towns and rivers. Siometimes the normal topographical details are also shown. 

(e) Rail / Road Maps. These are intended only for use in connection with rail / road movements.

(f) Photo Maps. These are produced by making a mosaic of strips of vertical air photographs, so as to cover completely the area required to be shown.

(g) Other Maps.

 (i) Geographical Maps showing the structure of the rock formation below the top soil. 

(ii) Statistical maps showing information of such things as population, industries, mineral ores, crops etc.

(iii) Charts – showing depth of water round the coast and in river estuaries.

 (iv) Meteorological maps showing information regarding winds, atmospheric pressures and so on.


1 Explain the methods of judging the distance?           (10 Marks)

Ans:- There are five methods

(a)Unit of Measure. This method is also termed as the 100 yards method. The unit of measure chosen is normally 100 yards and therefore one should form a good idea of 100 yards distance on the ground. The length of a hockey field is the best yard stick for this purpose. The distance of a given object will be a multiple of the imaginary unit of 100 yards, as placed between the observer and the object. 

This method is not accurate above 100 yards and is of little use if there is dead ground between the observer and the object.

(b)Appearance Method . The distance can be judged by noting the detailed appearance of man at various ranges. This is the best method under service conditions. The following is a guide to distance:-

 (a) At 200 yards, all parts of the body are distinct. 

(b) At 250 yards, blade of the foresight covers a kneeling man. 

(c) At 300 yards the face becomes blurred. 102 

(d) At 400 yards the body remains same in shape but face is difficult to distinguish. Blade of the foresight covers a standing man. 

(e) At 500 yards body appears to taper slightly from the shoulder but movement of limbs can still be seen.

 (f) At 600 yards head appears as a dot. Details are not visible and body tapers from shoulders downwards noticeably

(c)Section Average. Each man in the section is asked to judge the distance of a given object. The average of the answers given by the whole section is then accepted as the distance. Here caution must be exercised in the estimation of a few who may foolishly over estimate the distance. This method may be resorted to under the following circumstances:-

(a) Ample time is available. 

(b) Judging of distance is made difficult by mist or darkness.

 (c) Judging of a long distance is involved e.g. beyond 400 yards..

(d)Key Range . If the range of the certain object is known, distance to other objects can be found in relation to the known range. This method is called „Key Range‟ method. 

(e)Halving. An object is selected half way between the observe and the target, the distance to the selected object is judged and doubled to get the distance to the target.

(f)Bracketing. The observer works out the maximum and the minimum possible distance of the object and then accept the mean as the distance e.g. maximum possible distance 1000 yards, minimum possible distance 500 yards therefore estimated range is 750 yards. The greater the range wider the bracket. In no case the bracket should be less than 300 yards

2 When distance is over-estimated?           (05 Marks)

Ans:-(a) Distance are over-estimated when:- 

(i) Light is bad. 

(ii) The sun is in the observer‟s eye.

(iii) The object is small in relation to its surroundings.

(iv) Looking through a valley of narrow lane e.g. street. 

(v) Lying down.

3 When distance is under-estimated?           (05 Marks)

Ans:-Distance are under- estimated when:- 

(i)The light is bright or the sun is shining from behind the observer. 

(ii) The object is large in relation to its surrounding. 

(iii) There is some dead ground between observer and the object.

(iv) Looking up hill.


1. True and False: - (05 Marks)

(i) Rifle Number will not appear on the bayonet.   (TRUE)

(ii) LMG is a coy support weapon. (FALSE)

(iii) During inspection on firing point rifle points to the ground. (TRUE)

(iv) Capacity of LMG magazine is 25 rounds.               (FALSE)

(v) On bipod, effective range of 7.62mm LMG is 1000 MTR(TRUE)

2 Name four types of Company and Platoon Support Weapons? (05 Marks)


(a) MMG 

  1. AGL 

  2. AMR


  1.  84 mm Rocket launcher (RL)

  2.  51 mm MORTER

  3.  Light Machine gun

  4.  40 mmMGL



  1. A call when only one station on a net is addressed by anyone station of the net is known as Single Call.

  2. A Walkie-talkieis a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver.

  3. Radio Stations working on same frequency in order to communicate

with each other comprise a Radio Net.

