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Monday 5 February 2024








Q1. Explain what is Savdhan and Vishram position? (5m)

Q.2 Fill in the Blanks: (5m)

  1. Distance between two heels in Vishram position is _______

  2. Salami Sastra is carried out in ____steps .

  3. Rashtriya Salute is given to ________ and ___________

  4. In Dahine Mudna, ________degrees of turn is taken.

  5. For guard mounting____soldiers are required.


Q3. Write about the care and cleaning of .22 rifle .(10m)

Q4. Fill in the Blanks: (5m)

Write about the features of .22 MK IV rifle

(a) Length__________

(b) Weight________

` (c) Magazine Capacity __________

(d) Effective Range_______ meters.

(e ) Maximum Range ______ meters.



Q5. Name some of the core life skills to enhance personality of individual. (10m)

Q6. What are the aspects of self-awareness? (10m)

Q7. What are the 3 ways of communication? (10m)

Q8. Write about stress management techniques. (10m)

Q9. How does the time management help you? (10m)

Q10. Write the points you must keep in mind during an interview (10m)

Q11. List out five activities through which NCC help in developing the overall personality/ character of cadet? (10m)

Q12. Fill in the blanks. (05m)

  1. Full form of C.V=__________

  2. Full form of SSB=_____________

  3. Full form of GD=_____________

  4. Lassaize faire is _________________leadership style.

  5. There are ____________types of team.


Q13. What are the Leadership Traits?


Q14. What are the points to be kept in mind in cooking and serving food?(10m)

Q15. What is first aid? (05m)

Q16. Write about the first aid in case of a snake bite? (10m)

Q17. What are the main components of personal hygiene? (10m)


Q18. What is rain water harvesting? Write about uses. (10m)

Q19. Write about the following non convention sources of energy. (10m)

  1. Solar Energy b) biogas


Q20.  Explain in detail classification of disasters? (10m)

Q21. What roles can NCC cadet perform in maintaining essential service during disasters? (10m)


Q22.  Write about Swatch Bharat Abhiyan? (10M)

Q23. List out the social service activities which can be undertaken by NCC cadet?


Q24. Write about the causes of Female Feticide and measures to prevent it? (10m)


Group A Group B

  1. Digital India a) Vaccination

  2. Mission Indradanush b) Sexual Harassment

  3. Beti Bachao Beti Padao c) Internet Connectivity

  4. Swatch Bharat d) Girls Education

  5. POSCO Act e) Mission of Cleanliness


Q26. Write Distinguished service and Gallantry awards.?

Q27. How many awards are there in Army?

Q28. Which award is biggest Indian Army?




The Command "savdhan" is given to a Cadet when speaking to or being addressed by a superior officer. It is the position of attention. Heels combined together, both the feet to turned out equally making the angle of thirty degrees.

The Command "Vishram" in N.C.C is the position to Stand at ease. Left foot should be twelve inches towards the left. One should put the weight of the body on both the legs. But he should C not talk.


a): 12 inches b) 3 steps c) President and Governor d) 90° e) 8


The efficiency of the rifle depends on two factors. The care given to the rifle and the skill of the firer. The rifle is designed to stand up to active Service Conditions but performance will be considerably affected it. It is subjected to unduly harsh Conditions. Strip the Rifle, open the butt Trap and remove the pull through and the oil bottle for cleaning. The pull through has three loops, nearest the weight is for the gauze, the Centre for cleaning the barrel with flannelette and the end one for oiling. the barrel and for Lise of the armourer.


