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Monday 5 February 2024

NCC B Certificate Practice EXAM



(Total marks 90+60=150)


Q1. Write a short note on ‘Savdhan’ position? (5marks)

Ans: The Command "savdhan" is given to a Cadet when speaking to or being addressed by a superior officer. It is the position of attention. Heels combined together, both the feet to turned out equally making the angle of thirty degrees.

Q2. What are the aiming steps of a Rifle?   (05 Marks)

          (a) Hold the rifle Up-right

     (b) Close the left eye

     (c) Focus the foresight

     (d)The tip of the foresight must be aligned to the centre of and in level with the      shoulders of back sight “U” on the centre of the target.

Q3. Write about the following programmes.       (10m)

  1. Make in India b) Start-up India

Ans: The Key features of Make in India Programme:- (05 Marks)

  1. Facilitate foreign direct investment and production of goods in India by Indian and foreign companies in India.

  2. Increased demand for employment in various sectors.

  3. Attract foreign currency to be invested in the Indian industrial sectors.

  4. Create a demand of skilled people in specific sectors.

  5. It aims to ease doing business in India. It has far more potential to take India ahead of the present ranking.

The main features of Start-up India campaign are as follows:- (05 Marks)

  1. Single Window Clearance even with the help of a mobile application.

  2. 10,000 crore INR of funds.

  3. 80% reduction in patent registration fee.

  4. Modified and friendlier Bankruptcy Code to ensure 90-day exit window.

  5. Eliminating red tape.

  6. Self-certification compliance.

  7. Encourage entrepreneurship.

Q4. What is the necessity of National Integration? (10m)

Ans: National integration is therefore a basic necessity for survival of any nation through the following means:

  1. Maintenance of Peace and Harmony.  Peace and harmony between the people of a nation can be achieved only through the feeling of togetherness amongst the people.

  1. Growth and Development of the Nation. National integration is a process that must be equally understood by all citizens of a nation which will subsequently lead the nation achieve the growth and development.

  1. Law and Order: Provision of equal rights and opportunities can be ensured only through proper awareness of the prevailing laws. It will lead to proper maintenance of law and order situation.

  1. Culture and Religious Development. Our constitution permits practice of individual religion without hurting the beliefs of others. National integration is essential for developing mutual respect for each other’s religion.

  1. Dignity and Self-Respect. Every citizen must be dealt with equal dignity. Mutual respect and dignity will develop only if we believe in it and practice it.

  1. Welfare and well-being of the People. Welfare of the masses can be achieved only through proper understanding between the people and it can be achieved through the process of oneness.

Q5. Write a short note on 3 types of communication? (10m)

Ans: Communication is sharing ideas, opinions, thoughts, feeling and understanding through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more persons. We are communicating all the time with others.

  1. There are three ways of communication as under:-

  1. Aggressive: They believe that everyone should like them; I am never wrong I`ve got rights but you don`t. They have a closed mind and are poor listeners. They have difficulty in seeing the other person’s point of view, they interrupt and monopolize. They tend to dominate and put down others. They are bossy. While communicating they frown, stare, talk loudly or have a yelling tone of voice.

  2. Passive: The persons do not express their true feelings; they do not disagree and think that others have more rights than they do. Their communication style is indirect, they  always agree and do not speak out and are very hesitant. While communicating they often lack facial expression and stand with down cast eyes.

  1. Assertive:  The person believes  he/she as  well as others  are valuable. They know  that if they have rights then others also have rights. They are active listeners and check on others feelings. They are action oriented, attentive, vocal, expressive, good listeners, aware, supportive, persuasive, fair, open and consistent in behaviour. Their expectations are realistic. They have open and natural gestures. They maintain an eye contact while communicating.

Q6. What is stress? List out ‘Stress Management’ techniques? (10m)

Ans: Stress management Techniques.

a. Take Deep Breath: stress often causes us to be the quickly and this almost always causes more stress.

b. Talk it out: when you feel stressed try to express your feelings. Bottling of feelings can increase stress

c. Take A Break: Recognize when you are most stressed and allows yourself some reasonable treat

d Create A Quiet Place in your mind you can dream you cannot always sun away, but e. Pay Attention to Physical Comfort Be as physically Comfortable as the situation will allow.

f. Move: Physical activity can help reduce and Prevent stress. 

g.Take care of your body: Healthy eating and adequate sleep fuels your mind as well as your body. Lough. Maintain your sense of humous, including the ability to lough yourself.

J. Manage Your Time: Plan ahead and make a realistic schedule for yourself.

K. Know your limits when in a stressful situation, ask yourself is this yourself my Problem?   If it isn't leave it alone. 

L Dow you have to be Right Always: Consider Cooperation of compromise Sather than confrontation.

m. Have a Good Cry: A good cry during stressful times can be a healthy way to bring relief to your stress, and may prevent a headache or other physical consequences of stress. However, crying daily can be sign of depression.

n. look for the Good Things around you.

o. Talk less, Listen more.: Listening banishes stress, makes you more popular, more knowledgeable, more sensitive

Q7. List out the Leadership Traits? (10m)

     Ans: Leadership Traits:

a) Alertness

b) Bearing

c) courage

d) Decisiveness

e) Dependability

f) endurance

g) Enthusiasm

h) Initiative.

i) Integrity

j) Justice

(k) Judgement

(l) knowledge

(m) Loyalty

(n) Sense of Humor

Q8: Define Disaster? How many types of disasters? (10 Marks)

Ans:-By definition ”disaster” means a catastrophe, a mishap, a calamity or grave danger event occurred in an area and affected life and properties. It may be arising from natural or man- made causes, or by accident or due to negligence. ... Dozens of types of disasters happen all over the world at one time or the other.