1        Write the types of communication? (02Marks )

Ans:-There are two types of communication

  1.  Radio communication

  2. Line communication

1. What is the importance of Communication in Wars?                                       (05Marks)

ANS:-The information age is experiencing dramatic upsurge in technology. Any kind of information can be conveyed within second to the concerned irrespective of distances, terrains and barriers. In modern warfare the operations of the defense forces have became so complex and its mobility so enhanced that commanders and staff officers have to depend primarily upon signal communications for exercising command and control over its forces. Efficient signal communications thus gain vital importance.


  1. FULL FORM (03 Marks )




2 Wrtie The Note :- Indo – Pak War 1971.( 75 WORDS)   (10 Marks)


The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 was a military confrontation between India's Mitrobahini forces and Pakistan that occurred during the liberation war in East Pakistan from 3 December 1971 to the fall of Dacca (Dhaka) on 16 December 1971. The war began with Operation Chengiz Khan's preemptive aerial strikes on 11 Indian air stations, which led to the commencement of hostilities with Pakistan and Indian entry into the war for independence in East Pakistan on the side of Bengali nationalist forces. Lasting just 13 days, it is one of the shortest wars in history.

During the war, Indian and Pakistani militaries simultaneously clashed on the eastern and western fronts; the war ended after the Eastern Command of the Pakistan military signed the Instrument of Surrender. on 16 December 1971 in Dhaka, marking the formation of East Pakistan as the new nation of Bangladesh. Officially, East Pakistan had earlier called for its secession from Pakistan on 26 March 1971. Approximately 90,000[36] to 93,000 Pakistani servicemen were taken prisoner by the Indian Army, which included 79,676 to 81,000 uniformed personnel of the Pakistan Armed Forces, including some Bengali soldiers who had remained loyal to Pakistan.[36][37][38] The remaining 10,324 to 12,500 prisoners were civilians, either family members of the military personnel or collaborators (razakars). 

It is estimated that members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias killed between 300,000 and 3,000,000 civilians in Bangladesh. As a result of the conflict, a further eight to ten million people fled the country to seek refuge in India.[47]

During the 1971 Bangladesh war for independence, members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias called the Razakars raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women and girls in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.

3 Wrtie The Note :- Indo – Kargil War 1999.( 75 WORDS)   (10 Marks)

Ans :-Date

3 May – 26 July 1999
(2 months, 3 weeks and 2 days)


Kargil districtJammu and Kashmir (now Ladakh), India

The Kargil War, also known as the Kargil conflict,[note (I)] was an armed conflict between India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999 in the Kargil district of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control (LOC). In India, the conflict is also referred to as Operation Vijay (Hindiविजय, literally "Victory"), which was the name of the Indian operation to clear the Kargil sector.[22] The Indian Air Force's role in acting jointly with Indian Army ground troops during the war was aimed at flushing out regular and irregular troops of the Pakistani Army from vacated Indian Positions in the Kargil sector along the Line of Control. This particular operation was given the code name Operation Safed Sagar (Hindiऑपरेशनसफेदसागर, lit. "Operation White Sea").

The cause of the war was the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers disguised as Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the LOC, which serves as the de facto border between the two states. During the initial stages of the war, Pakistan blamed the fighting entirely on independent Kashmiri insurgents, but documents left behind by casualties and later statements by Pakistan's Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff showed involvement of Pakistani paramilitary forces,[25][26][27] led by General Ashraf Rashid.[ The ]  Indian Army, later supported by the Indian Air Force, recaptured a majority of the positions on the Indian side of the LOC infiltrated by the Pakistani troops and militants. Facing international diplomatic opposition, the Pakistani forces withdrew from the remaining Indian positions along the LOC.

The war is the most recent example of high-altitude warfare in mountainous terrain, and as such posed significant logistical problems for the combating sides. It is also the sole instance of direct, conventional warfare between nuclear states (i.e., those possessing nuclear weapons). India had conducted its first successful test in 1974; Pakistan, which had been developing its nuclear capability in secret since around the same time, conducted its first known tests in 1998, just two weeks after a second series of tests by India.

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