  1. 45 inch. B)3.93 kg c)10 Rounds d)23 mins, e)1550 meters


A. Self Awareness: Recognition of self our character, strengths, and weaknesses, desires, likes and dislikes, and skills. 

b. Empathy. Is the ability to be sensitive to another person's Situation, to understand his/her concerns, worries, fears and needs and how they feel.

c. Critical Thinking: Is the ability to analyze information and experience in an Objective manners d. Problem solving skills. Decision making is to choose from the Enable us to deal with Problems in cur lives in a constructive manner.

d)Decision making: Decision making is to choose from the Varied options based on the existing knowledge of the topic under consideration keeping in mind the positive or negative consequences of each of the option.

f)Interpersonal Relationship: Ability to establish positive relationships helps us to relate in positive ways with the people we interact wit

h) Effective communication. This is the ability to express, Virtually through Spoken or written language and non- Verbally through gestures and hots movements in ways that are culturally acceptable.

h)Coping with Emotions: Being aware of the predominant emotion that Press Preoccupies the mind of any point of time, knowing how emotions influence behavior, and being able to respond to emotions appropriately.

i) Coping with stress. Means recognizing the source of stress in our lives recognizing how this apports us physically, and emotionally and acting in ways that helps us control our levels of stress.


self-awareness involves knowing Ourselves and our personating and accepting oneself in spite of our imperfection. It includes all aspects of our selves. Our thoughts, emotions, likes, dislikes and weakness, knowledge the fast that though I am imperfect but still I like myself since I am a good  human-being and possess many qualities To have complete self-awareness one needs to concentrate on two aspects. The first being how we perceive ourself our strengths, weakness, abilities etc., and secondly how others perceive us. Both the views together give a person a complete picture about one self.


There are three ways of communication as under.

a)Aggressive They believe that everyone should like them. lam never wrong I've got rights  but you don't. They have a cloved mind and are poor listeners. They tend to dominate and put down others. They are bossy.

b)Passive - The persons do not express their true feelings. They do not disagree and think that others have more rights than they do. Their communication style is indirect, they always agree and do not speak out and are very hesitant.

c) Assertive. The person believes he / she as well as others are valuable. They know that if they have rights then others also have rights. They are active listeners and check on others feelings. They are action oriented, attentive, vocal, expressive, good listeners, aware, Supportive, fair, open and consistent in behavior.


Stress management Techniques.

a. Take Deep Breath: stress often causes us to be the quickly and this almost always causes more stress.

b. Talk it out: when you feel stressed try to express your feelings. Bottling of feelings can increase stress 

c. Take A Break Recognize when you are most stressed and allows yourself some reasonable treat

d Create A Quiet Place in your mind you can dream you cannot always sun away, but e. Pay Attention to Physical Comfort Be as physically Comfortable as the situation will allow.

f. Move: Physical activity can help reduce and Prevent stress. 

g. Take care of your body: Healthy eating and adequate sleep fuels your mind as well as your body. Lough. Maintain your sense of humous, including the ability to lough yourself.

J. Manage Your Time: Plan ahead and make a realistic schedule for yourself. 

K. Know your limits when in a stressful situation, ask yourself is this yourself my Problem?   If it isn't leave it alone. 

L Dow you have to be Right Always: Consider Cooperation of compromise Sather than confrontation.

m. Have a Good Cry 

n. look for the Good Things around you.

o. Talk less, Listen more.


Time management helps you to:

a). Reduce or eliminate wasted time and effort to you'll have more Productive time each day. 

b) to Improve your productivity so you can accomplish more with less effort.

c)focus your time and energy on what is most important and make time for the things you want and value.

d) Improve your performance while reducing stress: 

e) set and achieve your long-team goals.

10 Ans:

Conducting yourself during the interview:

  1. Try to remember Persons names, and call each person by his or her name 

  2. Always focus on the person asking the question. 

  3. Be aware of your tone of Voice and your body language. 

  4. (d) Display a good knowledge of the subject, based upon all the homework you have done.

(e) Don't argue if you disagree with the option Opinion of an interviewers. It you can, avoid it.

(f) If you have materials that you would like the interviewers to review, de not hand then out.

(g) At the very end. Provide an additional copy & your resume to each person Conducting the interview.

(h) Throughout the entire interview, respond with sincerity, fast and a high degree of interest.