((a) Natural Disasters.These are of the following types :- 

(i) Wind Related.-Storms, Cyclones, Tornados, and Tidal Waves. 

(ii) Water Related-Floods/Flash Floods, Cloudburst, Excessive Rains and Drought. 

iii) Earth Related- Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Avalanches, Landslides and Volcanic Eruptions. 

(b) Man Made Disasters.These can be classified as under :- 

(i) Accidents- Road, rail, air, sea accidents or building collapse.

(ii) Industrial Mishaps-Gas leaks, explosion, sabotage and safety breaches. 

(iii) Fires-In buildings, coal fields or oil / gas fields and oil / gas storage depots. 

(iv) Forest Fires- In tropical countries, forest fires are often manmade.

(v) Contamination/Poisoning- Incidents of mass food poisoning, water contamination, illicit-liquor poisoning and epidemics.

 (vi) Terrorists Activities- Serial Blasts / explosions in public transport or markets. 

  1. Ecological- Pollution ofair, water, noise, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, sea level rise, toxic wastes and nuclear accidents.

  2. Warfare-Conventional, chemical, biological or nuclear.

Q9.  List out any 5 social service activities which can be taken up by NCC? (5m)

Ans: Some of the social service activities which can be undertaken by NCC are as under:

  1. Education

  2. Family welfare, medical care, Family Planning and Nutrition. 

  3. Provision of water and Cooking Fuel, Roads. Electricity and sanitation.

  4. Old age support Systems

  5. Employment

  6. Social Assistance. Social security and Care & Protection

  7. Housing and Rehabilitation

  8. Recreation, Sports and social activities

  9. Clean and green programs.

Q10. Write about First Aid in case of a Shock ?           (5m)

Ans : First Aid in case of Electric Shocks:

a) Switch off or break the current, if possible.

b) Remove the casualty from contact with the current, if possible. Stand on some insulating material such as rubber soled shoes or boots or piles of newspapers

c) Give artificial respiration

d) Treat for shock and burns.

Q11. Write about the following non convention sources of energy. (10m)

  1. Solar Energy b) biogas


  1. solar energy is a renewable energy which is released by the sun as electromagnetic waves and directly collected from the sun light. Solar energy can be used in two ways: solar heating and solar electricity. Solar heating is to capture sun's energy to heating buildings and for cooking / heating foodstuffs etc. Solar Electricity is mainly Produced by using photovoltaic solar cells.

  2. Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of Organic matter in the absence of Oxygen. Biogas is a renewable energy source and can be produced from Saw materials such as agricultural waste, municipal waste, plant material, Sewage etc.

PART-B - Army Specialized Subject- 60marks



Q1. List out the types of Permanent commission in the Indian Army? (5marks)

Ans. Permanent Commission.

(a) NDA.

(b) Direct Entry.

(c) Engineering Graduate.

(d) University Entry Scheme.

(e) Technical Entry Scheme 10+2.

Q.2 Write the three types of rank system in the Indian Army? (5marks)

Ans. 1. Commissioned Officers.

2. Junior commissioned officers.

3. Non commissioned officers and other ranks.

Q3. What are the uses of compass? (5marks)

Ans. (a) To take bearing of any object.

(b) To find the North and set a map.

(c) To find own position on map.

(d) To march in a particular line to reach a particular location.

Q4.What are the subjects included in Battle craft? (5marks)

Ans. (a) Field signals

(b) Section formations

(c) Fire control orders.

(d) Fire and movements.

(e) Section battle drills.

Q5. What is camouflage? (5marks)

Ans. (a) Merge with natural colour and surroundings.

(b) Always move slowly but with quick actions.

(c) Destroy shines.

(d) Make uses of shadows.

Q6. Write a short note on PVC. (5marks)

Ans. The Param Vir Chakra (PVC)is India’s highest Military decoration awarded for highest degree of valour or self-sacrifice in the presence of enemy. The medal has been awarded 21 times 14 of which were posthumous awards. Literally meaning “Wheels (or cross) of the ultimate brave’’ it is similar to Medal of Honor in the United States and the Victoria Cross in the United Kingdom. The PVC was established on 26 January 1950 by the President of India, with effect from 15 August 1947.

Q7. Write five types of war; (5marks)

Ans. (a) Asymmetric warfare

(b) Biological warfare

(c) Chemical warfare

(d) Civil warfare

(e) Cyber warfare

Q8. What are the main causes of war? (5marks)

Ans. (a) Physiological

(b) Geographical

(c) Demographical

(d) Difference in opinion.

Q9.What are the various transmission lines? (5marks)

Ans. (a) Parallel wire type

(b) Coaxial type

(c) Wave guide type

Q10. Expand the following Badges of Ranks  (5marks)

a) CO  b) JC O c) NCO d) SM e) ME

 Ans.a) Commissioned Officer

b) Junior Commissioned Officer

c) Non-Commissioned Officer

d) Subedar Major

e) Military Expert 8

Q11. Write about company support weapons(5marks)

 a) 7.62 mm Dragunov Sniper Rifle

b) 7.62 mm Medium Machine Gun

c) 30 mm Medium Grenade Launcher

 d) 84 mm Rocket Launcher

Q12. Write Methods of Judging Distance. (5marks)

A.There are six methods of judging distance

(a) Unit of measure.

(b) Appearance method.

(c) Section average.

(d) Key range.

(e) Halving.

(f) Bracketing.


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