11 Ans:

a) drill b) Competition c)Adventure Activities.

d)Interaction of cadets in camps e) Sports.


a)Curriculum Vitae b)Services selection Board. c) Group Discussion

d) Free sein style e) Four types.


a) Alertness b) Bearing c)courage d) Decisiveness e) Dependability

f) endurance g) Enthusiasm h) Initiative. i) Integrity (j) Justice (k) Judgement

(l) knowledge (m) Loyalty (n) Sense of Humor


The following points need attentions.

  1. All Preliminaries, such as cutting, Dealing and washing, of food item will be done in a separate room. Proper Preparation tables, cutting and Chopping blocks will be used for the purpose. 

  2. Cooked food should be served hot and so timed that food is ready Just a few minutes before, distribution.

  3. Regular Inspection of the hygiene, Sanitation and cleanliness of the Cook house staff and utensils should be carried out. 

  4. Avoid over Peeling, Use of excessive at oil. Condiments, salt and sugar.


First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a Sudden illness or injury, with Care Provided to preserve like. Prevent the condition from worsening, and/ or Promote recovery. At its most basic, first aid is the initial assistance given to a victim of injury or illness.


All cases of snake bite should be treated as being bitten by Poisonous Snakes. 

(a) make the victim fie clown comfortably 

(b) Give Convincing reassurance against fear & death.

(c) Apply a light constructing tourniquet with hand kerchief, bandage or shoe lace above the knee for a bite on the leg and above elbow to a bite on the arm, so that the poison does not flows to all parts of the body.

(d) wash with soap and water. Use water freely

(e ) Evacuate the patient quickly to the nearest dispensary or hospital.

(f ) If breathing fails, start artificial respiration.


Main components of Personal hygiene are:

  1. sleep is the periodical guest of both body and mind, and is extremely essential to a healthy body. The duration of sleep one requires varies with individual age. The average sleep is about 7 to 8 hours a day.

  2. Bathing, keeping the skin clean and in healthy condition is essential for and health. wash your body regularly.

  3. Brush your teath Twice a day. Bouthing minimizes the alcume batteria in mouth which can cause tooth decay and accumulation of qum diseases.

  4. keeping finger and toe nails trimmed and in good shape will Prevent Problems such ashang nails and infected nail beads. Fest that are clean and dry are less likely to Contact Athlete's foot.


The term rain water harvesting is being frequently used these days; however, the concept of water harvesting is not new for India. water harvesting techniques had been evolved and developed Centuries ago. Rainwater harvesting means capturing the runoff of the rain water in our own house, Village, town & city. It basically means accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse, before it reaches the aquifer,

Utilization includes water to garden, livestock, irrigation etc. In many places, the water Collected is just redirected to a deep pit with percolation.

Uses Harvest Rain water:

(a) To arrest ground water decline and augment ground water table

(b) To beneficiate water quality in aquifers 

(C) To Conserve Surface water runoff during monsoon.

(d)To reduce soil erosion

(e) To inculcate a culture of water Conservation.


  1. solar energy is a renewable energy which is released by the sun as electromagnetic waves and directly collected from the sun light. Solar energy can be used in two ways: solar heating and solar electricity. Solar heating is to capture sun's energy to heating buildings and for cooking / heating foodstuffs etc. Solar Electricity is mainly Produced by using photovoltaic solar cells.

  2. Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of Organic matter in the absence of Oxygen. Biogas is a renewable  energy source and can be produced from Saw materials such as agricultural waste, municipal waste, plant material, Sewage etc.


Disasters can be classified as natural and manmade disaster which are explained below: 

Natural Disasters:

(a ) wind Related: Storms, Cyclones, Tornadoes, Tidal waves 

(b) water Related: Floods / Flash Floods, cloudburst, Rains etc.

(c ) Earth related Earthquakes, Tsunami, Avalanches.

 Man made Disasters

(a) Accidents - Roads, Rail, air, sea accidents etc.

(b) Industrial mishaps: Gas Leaks, explosion, Cabotage and safety break

(c) Fire: In buildings, Coal fields or oil or gas fields 

(d) Forest Fire: in tropical countries.

(e ) Contamination / Poisoning: incidents of mass food poisoning, epidemies. 

(f) Terrorists Activities:  Serial Blasts (explosions. in Public

(g ) Ecological: Pollution & air. water, noise, soil degradation etc.

(h) was fare: Conventional, Chemical, biological Or nuclear. 


The Cadets & NCC could assist in maintaining the following essential. Services and important tasks in any and every part of the country in following ways.

(a) As operations in Telephone Exchange. 

(b) As nurses in hospitals or as links between doctors, nurses.

(c ) Assist in establishment and running of First Aid Centers. 

(d) Assist in Civil defense wardens in Carrying out their duties. 

(e) Counteract People: gossip and rumors to restore the morale of the

( f ) Assist the Civil authorities wheat whenever feasible and to the best of ability.

(g) Carry out neighborhood Campaigns: by now motivating people: to Create Self- assistance groups.


The Swachh Bharat mission aims to involve each and every Indian from all walks of life in the mission of cleanliness. It is a mass movement that seeks to create a clean India. 

The objective of swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate open defecation through the construction of individual. Cluster and Community toilets. 

The mission will also make an initiative of establishing an accountable mechanism of monitoring latrine use. 

The govt aimed to achieve an Open. Defecation Free India by 9-16-2017 the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi.


Some of the social service activities which can be undertaken are as under:

  1. Education

  2. Family welfare, medical care, Family Planning and Nutrition. 

  3. Provision of water and Cooking Fuel, Roads. Electricity and sanitation.

  4. Old age support Systems

  5. Employment

  6. Social Assistance. Social security and Care & Protection

  7. Housing and Rehabilitation

  8. Recreation, Sports and social activities.


Causes of Female Feticide

  1. Extreme Desire to have a male child

  2. Unwanted Pregnancy

  3. Dowry System

  4. Poor medical Ethics

  5. Inferior status.

Measures to Prevent Female Feticide

(a) Cancellation Permanent ban of the doctor's license who reveal the gender of the child.

(b) Heavy penalty imposed on firms doing illegal sex determination. 

(c) High fines (judicial actions against Parents who knowingly try to kill their unborn, girl

(d )High incentives for the girl child in education 

(e) Equal rights for women in the Property of the parents

(f) Awareness Campaigns targeted specially on the youth.


1)c 2) a 3) d 4) e 5) b


Sena medal (Army) 

Nausena medal (Navy) 

Vayusina medal (Air Force) 


Gallantry (in face on enemy)  

Gallantry (not in face of enemy) 

Non-Gallantry (Distinguished Services.


The Param Vir Chakra (PVC) is India's highest military decoration, award for displaying distinguished acts of Valor during wartime. Param Vir chakra translates as the “wheel of the Ultimate Brave” and the award is granted for most conspicuous bravery in the Presence of the enemy.




* Armed Forces (10 m)

1. List out the types of Commissions in the Indian Army 1 (10m)

(a) Pernment Commission

(b) Short Service Commission

*Map Reading (30M)

2. What is the Prismatic Compass, draw and Write parts (10m)

3. Write about the uses of "service protractor".(10m)

4. Define Bearning and it's types (10m) 

* Field Craft and Battle Craft (30m) 

5. What are subjects included in Battle craft (10)

6. Define the following

(i) Land Mark

(ii) Target

(iii) Reference point

(iv) High Ground

(v) Dead Ground.

7. Define the camouflage & concealment (10)

* Infantry Battalion and Weapons (15)

8. True and False (05)

(i) Rifle Number will not appear on the bayonet(    )

(ii) LMG is coy support weapon (   )

(iii) During inspection on firing point rifle points to the ground (    )

(iv) Capacity of LMG Magazine is 25 rounds. (    )

(v) On bipod, effective range of 7.62mm LMG is 100 mtr (   )

9. Name to types of company and Battalion Support Weapons? (10m)

(i) Coy support weapons 

(ii) Battlion support wepons

* Military History (20)

10. Write a short note on PVC (10)

11. Write any five sectors of J&K (5)

12. What are the main causes of War(5)

*Communication (5)

13. Write full form of FAX__________________

                        Modem ______________(2)

14. What are the various transmission lines(3)




* Armed Forces (10m)

1. (a) Permanent Commission

(i) NDA

(ii) Direct Entry

(iii) Engineering Graduate

(iv) University Entry scheme.

(v) Technical Short scheme 10+2

(b) Short Service Commission 

(i) Non Tech (men & women)

(ii) Tech (men & women)

(iii) NCC SPI Entry (men & women)

(iv) Law Graduates (Men & women)

* Map Reading

2. The magnetic compass an instrument containing a magnetised Pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. The magnetic Compass is used extensively in ships, aircrafts and the various branches of the army to find and maintain direction. The Prismatic Compass is an accurate and reliable instrument  of  great value except during a “Magnetic Storm “ or when subject to strong local Magnetic field e.g in Polar regions.

3. The Service protector is an essential item of Map Reading with the help we can :

(a) Plot and measure bearing on paper or on a Map for bearing between 0 and 180 degrees. Their Zero edge must be on the Left and for 180 degree. 360 Degree it must be on the Right

(b) Measure distance in inches/cm correct up to 1/100th

(c) Measure distance in yards, meters or miles on a Map by using the appropriate scale.

(d) For using the diagonal scale one must use an intermediate agent.

4. Meaning:- The clock wise angle formed by a straight line joining two points and direction of NORTH, is called the bearing.

They are three types as given below:

(a) Grid Bearings measured on the map from the Grid North by the help of a Protractor.

(b) Magnetic Bearing: Measured from magnetic, North by the Compass.

(c) True Bearing: calculated by finding out the relation of true NORTH and Grid NORTH Or magnetic NORTH.

* Field Craft and Battle Craft (30m)

5. Battle Craft subjects

(a) Field Signals

(b) Section Formations

(c) Fire Control Orders.

(d) Fire and move

(e) Section battle Crafts

Field Craft subjects

(a) Visual Training

(b) Recognition and description of targets

(c) Personal camouflage and concealment

 6. (i) Land Mark : It is used in verbal orders to explain the ground in front.

     (ii) Target: It is as object having a technical significance which is indicated with a view to bring down           fire on it.

      (ii) Reference Point: An important and unmistakable object, with the help of which you can indicate other landmarks or targets. 

      (iv) High Ground - Ground far above the general level of the area. eg. hill.

      (v) Dead Ground - Ground that is hidden from an View. It cannot be covered by flat path weapons.

 * Infantry Battalion and weapons

8 (i) True

(ii) False

(iii) True

(iv) False

(v) True

9 (a) Coy support weapons

(i) 7.62 mm Dragunov Sniper Rifle

(ii) 7.62 mm Medium Machine Gun

(iii) 30 mm Automatic Grenade Launches 20

(iv) 84 mm Rocket launcher.

 (b) Battalion Support weapons.

(i) 81 mm mortars 

(ii) Anti Tank Guided missile.

*Military History (20 m)

10. The Param Vic Chakra (Pue) is india's highest military decoration, awarded for highest degree of valour or self- sacrifice in the presence of enemy. The Medal has been awarded 21 times 14 of which were posthumous awards. The PVC was established on 26-01-1950 by the President of India, with effect from 15-08-1947. Literally meaning “Wheels (or Cross) of the Ultimate brave”

11. (a) The ladakh Sector

( b) The Kargil Sector

(c) The Rajouri Sector

(d) The Chhamb Sector

(e) The Jammu Sector.

12. (a) Physiological

( b) Geographical

(c) Demographical

(d) Difference in opinion.

*Communication (5m)

13 FAX: Facsimile (2m)

MODEM: Modulator/Demodulator.

14 (a) Parallel wise type (3m)

(b) Coaxial type

(c) Wave guide type

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